How UniTaskVoid subscribe to an event?
UniTask的文档建议避免使用"async void",而是使用UniTaskVoid。但我找不到订阅事件的解决方案。
async void subscription
public class WindowGamePause : WindowView
[SerializeField] private Button _restartGameButton;
private void Awake()
private async void RestartGame()
await Close();
async UniTaskVoid subscription??
public class WindowGamePause : WindowView
[SerializeField] private Button _restartGameButton;
private void Awake()
_restartGameButton.onClick.AddListener(RestartGame); //怎么做?
_restartGameButton.onClick.AddListener(RestartGame().Forget); //不工作正常 - 方法在这一行触发
private async UniTaskVoid RestartGame()
await Close();
public class WindowGamePause : WindowView
[SerializeField] private Button _restartGameButton;
private void Awake()
private void RestartGame()
UniTask.Void( async () =>
await Close();
UniTask's documentation recommends to avoid "async void" and use UniTaskVoid instead. But I cannot find solution to subscribe to events
async void subscription
public class WindowGamePause : WindowView
[SerializeField] private Button _restartGameButton;
private void Awake()
private async void RestartGame()
await Close();
async UniTaskVoid subscription??
public class WindowGamePause : WindowView
[SerializeField] private Button _restartGameButton;
private void Awake()
_restartGameButton.onClick.AddListener(RestartGame); //What to do?
_restartGameButton.onClick.AddListener(RestartGame().Forget); //Doesn't work correctly - the method fires on the line
private async UniTaskVoid RestartGame()
await Close();
I found some solution. It works fine but I do something wrong because Rider says: "Closure can be eliminated: method has overload to avoid closure creation". And I don't have any ideas to avoid closures.
public class WindowGamePause : WindowView
[SerializeField] private Button _restartGameButton;
private void Awake()
private void RestartGame()
UniTask.Void( async () =>
await Close();
得分: 1
private void Awake()
private void RestartGame()
_restartGameButton.onClick.AddListener(() => RestartGameAsync().Forget());
问题在于,为了调用 Forget
,你已经必须调用该方法并返回一个 UniTaskVoid
You can always simply add an in-between void like
private void Awake()
private void RestartGame()
private async UniTaskVoid RestartGameAsync()
await Close();
This basically could also be done with a lambda (but then you can't remove the listener in case it is ever needed)
_restartGameButton.onClick.AddListener(() => RestartGameAsync().Forget());
The problem is that in order to call Forget
you already have to call the method and return a UniTaskVoid
which will be immediately running.