SQL Case语句多重匹配

huangapple go评论65阅读模式

SQL Case Statement multiple matches



I am trying to make a case statement in SQL for grouping however I am running into an issue where its grouping incorrectly if there's multiple matches.


Is there a way so it searches word by word as opposed to whole thing and gives results by which word shows up first?


Subject Examples:


the animal rode in the car --- EXPECTED RESULT Animal

the animal rode in the car --- 期望结果 Animal

in the car the animal rode --- EXPECTED RESULT CAR... actual result Animal

in the car the animal rode --- 期望结果 CAR... 实际结果 Animal

WHEN Subject like '%animal%' then 'Animal'
WHEN Subject like '%car%' then 'Car'
END as Category 
WHEN Subject like '%animal%' then 'Animal'
WHEN Subject like '%car%' then 'Car'
END as Category

I am trying to make a case statement in SQL for grouping however I am running into an issue where its grouping incorrectly if there's multiple matches.

Is there a way so it searches word by word as opposed to whole thing and gives results by which word shows up first?

Subject Examples:

the animal rode in the car --- EXPECTED RESULT Animal

in the car the animal rode --- EXPECTED RESULT CAR... actual result Animal

WHEN Subject like '%animal%' then 'Animal'
WHEN Subject like '%car%' then 'Car'
END as Category 


得分: 1




  1. 第一个FROM子句查看您要测试的项。这可以转化为SELECT语句。
  2. 接下来是您要查找的值。
  3. 找到位置。


  1. 基本上添加了一个行编号,以按最小位置(先出现的位置)对记录进行排序。
  2. 还删除了没有找到匹配项的测试(基本上是位置为0的测试)。


  1. 整理您的数据并仅选择首先出现的位置。


in the car the animal rode	CAR	    8	1
the animal rode in the car	Animal	5   1

The problem with using a CASE statement is that the entire test is performed in order. You aren't testing which comes first.

This might look complex but I tried to make it easy for implementation for you.

select *
from (
   select test,Category=vals,position, rn = row_number() over (partition by test order by position)
      select *
      from (values('the animal rode in the car'),('in the car the animal rode')) as tests(test)
	    cross apply (values('CAR'),('Animal')) as Lookfor(vals)
	    cross apply (select CHARINDEX(Lookfor.vals,tests.test)) as p(position)
	) a
    where position>0
) rn
where rn.rn=1

First let's look at the innermost joins:

  1. The first from looks at items you want to test. This can be translated into a SELECT.
  2. Next are the values you want to look up
  3. Finds the position

The next innermost query:

  1. This basically add a row_runmber to sort records by the smallest position (which came first)
  2. Also removed and tests that did not find a match (basically the position of 0).

Finally, the outermost query:

  1. Organizes your data and selects only the position that came first.


in the car the animal rode	CAR	    8	1
the animal rode in the car	Animal	5   1


得分: 0

DbFiddle Demo

与其他答案类似,您可以使用charindex来确定任何匹配项的索引并取第一个出现的匹配项。当然,这仅适用于您始终执行like '%something%'比较的情况;如果您的模式更复杂(例如like '%this%and%that%'),charindex将不会有太多帮助。


declare @testdata table (test nvarchar(64))
insert @testdata (test)
values ('the animal rode in the car')
, ('in the car the animal rode')
, ('the dog rode in the the van')

declare @matchLogic table (partialString nvarchar(32), category nvarchar(32))
insert @matchLogic 
values ('animal', 'Animal')
, ('car', 'Car')

select test, (
	select top 1 category 
	from @matchLogic 
	where test like '%' + partialString + '%' 
	order by charindex(partialString, test) asc
) category
from @testData t



  • 这非常低效,不适用于大型数据集。
  • 这获取第一个完整匹配项;而不是第一个字符匹配的匹配项;例如,查看monkey ... animal ... bicycle示例,其中animal是第一个完整匹配项,即使monkey出现在animal之前,因为只有在获得完整字符串后,monkey ... bicycle才会匹配一次。
declare @testdata table (id bigint identity(1,1),test nvarchar(64))
insert @testdata (test)
values ('the animal rode in the car')
, ('in the car the animal rode')
, ('the monkey rode the bicycle')
, ('the monkey (an animal) rode the bicycle')
, ('the dog rode in the the van')

declare @matchLogic table (pattern nvarchar(32), category nvarchar(32))
insert @matchLogic 
values ('%animal%', 'Animal')
, ('%car%', 'Car')
, ('%monkey%bicycle%', 'MonkeyBike')

