
huangapple go评论47阅读模式

Add an icon to (custom right_click menu) , Application.ShortcutMenus



Private Sub Workbook_Open()
   Application.ShortcutMenus(xlWorksheetCell).MenuItems.Add "Open document", "OpenDocument", , 1, , ""
End Sub

Sub OpenDocument()
' 这里放置VBA代码
End Sub



I am using this code to add an entry to excel right_click menu: <br>

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
   Application.ShortcutMenus(xlWorksheetCell).MenuItems.Add &quot;Open document&quot;, &quot;OpenDocument&quot;, , 1, , &quot;&quot;
End Sub

Sub OpenDocument()
‘vba code here
End Sub

I need to add an icon to this entry (using shell32.dl or any standalone image), as it is now blank. <br>


得分: 2


  1. 要插入自定义图片,请尝试第一种方法。它使用来自特定路径的图片:
Sub AddItemContextMenuWithImage_1()
      Const butName As String = "打开文档"
      Const calledProc As String = "testSubX"
      deleteCellCustomControl butName
      Dim cmBar As CommandBar, ctrlButt As CommandBarButton, picPicture As IPictureDisp
      Set cmBar = Application.CommandBars("Cell")
      Set ctrlButt = cmBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1) '创建为第一个菜单选项
      Set picPicture = stdole.StdFunctions.LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test.gif") '接受的扩展名:bmp、jpg、gif
      With ctrlButt
        .Picture = picPicture
        .OnAction = calledProc
        .Caption = butName
    End With
End Sub


Sub testSubX()
  MsgBox "它有效..."
End Sub


  1. 第二个版本使用/复制了已添加到ThisWorkbook特定工作表上的图片:
Sub AddItemContextMenuWithImage_2()
      Const butName As String = "打开文档"
      Const calledProc As String = "testSubX"
      deleteCellCustomControl butName
      Dim cmBar As CommandBar, ctrlButt As CommandBarButton
      Set cmBar = Application.CommandBars("Cell")
      Set ctrlButt = cmBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1) '创建为第一个菜单选项
      ActiveSheet.Pictures("Picture 2").Copy '需要在活动工作表上有一个名为"Picture 2"的图片
      With ctrlButt
       .PasteFace '粘贴上面复制的图片
        .OnAction = calledProc
        .Caption = butName
    End With
End Sub
  1. 第三个版本使用已定义的标准FaceIDs。有很多可以使用的选项,很有可能可以找到适合您需求的选项,所以这是我更喜欢的版本:
Sub AddItemContextMenuWithImage_3()
      Const butName As String = "打开文档"
      Const calledProc As String = "testSubX"
      deleteCellCustomControl butName
      Dim cmBar As CommandBar, ctrlButt As CommandBarButton
      Set cmBar = Application.CommandBars("Cell")
      Set ctrlButt = cmBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1) '创建为第一个菜单选项
      With ctrlButt
        .FaceId = 1661
        .OnAction = calledProc
        .Caption = butName
    End With
End Sub



Sub deleteCellCustomControl(strBut As String)
    On Error Resume Next '防止尝试删除不存在的按钮时出错...
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


Private Sub ResetContextMenuBar()
End Sub

Your requirement can be solved in more ways, but (at least, this is what I know how to handle) using a different approach (CommandBar):

  1. To place a custom picture, please try the first version. It uses a picture from a specific path:
Sub AddItemContextMenuWithImage_1()
      Const butName As String = &quot;Open document&quot;
      Const calledProc As String = &quot;testSubX&quot;
      deleteCellCustomControl butName
      Dim cmBar As CommandBar, ctrlButt As CommandBarButton, picPicture As IPictureDisp
      Set cmBar = Application.CommandBars(&quot;Cell&quot;)
      Set ctrlButt = cmBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1) &#39;create it to be the first menu option
      Set picPicture = stdole.StdFunctions.LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path &amp; &quot;\test.gif&quot;) &#39;accepted extensions: bmp, jpg, gif
      With ctrlButt
        .Picture = picPicture
        .OnAction = calledProc
        .Caption = butName
    End With
End Sub

To check it, the demonstative Sub should look as:

Sub testSubX()
  MsgBox &quot;It works...&quot;
End Sub

Of course, you may adapt the code to call your own/necessary Sub...

  1. A second version uses/copies a picture already added on a specific sheet of ThisWorkbook:
Sub AddItemContextMenuWithImage_2()
      Const butName As String = &quot;Open document&quot;
      Const calledProc As String = &quot;testSubX&quot;
      deleteCellCustomControl butName
      Dim cmBar As CommandBar, ctrlButt As CommandBarButton
      Set cmBar = Application.CommandBars(&quot;Cell&quot;)
      Set ctrlButt = cmBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1) &#39;create it to be the first menu option
      ActiveSheet.Pictures(&quot;Picture 2&quot;).Copy &#39;need to have a &quot;Picture 2&quot; picture on the active sheet
                                                                            &#39;you can copy it as image of the newly added control button
      With ctrlButt
       .PasteFace &#39;paste the above copied picture
        .OnAction = calledProc
        .Caption = butName
    End With
End Sub
  1. The third version uses standard, already defined FaceIDs. There are so many, that it is very probable to find something suitable for your need, so this is the version I prefer:
Sub AddItemContextMenuWithImage_3()
      &#39;Here the list of FaceID controls with their images:
      Const butName As String = &quot;Open document&quot;
      Const calledProc As String = &quot;testSubX&quot;
      deleteCellCustomControl butName
      Dim cmBar As CommandBar, ctrlButt As CommandBarButton
      Set cmBar = Application.CommandBars(&quot;Cell&quot;)
      Set ctrlButt = cmBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1) &#39;create it to be the first menu option
      With ctrlButt
        .FaceId = 1661
        .OnAction = calledProc
        .Caption = butName
    End With
End Sub

A lot of such FaceIDs can be found here. I also place the link as a comment inside the Sub, to remain there for people being interested in this approach...

All the above Subs firstly call the next Sub, to preliminarily delete the menu option, if it already exists:

Sub deleteCellCustomControl(strBut As String)
    On Error Resume Next &#39;for the case of not existing button to be deleted...
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

If there is only such a custom option in the context menu, or if you want deleting all of them (the custom once), you can simple reset the command Bar, using:

Private Sub ResetContextMenuBar()
End Sub

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月8日 15:44:31
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75382665.html



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