Databricks Unity Catalog同一区域多个元数据存储

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Databricks Unity Catalog multiple metastore for same region





现在,这并不适用于通常的Unity Catalog用例,其中您有多个工作区引用同一个元数据存储,例如我们会为每个环境设置不同的访问要求以及数据。在某些情况下,某些表可能存在于较低的环境中,但在生产环境中不存在。




那么,Unity Catalog对于这种用例是否不适用呢?因为这将意味着我们为同一个区域创建3个不同的元数据存储。


  1. Terraform功能,仅适用于Unity Catalog,例如创建架构。
  2. 数据血缘。

We have 3 databricks workspaces , one for dev, one for test and one for Production. All these workspaces are in the same region WestEurope.

All of our data is in the datalake, meaning external tables in databricks references the data in the data lake (Azure data lake gen 2).

Each of these workspaces thus have a different datalake associated with it (as they are for different environments).

Now, this does not cater for the usual Unity Catalog use case, where you have multiple workspaces referring to the same metastore, as e.g. we would have different access requirements for each environment, along with data. In some cases, certain tables may exist in lower environments and not in Prod.

Also, looking here, I see the following sentence

You can create one metastore per region and attach it to any number of workspaces in that region.

All our Databricks workspaces (for different environments) are in the same region , but different subscription.

Is it then that Unity Catalog, does not apply for this use case? Because that would mean, we create 3 different metastore for the same region.

If not, then how can we get goodies like

  1. Terraform capabilities which are only for unity catalog, e.g. create schema.
  2. Data Lineage


得分: 2

这是 Unity Catalog 的工作方式(至少目前是这样)- 每个地区可能只有一个 Unity Catalog 元数据存储库,该地区的所有工作区都可以附加到它。

目前,环境分离的问题可以通过用户组来解决。您可以设置 Azure 存储防火墙以限制对特定环境的工作区的访问。

而且,今年晚些时候将推出一项功能,允许仅将特定的目录附加到特定的工作区,因此您可以清楚地分离环境。这已在上一季度的产品路线图中提到,您可以参加 即将举行的产品路线图网络研讨会 以获取有关 Unity Catalog 的更多更新信息。


This is how Unity Catalog works (at least right now) - each region may have only one Unity Catalog Metastore and all workspaces in that region could be attached to it.

Right now the problem with environment separation could be solved with the user groups. And you can set Azure Storage Firewall to limit access from the workspaces specific to a given environment.

And later this year there will be a feature that will allow to attach specific catalogs only to specific workspaces, so you can clearly separate environments. It was mentioned in the last quarter product roadmap and you can attend upcoming product roadmap webinar to get more updates about Unity Catalog.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月9日 14:14:40
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