
huangapple go评论73阅读模式

How do I properly loop through two nested json structures in golang





// CPU指标
// 循环遍历月份、项目、CPU请求和CPU使用数据
   fmt.Println("月份, 项目, CPU请求(核小时), CPU使用(核小时)\n")
   for _, value_cpu := range rh_values_cpu.Data {
       for _, val_cpu := range value_cpu.Projects {
        str := val_cpu.Project
        s := strings.Contains(str, "openshift")
         if s == true  {
           fmt.Printf("%s, %s, ", value_cpu.Date, val_cpu.Project)
           for _, v_cpu := range val_cpu.Values {
           fmt.Printf("%.1f, %.1f\n", v_cpu.Request.Value, v_cpu.Usage.Value)



// CPU和内存指标
// 循环遍历月份、项目、CPU请求、CPU使用、内存请求和内存使用数据
   fmt.Println("月份, 项目, CPU请求(核小时), CPU使用(核小时), 内存请求(兆字节), 内存使用(兆字节)\n")
   for _, value_cpu := range rh_values_cpu.Data {
    for _, value_mem := range rh_values_MEM.Data {
      for _, val_cpu := range value_cpu.Projects {
        for _, val_mem := range value_mem.Projects {
         str := val_cpu.Project
         s := strings.Contains(str, "openshift")
          if s == true  {
           fmt.Printf("%s, %s, ", value_cpu.Date, val_cpu.Project)
           for _, v_cpu := range val_cpu.Values {
              fmt.Printf("%.1f, %.1f ", v_cpu.Request.Value, v_cpu.Usage.Value)
                for _,v_mem := range val_mem.Values {
                  fmt.Printf("%.1f, %.1f\n", v_mem.Request.Value, v_mem.Usage.Value)


type RH_Output_MEM struct {
	Meta struct {
		Count    int    `json:"count"`
		Others   int    `json:"others"`
		Currency string `json:"currency"`
		Filter   struct {
			Resolution     string `json:"resolution"`
			TimeScopeValue string `json:"time_scope_value"`
			TimeScopeUnits string `json:"time_scope_units"`
			Limit          int    `json:"limit"`
			Offset         int    `json:"offset"`
		} `json:"filter"`
		GroupBy struct {
			Project []string `json:"project"`
		} `json:"group_by"`
		OrderBy struct {
		} `json:"order_by"`
		Exclude struct {
		} `json:"exclude"`
		Total struct {
			Usage struct {
				Value float64 `json:"value"`
				Units string  `json:"units"`
			} `json:"usage"`
			Request struct {
				Value float64 `json:"value"`
				Units string  `json:"units"`
			} `json:"request"`
			Limit struct {
				Value float64 `json:"value"`
				Units string  `json:"units"`
			} `json:"limit"`
			Capacity struct {
				Value float64 `json:"value"`
				Units string  `json:"units"`
			} `json:"capacity"`
			Infrastructure struct {
				Raw struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"raw"`
				Markup struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"markup"`
				Usage struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"usage"`
				Distributed struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"distributed"`
				Total struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"total"`
			} `json:"infrastructure"`
			Supplementary struct {
				Raw struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"raw"`
				Markup struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"markup"`
				Usage struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"usage"`
				Distributed struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"distributed"`
				Total struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"total"`
			} `json:"supplementary"`
			Cost struct {
				Raw struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"raw"`
				Markup struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"markup"`
				Usage struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"usage"`
				Distributed struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"distributed"`
				Total struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"total"`
			} `json:"cost"`
		} `json:"total"`
	} `json:"meta"`
	Links struct {
		First    string      `json:"first"`
		Next     string      `json:"next"`
		Previous interface{} `json:"previous"`
		Last     string      `json:"last"`
	} `json:"links"`
	Data []struct {
		Date     string `json:"date"`
		Projects []struct {
			Project string `json:"project"`
			Values  []struct {
				Date    string `json:"date"`
				Project string `json:"project"`
				Usage   struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"usage"`
				Request struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"request"`
				Limit struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"limit"`
				Capacity struct {
					Value float64 `json:"value"`
					Units string  `json:"units"`
				} `json:"capacity"`
				Classification string   `json:"classification"`
				SourceUUID     []string `json:"source_uuid"`
				Clusters       []string `json:"clusters"`
				Infrastructure struct {
					Raw struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"raw"`
					Markup struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"markup"`
					Usage struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"usage"`
					Distributed struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"distributed"`
					Total struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"total"`
				} `json:"infrastructure"`
				Supplementary struct {
					Raw struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"raw"`
					Markup struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"markup"`
					Usage struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"usage"`
					Distributed struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"distributed"`
					Total struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"total"`
				} `json:"supplementary"`
				Cost struct {
					Raw struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"raw"`
					Markup struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"markup"`
					Usage struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"usage"`
					Distributed struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"distributed"`
					Total struct {
						Value float64 `json:"value"`
						Units string  `json:"units"`
					} `json:"total"`
				} `json:"cost"`
			} `json:"values"`
		} `json:"projects"`
	} `json:"data"`



