与Docker容器在Bash脚本执行中进行交互 [在容器内部]

huangapple go评论56阅读模式

Interact with docker container in the middle of a bash script execution [in that container]



docker = f"docker run -it --rm {env_vars} {hashes} {results} {script} {pipeline} --name {project} {CONTAINER_NAME}"


Popen(f'xterm -T {project} -geometry 150x30+100+350 -e {docker}', shell=True)
# 或者
Popen(f'xfce4-terminal -T {project} --minimize {hold} -e="{docker}"', shell=True)


CMD ["bash", "/run_pipeline.sh"]


if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo Investigate manually: "$REPO_NAME"
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 33; fi

我想要完全自动化这些操作,这样我就不必手动跟踪脚本的执行情况,当需要时执行docker attach...,因为我将同时运行多个这样的容器。


我尝试了docker命令的不同-i-t-d的组合,尝试在使用-d启动容器后立即使用docker attach...,还尝试直接从终端中的bash中启动Python脚本(我默认使用PyCharm)。此外,我还尝试使用socatscreenscriptgetty命令(在嵌套的bash脚本中),但我不知道如何正确使用它们,所以结果也不佳。我现在已经迷惑得无法理解为什么它不起作用。



# ./Dockerfile
FROM debian:bookworm-slim
SHELL ["bash", "-c"]
CMD ["bash", "/run_pipeline.sh"]
# ./small_example.py
from subprocess import Popen

if __name__ == '__main__':
    env_vars = f"-e REPO_NAME=test -e PROJECT=test_test"
    script = f'-v "$(pwd)"/run_pipeline.sh:/run_pipeline.sh:ro'
    docker = f"docker run -it --rm {env_vars} {script} --name test_name test"

    # Popen(f'xterm -T test -geometry 150x30+100+350 +hold -e "{docker}"', shell=True).wait()
    Popen(f'xfce4-terminal -T test --hold -e="{docker}"', shell=True).wait()
# ./run_pipeline.sh

# 做一些繁重的工作

ls non/existent/path

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo Investigate manually: "$REPO_NAME"
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 33; fi

似乎问题可能出现在run_pipeline.sh脚本中,但我不想在这里上传它,因为它比我之前描述的更混乱。但无论如何,我将说一下,我正在尝试运行这个东西 - https://github.com/IBM/D2A



I want to start a bunch of docker containers with a help of a Python script. I am using subprocess library for that. Essentially, I am trying to run this docker command

docker = f"docker run -it --rm {env_vars} {hashes} {results} {script} {pipeline} --name {project} {CONTAINER_NAME}"

in a new terminal window.

Popen(f'xterm -T {project} -geometry 150x30+100+350 -e {docker}', shell=True)
# or
Popen(f'xfce4-terminal -T {project} --minimize {hold} -e="{docker}"', shell=True)

Container's CMD looks like this. It's a bash script that runs other scripts and funtions in them.

CMD ["bash", "/run_pipeline.sh"]

What I am trying to do is to run an interective shell (bash) from one of these nested scripts in a specific place in case of a failure (i.e. when some condition met) to be able to investigate the problem in script, do something to fix it and continue execution (or just exit if I could not fix it).

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo Investigate manually: "$REPO_NAME"
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 33; fi

I want to do these fully automatically so I don't have to manually keep track of what is going on with a script and execute docker attach... when needed, because I will run multiple of such containers simultaneously.

The problem is that this "rescue" bash process exits immediately and I don't know why. I think it should be something about ttys and stuff, but I've tried bunch of fiddling around with it and had no success.

I tried different combinations of -i, -t and -d of a docker command, tried to use docker attach... right after starting container with -d and also tried starting python script directly from bash in a terminal (I am using Pycharm by default). Besides I tried to use socat, screen, script and getty commands (in nested bash script), but I don't know how to use them properly so it didn't end good as well. At this point I'm too confused to understand why it isn't working.


Adding minimal NOT reproducable (of what is not working) example of how I am starting a container.

