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Why my app crashes when I try to sign in with Google in ios-prod flavor?


我正在尝试为开发和生产环境使用不同的 Firebase 项目,并使用 Flutter 的 flavors 和 xCode schemes 进行设置。在 Android 上运行良好。但在 iOS 上,当我尝试使用 google_sign_inprod flavor 中登录时,应用程序崩溃,没有任何输出。在 dev flavor 中也运行良好

为了设置这个,我遵循了 这篇帖子


为了根据 flavor 更改不同的 REVERSED_CLIENT_ID,我做了以下操作(这也包含在我之前提到的帖子中):

我将以下内容添加到 ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfigios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig

GOOGLE_SERVICE_REVERSED_CLIENT_ID = {Your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID found in GoogleService-Info.plist file}

在我的 ios/Runner/info.plist 中,我将这个:




最后,在 xCode 中的 Build Settings -> User-Defined 中,根据每个环境定义了我的变量 GOOGLE_SERVICE_REVERSED_CLIENT_ID

Debug-dev = com.googleusercontent.apps.{dev client-id}
Debug-prod = com.googleusercontent.apps.{prod client-id}
Profile-dev = com.googleusercontent.apps.{dev client-id}
Profile-prod = com.googleusercontent.apps.{prod client-id}
Release-dev = com.googleusercontent.apps.{dev client-id}
Release-prod = com.googleusercontent.apps.{prod client-id}

(显然,使用每个 GoogleService-Info.plist 的 REVERSED_CLIENT_ID

另外,当我实现 GoogleSignIn 类时,我这样做:

GoogleSignIn(clientId: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform.iosClientId).signIn()

我的 ios/runner 文件夹中没有 GoogleService-Info.plist 文件。

由于它适用于 dev flavor,但不适用于 prod flavor,我认为问题可能出在我实现 GoogleSignIn 类时定义 clientId 时。也许我传递的是适用于 dev flavor 但不适用于 prod flavor 的 ID,但我不确定,也不知道还有哪些其他替代方案。


I am trying to set up different firebase projects for development and production with flavors and xCode schemes. It works well in Android. But, in IOS, when I try to sign in with google_sign_in with the prod flavor it crashes the app, without any output. In the dev flavor it also works well.

To set up this I followed this post

I think the problem may be here:

To change the differents REVERSED_CLIENT_ID depending on the flavor I did this (this also is included on the post I mentioned before):

I added this to ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig and ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig

GOOGLE_SERVICE_REVERSED_CLIENT_ID = {Your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID found in GoogleService-Info.plist file}

On my ios/Runner/info.plist I changed this:


To this:


And finally in xCode in Build Settings -&gt; User-Defined I defined my variable GOOGLE_SERVICE_REVERSED_CLIENT_ID according to each enviroment:

Debug-dev = com.googleusercontent.apps.{dev client-id}
Debug-prod = com.googleusercontent.apps.{prod client-id}
Profile-dev = com.googleusercontent.apps.{dev client-id}
Profile-prod = com.googleusercontent.apps.{prod client-id}
Release-dev = com.googleusercontent.apps.{dev client-id}
Release-prod = com.googleusercontent.apps.{prod client-id}

(obviously, using the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID of each GoogleService-Info.plist)

Also, when I implement the GoogleSignIn class I do it this way:

 GoogleSignIn(clientId: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform.iosClientId).signIn()

I don't have a GoogleService-Info.plist file on my ios/runner folder

As it works for the dev-flavor but it doesn't for the prod-flavor, I think that it could be a problem when I implement the GoogleSignIn class and I define the clientId. Maybe I'm passing an Id which works for the dev-flavor but not for the prod-flavor, but I'm not sure and I don't know which other alternative I have.


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I have to sign in this way:


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月9日 07:12:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75051952.html



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