月份, 项目, CPU请求(核小时), CPU使用(核小时), 内存请求(兆字节), 内存使用(兆字节)
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 4353.2
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 1115.6, 1081.4
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 10675.9
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 100.9, 284.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 70064.5
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 773088.9, 427757.8
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 9440.0, 11610.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 9471.3, 11696.9
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 2455.2
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 3.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 0.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, -0.3, 0.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 3785.0, 6610.4
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 1007.8
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 757.0, 883.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 1009.4, 1613.4
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 378.5, 413.5
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 908.4, 2856.8
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 248.7
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 66873.8, 21035.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 353.3, 611.9
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 10203.6, 12418.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 504.7, 398.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 1135.5, 2248.5
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 610.6
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 370.6

I am new to Go. I have 2 identical json nested structures that are each populated with the output of 2 api calls. One call fetches cpu and the other memory metrics. I can unmarshal each of them individually and print out the project name and values of cpu and memory, albeit in 2 separate code blocks. The problem I am having is that I would like to print out both cpu and memory metrics on the same line, next to their project name.

Here is the code I am using to print out the CPU metrics by Project. It creates a nice CSV formatted output:

// CPU Metrics
// Loop through the data for the Month, Project, CPU requests, and CPU Usage
fmt.Println("Month, Project, CPU Request(Core hours), CPU Usage(Core hours)\n")
for _, value_cpu := range rh_values_cpu.Data {
for _, val_cpu := range value_cpu.Projects {
str := val_cpu.Project
s := strings.Contains(str, "openshift")
if s == true  {
fmt.Printf("%s, %s, ", value_cpu.Date, val_cpu.Project)
for _, v_cpu := range val_cpu.Values {
fmt.Printf("%.1f, %.1f\n", v_cpu.Request.Value, v_cpu.Usage.Value)

I have similar code for the memory metrics which also works fine.

Here is the code I am using to loop through the two json structures. I suspect that I'm not using the nested loops properly or need to solve the problem differently.

// CPU & Memory Metrics
// Loop through the data for the Month, Project, CPU requests, CPU Usage, Memory requests, and Memory Usage
fmt.Println("Month, Project, CPU Request(Core hours), CPU Usage(Core hours) Memory Request(mBytes), Memory Usage(mBytes)\n")
for _, value_cpu := range rh_values_cpu.Data {
for _, value_mem := range rh_values_MEM.Data {
for _, val_cpu := range value_cpu.Projects {
for _, val_mem := range value_mem.Projects {
str := val_cpu.Project
s := strings.Contains(str, "openshift")
if s == true  {
fmt.Printf("%s, %s, ", value_cpu.Date, val_cpu.Project)
for _, v_cpu := range val_cpu.Values {
fmt.Printf("%.1f, %.1f ", v_cpu.Request.Value, v_cpu.Usage.Value)
for _,v_mem := range val_mem.Values {
fmt.Printf("%.1f, %.1f\n", v_mem.Request.Value, v_mem.Usage.Value)

