Python: 我如何在 If-语句中使用字符串?

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Python: How can I use a String for a If-Statement?



In Python I have to build a (long) if statement dynamically.
How can I do this?


I tried the following test code to store the necessary if-statement within a string with the function "buildFilterCondition".
But this doesn't work...


Any ideas? What is going wrong?
Thank you very much.


Input = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Filter = [4,7]
FilterCondition = ""

Input = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Filter = [4,7]
FilterCondition = ""

def buildFilterCondition():
global FilterCondition
for f in Filter:
FilterCondition = FilterCondition + "(x==" + str(f) + ") | "

#remove the last "| " sign
FilterCondition = FilterCondition[:-2]
print("Current Filter: " + FilterCondition)

for x in Input:
if( FilterCondition ):

def buildFilterCondition():
global FilterCondition
for f in Filter:
FilterCondition = FilterCondition + "(x==" + str(f) + ") | "

#移除最后的"| "符号
FilterCondition = FilterCondition[:-2]
print("当前过滤条件: " + FilterCondition)

for x in Input:
if( FilterCondition ):

With my Function buildFilterCondition() I want to reach the following situation, because the function generates the string "(x==4) | (x==7)", but this doesn't work:

使用我的函数buildFilterCondition(),我想达到以下情况,因为该函数生成字符串"(x==4) | (x==7)",但这不起作用:

for x in Input:
if( (x==4) | (x==7) ):

The output, the result should be 4,7 (--> filtered)


The background of my question actually had a different intention than to replace an if-statement.


I need a longer multiple condition to select specific columns of a pandas dataframe.


For example:


df2=df.loc[(df['Discount1'] == 1000) & (df['Discount2'] == 2000)]

df2=df.loc[(df['Discount1'] == 1000) & (df['Discount2'] == 2000)]

I wanted to keep the column names and the values (1000, 2000) in 2 separate lists (or dictionary) to make my code a little more "generic".


colmnHeader = ["Discount1", "Discount2"]
filterValue = [1000, 2000]

colmnHeader = ["Discount1", "Discount2"]
filterValue = [1000, 2000]

To "filter" the data frame, I then only need to adjust the lists.


How do I now rewrite the call to the .loc method so that it works for iterating over the lists?


df2=df.loc[(df[colmnHeader[0] == [filterValue[0]) & (df[colmnHeader[1]] == filterValue[1])]

df2=df.loc[(df[colmnHeader[0] == [filterValue[0]) & (df[colmnHeader[1]] == filterValue[1])]

Unfortunately, my current attempt with the following code does not work because the panda-loc function has not to be called sequentially, but in parallel.


colmn = ["colmn1", "colmn2", "colmn3"]
cellContent = ["1000", "2000", "3000"]

first make sure, the lists have the same size

if( len(colmn) == len(cellContent)):
curIdx = 0
for curColmnName in colmn:
df_columns= df_columns.loc[df_columns [curColmnName]==cellContent[curIdx]]
curIdx += 1

colmn = ["colmn1", "colmn2", "colmn3"]
cellContent = ["1000", "2000", "3000"]

if( len(colmn) == len(cellContent)):
curIdx = 0
for curColmnName in colmn:
df_columns= df_columns.loc[df_columns [curColmnName]==cellContent[curIdx]]
curIdx += 1

Thank you again!



In Python I have to build a (long) if statement dynamically.
How can I do this?

I tried the following test code to store the necessary if-statement within a string with the function "buildFilterCondition".
But this doesn´t work...

Any ideas? What is going wrong?
Thank you very much.

Input = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Filter = [4,7]
FilterCondition = ""

def buildFilterCondition():
    global FilterCondition
    for f in Filter:
        FilterCondition = FilterCondition + "(x==" + str(f) +") | "

    #remove the last "| " sign
    FilterCondition = FilterCondition[:-2]
    print("Current Filter: " + FilterCondition)

for x in Input:
    if( FilterCondition ):

With my Function buildFilterCondition() I want to reach the following situation, because the function generates the string "(x==4) | (x==7)", but this doesn´t work:

for x in Input:
    if( (x==4) | (x==7) ):

The output, the result should be 4,7 (--> filtered)

The background of my question actually had a different intention than to replace an if-statement.

I need a longer multiple condition to select specific columns of a pandas dataframe.

For example:

df2=df.loc[(df['Discount1'] == 1000) & (df['Discount2'] == 2000)]

I wanted to keep the column names and the values (1000, 2000) in 2 separate lists (or dictionary) to make my code a little more "generic".

colmnHeader = ["Discount1", "Discount2"]
filterValue = [1000, 2000]

To "filter" the data frame, I then only need to adjust the lists.

How do I now rewrite the call to the .loc method so that it works for iterating over the lists?

df2=df.loc[(df[colmHeader[0] == [filterValue[0]) & (df[colmHeader[1]] == filterValue[1])]

Unfortunately, my current attempt with the following code does not work because the panda-loc function has not to be called sequentially, but in parallel.

So I need ALL the conditions from the lists directly in the .loc call.

colmn = ["colmn1", "colmn2", "colmn3"]
cellContent = ["1000", "2000", "3000"]

# first make sure, the lists have the same size
if( len(colmn) == len(cellContent)):
    curIdx = 0
    for curColmnName in colmn:
        df_columns= df_columns.loc[df_columns [curColmnName]==cellContent[curIdx]]
        curIdx += 1

Thank you again!


得分: 2

使用 in 运算符


inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
value_filter = [4, 7]

for x in inputs:
    if x in value_filter:
        print(x, end=' ')
# 4 7

Use in operator

Because simple if better than complex.

inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
value_filter = [4, 7]

for x in inputs:
    if x in value_filter:
        print(x, end=' ')
# 4 7


得分: 1



import operator

inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

# 如果需要,可以动态更改此列表
conditions = [
    (, 4),  # 值需要大于或等于4
    (, 7),  # 值需要小于7

for x in inputs:
    # 使用all来对所有条件应用and运算符,使用any来应用or运算符
    if all(condition(x, value) for condition, value in conditions):
        print(x, end=' ')

# 4 5 6

Use operator module

With the operator module, you can build a condition at runtime with a list of operator and values pairs to test the current value.

import operator

inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

# This list can be dynamically changed if you need to
conditions = [
    (, 4),  # value need to be greater or equal to 4
    (, 7),  # value need to be lower than 7

for x in inputs:
    # all to apply a and operator on all condition, use any for or
    if all(condition(x, value) for condition, value in conditions):
        print(x, end=' ')

# 4 5 6

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