Keep enter space in text column when converting to csv
I have data in excel where is text with enter space in the last column. Here is examples of my data:
If I convert using python to csv, my data looks like this:
I need the TEXT column will be like this:
This is my script:
import pandas as pd
import os
import numpy as np
WD = r'XXX'
for file in os.listdir(WD):
if file.endswith('.xlsx'):
FILE = file
sheet_names = pd.ExcelFile(FILE).sheet_names
for sn in sheet_names:
OUTPUT_FILE = '{}_{}'.format(sn, FILE.replace('.xlsx', '.csv'))
df = pd.read_excel(FILE)
print(FILE, sn)
for col in df.columns.to_list():
df[col] = df[col].map({True: '', False: ''}).fillna(df[col])
cn = ['IN', 'NAME', 'TEXT']
df = df.reindex(columns=cn)
df.to_csv(OUTPUT_FILE, sep='|', encoding='utf-8-sig', index=False)
Do you have any idea?
I have data in excel where is text with enter space in last column. Here is examples of my data:
If I convert using python to csv, my data looks like this:
I need the TEXT column will be like this:
This is my script:
import pandas as pd
import os
import numpy as np
WD = r'XXX'
for file in os.listdir(WD):
if file.endswith('.xlsx'):
FILE = file
sheet_names = pd.ExcelFile(FILE).sheet_names
for sn in sheet_names:
OUTPUT_FILE = '{}_{}'.format(sn,FILE.replace('.xlsx','.csv'))
df = pd.read_excel(FILE,)
print(FILE, sn)
for col in df.columns.to_list():
df[col] = df[col].map({True: '', False: ''}).fillna(df[col])
cn = ['IN', 'NAME', 'TEXT']
df = df.reindex(columns = cn)
Do you have any idea?
得分: 1
Excel to csv:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('./keep_enter.xlsx')
def replace_custom_func(x):
new_str = ''
if len(x) > 0:
for i in x.split('\n'):
new_str += f'"{i}"&CHAR(10)&'
return "=" + new_str[:-10]
return x
df['Text'] = df['Text'].apply(lambda x: replace_custom_func(x))
df.to_csv('keep_enter1.csv', sep='|', index=False)
CSV to Excel:
df = pd.read_csv('./keep_enter1.csv', sep='|')
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('new_excel_replace12345.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
# Convert the dataframe to an XlsxWriter Excel object.
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False)
# Get the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects.
workbook = writer.book
worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
format = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True})
worksheet.set_column('C:D', None, format)
worksheet.write_formula(1, 2, df['Text'][0])
# Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.
I hope this works for your solution, (pip install xlsxwriter) before executing
Excel to csv:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('./keep_enter.xlsx')
def replace_custom_func(x):
new_str = ''
if len(x) > 0:
for i in x.split('\n'):
new_str += f'"{i}"&CHAR(10)&'
return "=" + new_str[:-10]
return x
df['Text'] = df['Text'].apply(lambda x: replace_custom_func(x))
df.to_csv('keep_enter1.csv', sep='|', index=False)
CSV to Excel:
df = pd.read_csv('./keep_enter1.csv', sep='|')
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('new_excel_replace12345.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
# # Convert the dataframe to an XlsxWriter Excel object.
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False)
# # Get the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects.
workbook = writer.book
worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
format = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True})
worksheet.set_column('C:D', None, format)
worksheet.write_formula(1, 2, df['Text'][0])
# # Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.