# ./Dockerfile
FROM debian:bookworm-slim
SHELL ["bash", "-c"]
CMD ["bash", "/run_pipeline.sh"]

# run 'docker build -t test .'
# ./small_example.py
from subprocess import Popen

if __name__ == '__main__':
    env_vars = f"-e REPO_NAME=test -e PROJECT=test_test"
    script = f'-v "$(pwd)"/run_pipeline.sh:/run_pipeline.sh:ro'
    docker = f"docker run -it --rm {env_vars} {script} --name test_name test"

    # Popen(f'xterm -T test -geometry 150x30+100+350 +hold -e "{docker}"', shell=True).wait()
    Popen(f'xfce4-terminal -T test --hold -e="{docker}"', shell=True).wait()
# ./run_pipeline.sh

# do some hard work

ls non/existent/path

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo Investigate manually: "$REPO_NAME"
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 33; fi

It seems like the problem can be in a run_pipeline.sh script, but I don't want to upload it here, it's a bigger mess than what I described earlier. But I will say anyway that I am trying to run this thing - https://github.com/IBM/D2A.

So I just wanted some advice on a tty stuff that I am probably missing.


得分: 0

Run the initial container detached, with input and a tty.

docker run -dit --rm {env_vars} {script} --name test_name test

Monitor the container logs for the output, then attach to it.

Here is a quick script example (without a tty in this case, only because of the demo using echo to input)


docker run --name test_name -id debian \
  bash -c 'echo start; sleep 10; echo "reading"; read var; echo "var=$var"'

while ! docker logs test_name | grep reading; do
  sleep 3

echo "attach input" | docker attach test_name

The complete output after it finishes:

$ docker logs test_name
var=attach input

The whole process would be easier to control via the Docker Python SDK rather than having a layer of shell between the python and Docker.


Run the initial container detached, with input and a tty.

docker run -dit --rm {env_vars} {script} --name test_name test

Monitor the container logs for the output, then attach to it.

Here is a quick script example (without a tty in this case, only because of the demo using echo to input)


docker run --name test_name -id debian \
  bash -c 'echo start; sleep 10; echo "reading"; read var; echo "var=$var"'

while ! docker logs test_name | grep reading; do
  sleep 3

echo "attach input" | docker attach test_name

The complete output after it finishes:

$ docker logs test_name
var=attach input

The whole process would be easier to control via the Docker Python SDK rather than having a layer of shell between the python and Docker.


得分: 0


if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo 手动调查_make_:"$REPO_NAME"
  mkfifo &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot; && echo &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot; && read -r res < &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot;
  if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then exit 33; fi

然后我只需启动终端仿真器,并在其中执行docker exec以启动一个新的bash进程。我通过使用Docker Python SDK来监视容器的输出来做到这一点,这样我就知道何时启动终端。

def monitor_container_output(container):
    line = b&#39;&#39;
    for log in container.logs(stream=True):
        if log == b&#39;\n&#39;:
            if b&#39;mypipe_&#39; in line:
                Popen(f&#39;xfce4-terminal -T {container.name} -e=&quot;docker exec -it {container.name} bash&quot;&#39;, shell=True).wait()
            line = b&#39;&#39;
        line += log

client = docker.from_env()
conatiner = client.containers.run(IMAGE_NAME, name=project, detach=True, stdin_open=True, tty=True,
                                  auto_remove=True, environment=env_vars, volumes=volumes)


echo 0 > &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot;


As I said in a comment to Matt&#39;s answer, his solution in my situation does not work either. I think it&#39;s a problem with the script that I&#39;m running. I think it&#39;s because some of the many shell processes (https://i.stack.imgur.com/av4xF.jpg) are taking up allocated tty, but I don&#39;t know for sure.

So I came up with my own workaround. I simply block an execution of the script by creating a named pipe and then reading it.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo Investigate _make_ manually: &quot;$REPO_NAME&quot;
  mkfifo &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot; &amp;&amp; echo &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot; &amp;&amp; read -r res &lt; &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot;
  if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then exit 33; fi

Then I just launch terminal emulator and execute docker exec in it to start a new bash process. I do it with a help of Docker Python SDK by monitoring the output of a container so I know when to launch terminal.

def monitor_container_output(container):
    line = b&#39;&#39;
    for log in container.logs(stream=True):
        if log == b&#39;\n&#39;:
            if b&#39;mypipe_&#39; in line:
                Popen(f&#39;xfce4-terminal -T {container.name} -e=&quot;docker exec -it {container.name} bash&quot;&#39;, shell=True).wait()
            line = b&#39;&#39;
        line += log

client = docker.from_env()
conatiner = client.containers.run(IMAGE_NAME, name=project, detach=True, stdin_open=True, tty=True,
                                  auto_remove=True, environment=env_vars, volumes=volumes)

After I finish my investigation of a problem in that new bash process, I will send "status code of investigation" to tell the script to continue running or exit.

echo 0 &gt; &quot;/tmp/mypipe_$githash&quot;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月6日 06:16:00
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75355890.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
