
huangapple go评论84阅读模式

How can i calculate the percent of full moon on a given date?



  1. procedure TfrmLag.btnCalcClick(Sender: TObject);
  2. var
  3. whatDate : TDateTime; // 当前日期时间;
  4. lunarDays : Double; // 月相周期(天);
  5. lunarSecs : LongInt; // 月相周期(秒);
  6. new2000 : TDateTime; // 2000年1月6日18时14分的日期时间;
  7. totalSecs : LongInt; // 当前日期时间与2000年1月6日18时14分的秒数差;
  8. currSecs : LongInt; // 当前秒数相对于月相周期的秒数;
  9. currFrac : Double; // 当前秒数相对于月相周期的分数;
  10. currDays : LongInt; // 当前分数相对于月相周期的天数;
  11. perOfFull : Double; // 满月百分比;
  12. begin
  13. whatDate := Now; // 获取当前日期时间
  14. lunarDays := 29.53058770576; // 月相周期(天)
  15. lunarSecs := Round(lunarDays * (24*60*60)); // 月相周期(秒)
  16. new2000 := EncodeDateTime(2000,1,6,18,14,00,000); // 2000年1月6日18时14分的日期时间
  17. totalSecs := SecondsBetween(whatDate, new2000); // 计算当前日期时间与2000年1月6日18时14分的秒数差
  18. currSecs := totalSecs MOD lunarSecs; // 计算当前秒数相对于月相周期的秒数
  19. currFrac := currSecs / lunarSecs; // 计算当前秒数相对于月相周期的分数
  20. currDays := Round(currFrac*lunarDays); // 计算当前分数相对于月相周期的天数
  21. perOfFull := (100*currFrac); // 计算满月百分比
  22. lb.Items.Add('日期:'+FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss',whatDate));
  23. lb.Items.Add('月相周期(秒):'+IntToStr(lunarSecs));
  24. lb.Items.Add('2000年第一个满月日期时间:'+FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss',new2000));
  25. lb.Items.Add('总秒数差:'+IntToStr(totalSecs));
  26. lb.Items.Add('当前秒数:'+IntToStr(currSecs));
  27. lb.Items.Add('当前分数:'+FloatToStr(currFrac));
  28. lb.Items.Add('当前天数:'+IntToStr(currDays));
  29. lb.items.Add('满月百分比:'+FloatToStr(perOfFull));
  30. end;

I need to find the percentage of a full moon on a given date, but i can not figure out how to calculate this. My attempt to do this is wrong, because the percent of to day is about 96.9%. Can anyone see what i'm doing wrong in my delphi-code.

  1. procedure TfrmLag.btnCalcClick(Sender: TObject);
  2. var
  3. whatDate : TDateTime; // Now;
  4. lunarDays : Double; // 29.53058770576
  5. lunarSecs : LongInt; // lunarDays * (24*60*60);
  6. new2000 : TDateTime; // 6.1 2000 18:14
  7. totalSecs : LongInt; // whatDate - new2000
  8. currSecs : LongInt; // totalSecs MOD lunarSecs
  9. currFrac : Double; // currSecs / lunarSecs
  10. currDays : LongInt; // currFrac * lunarDays
  11. perOfFull : Double;
  12. begin
  13. whatDate := Now;
  14. lunarDays := 29.53058770576;
  15. lunarSecs := Round(lunarDays * (24*60*60));
  16. new2000 := EncodeDateTime(2000,1,6,18,14,00,000);
  17. totalSecs := SecondsBetween(whatDate, new2000);
  18. currSecs := totalSecs MOD lunarSecs;
  19. currFrac := currSecs / lunarSecs;
  20. currDays := Round(currFrac*lunarDays);
  21. perOfFull := (100*currFrac);
  22. lb.Items.Add('Date : '+FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss',whatDate));
  23. lb.Items.Add('Lunar days : '+IntToStr(lunarSecs));
  24. lb.Items.Add('First full 2000 : '+FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss',new2000));
  25. lb.Items.Add('Total seconds : '+IntToStr(totalSecs));
  26. lb.Items.Add('Current seconds : '+IntToStr(currSecs));
  27. lb.Items.Add('Current fraction : '+FloatToStr(currFrac));
  28. lb.Items.Add('Current days : '+IntToStr(currDays));
  29. lb.items.Add('Percent of full : '+FloatToStr(perOfFull));
  30. end;


