

Trying to create a button that update the H1 number based on how many times I pressed it. And I added a select element to select the maximun number H1 can go to.
Why does it not work when I define the playRounds variable outside of the addeventlistener call back. but works when I define it in the callback.
this works:

const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");
const roundsToPlay = document.querySelector("select");
const button = document.querySelector("button");

let buttonPressNumber = 0;

button.addEventListener("click", () => {
    let playRounds = roundsToPlay.value
    if (buttonPressNumber < playRounds) {
        buttonPressNumber += 1;
        h1.innerText = buttonPressNumber;

this Does not work:

const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");
const roundsToPlay = document.querySelector("select");
const button = document.querySelector("button");

let buttonPressNumber = 0;
let playRounds = roundsToPlay.value

button.addEventListener("click", () => {

    if (buttonPressNumber < playRounds) {
        buttonPressNumber += 1;
        h1.innerText = buttonPressNumber;


When I define the "playRounds" varaible equals to an acutal number outside of the callback, it works too. So it shouldn't be a scope problem.
let playRounds = 5;

Does the callback in addEventListner not take updates from the change of value in <select> element when it's defined outside of the callback?


得分: 1

当你执行 let playRounds = roundsToPlay.value 时,value(例如,"4")会从 roundsToPlay.value 复制到 playRounds,但之后 roundsToPlay.valueplayRounds 之间不会保持连接。JavaScript 不支持对变量或对象属性的引用(除了在规范内概念上有,但这与你编写的代码无关,只与规范的书写方式相关)。



When you do let playRounds = roundsToPlay.value, the value (for instance, "4") is copied from roundsToPlay.value to playRounds, but there is no ongoing connection between roundsToPlay.value and playRounds afterward. JavaScript does not have references to variables or object properties (other than conceptually within the specification, but that isn't relevant to the code you write, just how the specification is written).

If you want the up-to-date value, you have to retrieve it in the event handler as you do in your working example.


得分: 0



    if (buttonPressNumber &lt; roundsToPlay.value) {
        buttonPressNumber += 1;
        h1.innerText = buttonPressNumber;



playRounds is only assigned once, so assuming the first &lt;option&gt; in your &lt;select&gt; is 1 then playRounds will be 1 forever as it's never updated.

Instead you need to compare buttonPressNumber to the current value of roundsToPlay

    if (buttonPressNumber &lt; roundsToPlay.value) {
        buttonPressNumber += 1;
        h1.innerText = buttonPressNumber;