And here is of one the json structures:

type RH_Output_MEM struct {
Meta struct {
Count    int    `json:"count"`
Others   int    `json:"others"`
Currency string `json:"currency"`
Filter   struct {
Resolution     string `json:"resolution"`
TimeScopeValue string `json:"time_scope_value"`
TimeScopeUnits string `json:"time_scope_units"`
Limit          int    `json:"limit"`
Offset         int    `json:"offset"`
} `json:"filter"`
GroupBy struct {
Project []string `json:"project"`
} `json:"group_by"`
OrderBy struct {
} `json:"order_by"`
Exclude struct {
} `json:"exclude"`
Total struct {
Usage struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Request struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"request"`
Limit struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"limit"`
Capacity struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"capacity"`
Infrastructure struct {
Raw struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"raw"`
Markup struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"markup"`
Usage struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Distributed struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"distributed"`
Total struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"total"`
} `json:"infrastructure"`
Supplementary struct {
Raw struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"raw"`
Markup struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"markup"`
Usage struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Distributed struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"distributed"`
Total struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"total"`
} `json:"supplementary"`
Cost struct {
Raw struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"raw"`
Markup struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"markup"`
Usage struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Distributed struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"distributed"`
Total struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"total"`
} `json:"cost"`
} `json:"total"`
} `json:"meta"`
Links struct {
First    string      `json:"first"`
Next     string      `json:"next"`
Previous interface{} `json:"previous"`
Last     string      `json:"last"`
} `json:"links"`
Data []struct {
Date     string `json:"date"`
Projects []struct {
Project string `json:"project"`
Values  []struct {
Date    string `json:"date"`
Project string `json:"project"`
Usage   struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Request struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"request"`
Limit struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"limit"`
Capacity struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"capacity"`
Classification string   `json:"classification"`
SourceUUID     []string `json:"source_uuid"`
Clusters       []string `json:"clusters"`
Infrastructure struct {
Raw struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"raw"`
Markup struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"markup"`
Usage struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Distributed struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"distributed"`
Total struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"total"`
} `json:"infrastructure"`
Supplementary struct {
Raw struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"raw"`
Markup struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"markup"`
Usage struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Distributed struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"distributed"`
Total struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"total"`
} `json:"supplementary"`
Cost struct {
Raw struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"raw"`
Markup struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"markup"`
Usage struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"usage"`
Distributed struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"distributed"`
Total struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"`
Units string  `json:"units"`
} `json:"total"`
} `json:"cost"`
} `json:"values"`
} `json:"projects"`
} `json:"data"`

And here is a snippet of the output I am getting when running the program. As you can see, the Date, Project, and inner loop (CPU metrics) repeats itself, while the outer loop (Memory metrics) runs:

I'm looking for an output where I have one line per project (Month, Project, CPU metrics, Memory metrics)

Month, Project, CPU Request(Core hours), CPU Usage(Core hours) Memory Request(mBytes), Memory Usage(mBytes)
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 4353.2
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 1115.6, 1081.4
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 10675.9
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 100.9, 284.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 70064.5
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 773088.9, 427757.8
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 9440.0, 11610.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 9471.3, 11696.9
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 2455.2
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 3.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 0.0, 0.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, -0.3, 0.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 3785.0, 6610.4
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 1007.8
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 757.0, 883.0
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 1009.4, 1613.4
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 378.5, 413.5
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 908.4, 2856.8
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 248.7
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 66873.8, 21035.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 353.3, 611.9
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 10203.6, 12418.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 504.7, 398.3
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 1135.5, 2248.5
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 610.6
2022-12, amq-demo-streams, 0.0, 34.0, 252.3, 370.6


