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Update GCC on Ubuntu


我正在进行一个需要GCC 10.x或更高版本的项目。

目前我在Ubuntu 20.04.1上安装的是GCC 9.4.0。我尝试更新编译器,但未成功。




  1. sudo apt-get install gcc-10.2 g++-10.2


  1. gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0

I am on a project that needs GCC 10.x or later.

At this time I have GCC 9.4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.1. I tried to update the compiler, but it does not work.

Can anybody give me an advice for the update?

I read on the gcc website that version 9.4 is more up-to-date than some 10.x versions. How is Gcc structured?

among other things I tried:

  1. sudo apt-get install gcc-10.2 g++-10.2

but after all my gcc version is still 9.4

  1. gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0


得分: 5

这是Linux中的一个常见模式。当同一个程序的多个版本安装时,尽管可执行文件都存在于/usr/bin/目录中,但只有一个版本被视为该程序。例如,如果安装了gcc-9gcc-10,两个可执行文件都存在,分别为/usr/bin/gcc-9/usr/bin/gcc-10,但只有一个版本会被视为gcc。这是通过在/usr/bin/gcc的目录中创建符号链接来实现的。在Ubuntu 20.04中,首选版本是gcc-9,因此将gcc-9创建为gcc的符号链接。


  1. $ which gcc | xargs file


  1. /usr/bin/gcc: symbolic link to gcc-9


  1. 直接调用gcc-10可执行文件。而不是使用gcc <code.c>,调用gcc-10 <code.c>

  2. 您可以手动创建gcc-10作为首选的gcc符号链接。假设您没有修改系统路径,可以使用以下命令。

  1. # ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-10 /usr/local/bin/gcc


  1. 如果您使用bash,您可以在您的.bashrc文件中创建一个名为gcc的别名,将其指向gcc-10。添加以下行到您的.bashrc文件中。
  1. alias gcc="gcc-10"

请记住重新启动bash或运行source ~/.bashrc

  1. 使用update-alternatives(感谢@ted-lyngmo指出这一点)。基于Debian的发行版提供了一个单独的程序,可以更轻松地进行符号链接或更多功能的设置。使用man update-alternatives可以了解更多信息。要将gcc-10设置为首选的gcc,使用以下命令。
  1. # update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 60







This is a common pattern in linux. When there are multiple versions of the same program installed, though the executables are all present in the /usr/bin/ directory, only one of them is "visible" as that program. For example, if you install gcc-9 and gcc-10, both executables are present as /usr/bin/gcc-9 and /usr/bin/gcc-10 but only one of them is visible as gcc. This happens by symlinking a preferred version to the same directory as /usr/bin/gcc. In ubuntu 20.04, the preferred version is gcc-9 and so, gcc-9 is symlinked as gcc.

You can check this by running the following command.

  1. $ which gcc | xargs file

The output will be

  1. /usr/bin/gcc: symbolic link to gcc-9

There are a few things you can do to use gcc-10 as your c compiler.

  1. Directly call the gcc-10 executable. Instead of using gcc &lt;code.c&gt;, call gcc-10 &lt;code.c&gt;.
  2. You can manually symlink gcc-10 as the preferred gcc. Assuming you did not modify the system paths, the following command can be used.
  1. # ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-10 /usr/local/bin/gcc

This works because, by default, the executables in /usr/local/bin/ take precedence over /usr/bin/.

  1. If you are using bash, you can create an alias for gcc as gcc-10. Add the following line to your .bashrc.
  1. alias gcc=&quot;gcc-10&quot;

Remember to relaunch bash or source ~/.bashrc.

  1. Using update-alternatives (Thanks to @ted-lyngmo for pointing it out). Debian based distributions supply a separate program, that can make symlinking easier / more functional. Read more using man update-alternatives. To use gcc-10 as the preferred gcc, use the following command.
  1. # update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 60

The above command says, /usr/bin/gcc is the link needed and the name is gcc, the target executable is /usr/bin/gcc-10 and it has a priority of 60.

This links gcc to /etc/alternatives/gcc, which itself is a symlink to /usr/bin/gcc-10. If a higher priority program is added to update-alternatives, /etc/alternatives/gcc points to the higher priority program.

If you don't have any specific reason, I would also recommend to upgrade to a newer ubuntu version, so that the default gcc is a newer one.

> I read on the gcc website that version 9.4 is more up-to-date than some 10.x versions.

With newer gcc versions, new features are added. Support for newer c/c++ standards are also added. Eg. You can read the changes for gcc-10 here. But people still need gcc-9 because some programs only build with gcc-9. So, GNU maintains gcc-9 (and much older versions) for a long time. Bugs are fixed, and newer releases are made. This can happen after the release of a newer gcc version. So, it is very much possible that a version of gcc-9 is newer than a version of gcc-10.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月8日 18:03:57
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75384136.html



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