在Grafana Alerting中,警报在几分钟内重复出现。

huangapple go评论106阅读模式

Alerts repeating within minutes using Grafana Alerting


使用Grafana 9.2.2与VictoriaMetrics作为数据源,在满足特定条件时发送警报。使用外部服务通过配置API作为Webhook联系点来传递警报,通过该联系点发送和进一步处理负载以在Slack上传递。






  1. 通知策略时间 - 在使用alertnamegrafana-folder进行分组时,尝试调整分组间隔、重复间隔和等待时间,但没有帮助。我还尝试使用alert_uid进行分组,但没有被解释。我是否尝试了错误的时间组合(与警报评估行为周期结合在一起)。
  2. 在接收到负载后,是否需要向Grafana发送确认?如果是,请分享如何发送确认或链接任何你能找到的文档。我已经将问题隔离到Grafana,调用触发API两次。
  3. 有静音和/或消音警报的选项。这是在这里要遵循的方法吗?如果是,请在触发一次后将警报静音24小时(因为不希望再次重复24小时)。



Using Grafana 9.2.2 with VictoriaMetrics as data source to send alerts when certain criteria is met.
Using an external service to deliver alerts by configuring an API as webhook contact point, over which the payload is sent and processed further to be delivered on Slack.

Alert evaluation behaviour is set as - Evaluate every 1h for 0s. Want the alert to be fired as soon as condition is met, and evaluate every 1h because that is the frequency of new data points.

Expected behaviour: Alert once every 24hours after the condition is met.

Actual behaviour: once the condition is met, alert gets triggered ( as it should). However, the same alert gets sent again within 5 minutes.

How to handle this?

Options tried:

  1. Notification policy timings - played around with grouping interval, repeat interval and wait time, while grouping using alertname and grafana-folder, didn't help. Also, I tried to group using alert_uid but that did not get interpreted. Am I trying to wrong combination of timings ( clubbed with alert evaluation behaviour period).
  2. Do I need to send an acknowledgment back to Grafana after receiving the payload? If so, please share how or link any document you can find. I haven't been able to find anything that answers yes/no and how. I have isolated the issue to Grafana, the API to trigger is getting called twice.
  3. There are options to Mute and/or Silence an alert. Is that the approach to be followed here? If yes, should the alert be muted for 24hrs(since do not want to repeat for another 24hrs) after being fired once?

Thanks. Much appreciated.


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The issue was multiple instances of Grafana running independently of each other. We had 2 pods of Grafana running, and they were both serving the request, hence the duplication.
Need to check how to run Grafana in cluster mode for future.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月23日 12:19:57
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