Why does AsNoTracking is increasing the loading time instead of improving the joins operation on large dataset in LinqToSQL c#?

huangapple go评论68阅读模式

Why does AsNoTracking is increasing the loading time instead of improving the joins operation on large dataset in LinqToSQL c#?






I have a query that takes a left join with a table that contains million of records and could double even in a future. It has started to take around 6-7 seconds to respond. I tried using the AsNoTracking but weirdly it increases the load time instead of improving.

var res = (from rd in db.RequiredData
    join rdm in db.RequiredDataMapper
        on new { t1 = rd.Id } equals new { t1 = rdm.Id } 
    into rd_rdm
    from rdm in rd_rdm.DefaultIfEmpty()
    where (rdm.Name == null || rdm.Name == nameof(Name))
        && (model.TypeId == 0 || rdm.Id == model.STypeId)
        && (ApplicationType.ToLower() != "QR".ToLower() ?
            rdm.ATypes.TypeName.ToLower() != "QR".ToLower() : 1 == 1)
                select rd)
				.OrderByDescending(s => s.date)

Now, I have narrowed it down as much as I could and after going through articles I found out that AsNoTracking() would fast it up but it has increased it's load time even more. What other options I have?

RequiredDataMapper table is a bridge table to maintain many to many relationships between RequiredData and RequiredDataMapper.


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1 - 我会获取查询的原始版本,如Select *

2 - 我会在MSSQL上运行这个查询,看看是否需要很长时间。

3 - 如果查询需要很长时间,如果读取脏数据不是问题的话,我会应用WITH(NOLOCK)。在Ef core中实现它有点困难。您必须将其视为隔离级别。

4 - 我会查看查询的执行计划。数据来自哪里会成为瓶颈。相应地,我会切换到索引操作。一般来说,执行计划会警告您是否缺少索引,并提供一个示例脚本。

5 - 如果到目前为止我所考虑的都没有问题,那么在查询进行时使用的索引可能会分散。您可以通过重新构建或重组索引来修复索引。


Here's what I would do if I were you. I'm assuming you're using SQL.

1 - I would get the raw version of the query like Select *

2 - I would run this on MSSQL and see if it takes really long.

3 - If it takes a long time, if it is not a problem to read dirty data, I would apply WITH(NOLOCK) It is a bit difficult to implement in Ef core. You have to consider it as Isolation level.

4 - I would look at the execution plan of the query. Where the data comes from is bottlenecked. Accordingly, I would switch to indexing operations. In general, the execution plan warns you if there is a missing index and gives an example script.

5 - If there is no problem with what I have counted so far, the indexes used while the query is coming may be fragmented. You can have the index rebuilt by Rebuild or Reorganize.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月9日 14:31:40
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75053836.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