; with substrings as (
	select id, test part, len(test) chars
	from @testdata 
	union all 
	select id, substring(part, 1, chars-1), chars-1
	from substrings s
	where chars > 1
select t.id, t.test, x.category
from @testData t
outer apply (
	select top 1 category
	from @matchLogic m
	inner join substrings s
	on part like m.pattern
	where s.id = t.id
	order by s.chars asc
) x

DbFiddle Demo

Similar to other answers, you can use charindex to determine the index of any matches and take whichever comes first. Of course, this only works if you're always doing like '%something%' comparisons; if your pattern is more complex (e.g. like '%this%and%that%') charindex won't be much help.

This approach puts your rules into a table called MatchLogic, allowing you to easily build up your list of rules without amending the code itself.

declare @testdata table (test nvarchar(64))
insert @testdata (test)
values ('the animal rode in the car')
, ('in the car the animal rode')
, ('the dog rode in the the van')

declare @matchLogic table (partialString nvarchar(32), category nvarchar(32))
insert @matchLogic 
values ('animal', 'Animal')
, ('car', 'Car')

select test, (
	select top 1 category 
	from @matchLogic 
	where test like '%' + partialString + '%' 
	order by charindex(partialString, test) asc
) category
from @testData t

Another approach would be to match against 1 character from your string, then 2, then 3, etc until you get your first match.


  • This is very inefficient, so not suitable for large datasets.
  • This gets the first full match; not the match whose first character comes first; e.g. see the monkey ... animal ... bicycle example where animal is the first complete match even though monkey comes first, as monkey ... bicycle only matches once we have the full string.

declare @testdata table (id bigint identity(1,1),test nvarchar(64))
insert @testdata (test)
values ('the animal rode in the car')
, ('in the car the animal rode')
, ('the monkey rode the bicycle')
, ('the monkey (an animal) rode the bicycle')
, ('the dog rode in the the van')

declare @matchLogic table (pattern nvarchar(32), category nvarchar(32))
insert @matchLogic 
values ('%animal%', 'Animal')
, ('%car%', 'Car')
, ('%monkey%bicycle%', 'MonkeyBike')

; with substrings as (
	select id, test part, len(test) chars
	from @testdata 
	union all 
	select id, substring(part, 1, chars-1), chars-1
	from substrings s
	where chars > 1
select t.id, t.test, x.category
from @testData t
outer apply (
	select top 1 category
	from @matchLogic m
	inner join substrings s
	on part like m.pattern
	where s.id = t.id
	order by s.chars asc
) x


得分: -1

你关于它如何检查的理解是错误的。首先将检查第一个 when 子句,如果匹配,第二个将不会被评估。你的两个示例都匹配第一个 when 子句,所以触发的是这个。


 when Subject  like '%animal%' and (Subject not like '%car%' OR  CHARINDEX('animal',Subject,1) <= CHARINDEX('car',Subject,1)) then 'Animal'
 when Subject  like  '%car%'  and (Subject not like '%animal%' OR  CHARINDEX('car',Subject,1) <= CHARINDEX('animal',Subject,1))  then 'Car' 
 else 'UNKNOWN'
 end AS Category,

You are mistaken on how it checks. The first when clause will get checked first, if it matches, the second one will not get evaluated. Both of your examples match the first when, so that is what is getting triggered.

This should give you what you want:

 when Subject  like &#39;%animal%&#39; and (Subject not like &#39;%car%&#39; OR  CHARINDEX(&#39;animal&#39;,Subject,1) &lt;= CHARINDEX(&#39;car&#39;,Subject,1)) then &#39;Animal&#39;
 when Subject  like  &#39;%car%&#39;  and (Subject not like &#39;%animal%&#39; OR  CHARINDEX(&#39;car&#39;,Subject,1) &lt;= CHARINDEX(&#39;animal&#39;,Subject,1))  then &#39;Car&#39; 
 else &#39;UNKNOWN&#39;
 end AS Category,

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月7日 04:36:53
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75366319.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