得分: 0


type Cpu struct {
	Project string
	Data    []Data

type Memory struct {
	Project string
	Data    []Data

type Data struct {
	Date     string
	Projects []Project

type Project struct {
	Project string
	Values  []struct {
		Request float64
		Value   float64

func CSVOutput(cpu Cpu, mem Memory) error {
    // 如果cpu和memory的数据长度不相等,则返回错误
	if len(cpu.Data) != len(mem.Data) {
		return fmt.Errorf("cpu.Data和mem.Data的长度不相等")

    // 打印CSV文件头部
	fmt.Println("月份, 项目, CPU请求(核心小时), CPU使用(核心小时), 内存请求(MB), 内存使用(MB)")
	for i := range cpu.Data {
		cpuData := cpu.Data[i]
		memData := mem.Data[i]

        // 使用Errorf的格式添加错误上下文
		if len(cpuData.Projects) != len(memData.Projects) {
			return fmt.Errorf("cpu.Data[%d].Projects和mem.Data[%d].Projects的长度不相等", i, i)

		for j := range cpuData.Projects {
			cpuProject := cpuData.Projects[j]
			memProject := memData.Projects[j]

			if len(cpuProject.Values) != len(memProject.Values) {
				return fmt.Errorf("cpu.Data[%d].Projects[%d].Values和mem.Data[%d].Projects[%d].Values的长度不相等", i, j, i, j)

			name := cpuProject.Project
			date := cpuData.Date

			// 如果cpu项目涉及openshift,则跳过
			if strings.Contains(name, "openshift") {

			for k := range cpuProject.Values {
				cpuValue := cpuProject.Values[k]
				memValue := memProject.Values[k]

				fmt.Printf("%s, %s, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f", date, name, cpuValue.Request, cpuValue.Value, memValue.Request, memValue.Value)

	return nil



I allowed myself to use simpler struct definition. You can always adapt this code to your structs.

type Cpu struct {
	Project string
	Data    []Data

type Memory struct {
	Project string
	Data    []Data

type Data struct {
	Date     string
	Projects []Project

type Project struct {
	Project string
	Values  []struct {
		Request float64
		Value   float64

func CSVOutput(cpu Cpu, mem Memory) error {
    // Returns an error if cpu & memory's data are the same length
	if len(cpu.Data) != len(mem.Data) {
		return fmt.Errorf("cpu.Data and mem.Data don't have the same length")

    // Printing CSV file header
	fmt.Println("Month, Project, CPU Request(Core hours), CPU Usage(Core hours) Memory Request(mBytes), Memory Usage(mBytes)")
	for i := range cpu.Data {
		cpuData := cpu.Data[i]
		memData := mem.Data[i]

        // Using the format from Errorf to add context to the error
		if len(cpuData.Projects) != len(memData.Projects) {
			return fmt.Errorf("cpu.Data[%d].Projects and mem.Data[%d].Projects don't have the same length", i, i)

		for j := range cpuData.Projects {
			cpuProject := cpuData.Projects[j]
			memProject := memData.Projects[j]

			if len(cpuProject.Values) != len(memProject.Values) {
				return fmt.Errorf("cpu.Data[%d].Projects[%d].Values and mem.Data[%d].Projects[%d].Values don't have the same length", i, j, i, j)

			name := cpuProject.Project
			date := cpuData.Date

			// Continue if the cpu project concerns openshift
			if strings.Contains(name, "openshift") {

			for k := range cpuProject.Values {
				cpuValue := cpuProject.Values[k]
				memValue := memProject.Values[k]

				fmt.Printf("%s, %s, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f", date, name, cpuValue.Request, cpuValue.Value, memValue.Request, memValue.Value)

	return nil

This code only works if you receive as much cpu's data as memory's data.
If it isn't the case, you will have to find a way to link a certain cpu's data to its memory equivalent.
This issue can be furthermore discussed if you think the situation might show up.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月12日 00:28:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75086181.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