得分: 4

  • 我假设new2000是2000年的第一个新月?如果是这样的话,那么这段代码应该能正确计算。
  • 如果new2000是满月,你只需要在cos()函数中去掉-1
  1. uses
  2. DateUtils;
  3. procedure Calculate();
  4. const
  5. MoonPeriod = 29.53058770576;
  6. var
  7. KnownNewMoon: TDateTime;
  8. NowUTC: TDateTime;
  9. DaysSinceLastNewMoon, NumberOfNewMoons, MoonPart: Extended;
  10. begin
  11. KnownNewMoon := EncodeDateTime(2000,1,6,18,14,00,000);
  12. NowUTC := TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now);
  13. //自从已知的新月日期以来,有多少个月相周期(新月->满月->新月)已经过去了?
  14. NumberOfNewMoons := (NowUTC - KnownNewMoon)/MoonPeriod;
  15. DaysSinceLastNewMoon := Frac(NumberOfNewMoons)*MoonPeriod;
  16. //“月相部分”是一个正弦/余弦函数,从新月开始为-0,满月时为1,然后在下一个新月时返回0。
  17. //从cos(-Pi)开始,将-1设置为“新月值”。添加1以将其设置为0。
  18. //满月是cos(0),再加上之前添加的1,我们需要除以2。
  19. MoonPart := (cos((NumberOfNewMoons*2 - 1) * Pi) + 1)/2;
  20. lb.items.Add('新月数量/数量:'+ FormatFloat('0.000000', NumberOfNewMoons));
  21. lb.items.Add('当前月相部分/位置:'+ FormatFloat('0.000000', MoonPart));
  22. lb.items.Add('距上一个新月的天数(包括小数部分):'+ FormatFloat('0.000000', DaysSinceLastNewMoon));
  23. end;


  • I suppose new2000 is the first new moon in the year 2000? If so then this code should calculate correctly.
  • If new2000 is the full moon, you only have to remove the -1 in the cos() function.
  1. uses
  2. DateUtils;
  3. procedure Calculate();
  4. const
  5. MoonPeriod = 29.53058770576;
  6. var
  7. KnownNewMoon: TDateTime;
  8. NowUTC: TDateTime;
  9. DaysSinceLastNewMoon, NumberOfNewMoons, MoonPart: Extended;
  10. begin
  11. KnownNewMoon := EncodeDateTime(2000,1,6,18,14,00,000);
  12. NowUTC := TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now);
  13. //How many moon periods (new moon -> full moon -> new moon) have passed
  14. //since that known new moon date?
  15. NumberOfNewMoons := (NowUTC - KnownNewMoon)/MoonPeriod;
  16. DaysSinceLastNewMoon := Frac(NumberOfNewMoons)*MoonPeriod;
  17. //The "moon part" is a sine/cosine function that starts at new moon with -0,
  18. //reaches 1 at full moon and goes back to 0 at the next new moon.
  19. //Starting at cos(-Pi) gives a -1 as "new moon value". Add 1 to set this to 0.
  20. //Full moon is cos(0) gives 1. With the 1 added before, we have to divide by 2.
  21. MoonPart := (cos((NumberOfNewMoons*2 - 1) * Pi) + 1)/2;
  22. lb.items.Add('Number/amount of new moons: '+ FormatFloat('0.000000', NumberOfNewMoons));
  23. lb.items.Add('Current moon part/position: '+ FormatFloat('0.000000', MoonPart));
  24. lb.items.Add('Days since last new moon: '+ FormatFloat('0.000000', DaysSinceLastNewMoon));
  25. end;

This should give you the visible moon part in MoonPart and the days (incl. fraction) since the last new moon.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月9日 03:29:13
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75050682.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
