
huangapple go评论55阅读模式

Sorting a link list


我正在尝试解决LeetCode问题148. 排序链表

给定一个链表的头节点 head,请返回升序排序后的链表。



 * 单链表的定义。
 * function ListNode(val, next) {
 *     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val);
 *     this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next);
 * }
 * @param {ListNode} head
 * @return {ListNode}
var sortList = function(head) {
    let previousNode = head
        return head
    let node = head.next
        return head
    let start = head
    let previousNode1 = head
    function sortList1(node, previousNode){
        if(node.next == null){
            return start
        let temp = node.next;
            start = node
        previousNode1 = node
        return sortList1(temp, node)
    return sortList1(node, previousNode)

    function traverseFromHead(node){
        let myPosition = start
        let inserted = false
        if(start.val > node.val){
            previousNode1.next = node.next
            node.next = start
            console.log("found in head excahange", node)
            return node;
        let myprevious2 = start
        while(myPosition.next != null){
            if(myPosition.val >= node.val){
                console.log("before check start was", start, "with position at", myPosition.val, "for point", node.val, "my previous is", myprevious2.val)
                let temp = node.next
                myprevious2.next = node
                node.next = myPosition
                console.log("after update start is", start, "with position at", myPosition.val, "for point", node.val)
                return null
            myprevious2 = myPosition;
            myPosition = myPosition.next
        return false


例如,对于链表 4→2→3→0,预期输出应该是 0→2→3→4,但我的代码产生的是 2→0。



I am trying to solve the LeetCode problem 148. Sort List

> Given the head of a linked list, return the list after sorting it in ascending order.

I am trying to do it in a recursive way before trying something smarter, as I am learning to handle data structures.

This is my code:

* Definition for singly-linked list.
* function ListNode(val, next) {
*     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)
*     this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next)
* }
* @param {ListNode} head
* @return {ListNode}
var sortList = function(head) {
let previousNode = head
return head
let node = head.next
return head
let start = head
let previousNode1 = head
function sortList1(node, previousNode){
if(node.next == null){
return start
let temp = node.next;
start = node
previousNode1 = node
return sortList1(temp, node)
return sortList1(node, previousNode)
function traverseFromHead(node){
let myPosition = start
let inserted = false
if(start.val > node.val){
previousNode1.next = node.next
node.next = start
console.log("found in head excahange", node)
return node;
let myprevious2 = start
while(myPosition.next != null){
console.log("before check start was", start, "with position at", myPosition.val, "for point", node.val, "my previous is", myprevious2.val)
let temp = node.next
myprevious2.next = node
node.next = myPosition
// previousNode1.next = temp
console.log("after update start is", start, "with position at", myPosition.val, "for point", node.val)
return null
myprevious2 = myPosition;
myPosition = myPosition.next
return false

I am not able to get it working correctly; it must be I am doing something wrong by logic or by concept

For instance for the linked list 4→2→3→0 the expected output would be 0→2→3→4, but my code produces 2→0.

Where is the problem in my code?


得分: 2



  • 递归函数的基本情况不正确。使用 if(node.next == null) 时,停止得太早了。可能需要将此尾节点移动到列表中的其他位置,但未将此节点的值与任何内容进行比较。停止条件应为 node == null

  • previousNode1 = node 未始终正确标识前一个节点。如果对 traverseFromHead 的调用将 node 移动到列表中的其他位置,则 previousNode1 不应更改,因为曾经是 node 之前的节点现在将成为您要处理的下一个节点之前的节点。同样的原因,您传递给递归调用的第二个参数大多数情况下是错误的:sortList1(temp, node)

    有这么多变体的 previousNodeXX 变量有点令人不知所措。我建议至少消除 previousNode1 并继续使用 previousNode,将其也作为参数传递给 traverseFromHead。所以将其称为 traverseFromHead(node, previousNode),确保您传递正确的第二个参数给 sortList1。需要区分两种情况:

    node 没有移动时,sortList1(temp, node) 是正确的,但是当 node 被移动时,应该是 sortList1(temp, previousNode)。您可以使用条件运算符区分:

    sortList1(temp, previousNode.next != node ? previousNode : node)
  • traverseFromHead 仅在 if 情况下从当前位置移除节点,但在更一般的情况下忘记了执行相同的操作。在一般情况下,节点已插入,但未调整 previousNode.next,这意味着现在有两个节点的 next 属性指向 node。有几种正确的方法来解决这个问题。我建议在执行任何其他操作之前,在所有情况下执行节点提取操作。您可以将节点提取的代码放在 if 语句之前,以便它始终发生:

    previousNode.next = node.next // 应始终发生
    if(start.val > node.val){
  • 我可以理解您为什么在循环内的 previousNode1.next = temp 中加入了注释。大多数情况下,确实需要这样做,但是当 node 没有移动时不需要!为了解决这个困境,在 node 已经在正确位置(相对于 previousNode)时执行快速退出。因此,在函数顶部执行以下操作:

    if (node.val >= previousNode.val) return null;

    现在您可以确保 node 将移动。

  • traverseFromHead 具有奇怪的 while 条件。在上述更正的情况下,此 while 条件可以是 if 条件的相反,以便您可以在循环之后处理插入:

    while (myPosition.val < node.val)
    myprevious2 = myPosition;
    myPosition = myPosition.next


var sortList = function(head) {
    let previousNode = head
        return head
    let node = head.next
        return head
    let start = head
    function sortList1(node, previousNode){
        if(node == null){ // 修正的基本情况
            return start
        let temp = node.next;
        if(traverseFromHead(node, previousNode)){ // 传递第二个参数
            start = node
        // 根据节点是否移动,前一个temp的节点不同
        return sortList1(temp, previousNode.next != node ? previousNode : node)
    return sortList1(node, previousNode)

    function traverseFromHead(node, previousNode){ // 第二个参数
        if (node.val >= previousNode.val) return null; // 简单情况的快速退出
        previousNode.next = node.next // 始终首先提取节点
        if(start.val >= node.val){ // 相等也可以,所以>=
            node.next = start
            return node;
        let myPosition = start.next // 可以从第二个节点开始迭代
        let myprevious2 = start
        while (myPosition.val < node.val) { // 查找插入位置
            myprevious2 = myPosition;
            myPosition = myPosition.next
        // 现在执行重新插入
        myprevious2.next = node
        node.next = myPosition
        return null





var sortList = function(head) {
    if (!head || !head.next) return head; // 没有要排序的内容
    // 查找第一半的最后一个节点
    let tail = head;
    for (let fast = tail.next; fast?.next; fast = fast.next.next) {
        tail = tail.next;
    // 将列表分成两半
    let head2 = tail.next;
    tail.next = null;
    // 递归排序两个较短的列表
    head = sortList(head);
    head2 = sortList(head2);
    // 合并两个排序的列表
    if (head.val > head2.val) [head2, head]


You have tried to implement insertion sort.

There are these issues that prevent it from working correctly:

* The base case of the recursive function is not correct. With `if(node.next == null)` you are stopping too early. It could well be that this tail node should be moved elsewhere in the list, yet this node&#39;s value is not compared with anything. The stop condition really should be `node == null`.

* `previousNode1 = node` is not always correctly identifying the previous node.  If the call to `traverseFromHead` *moved* `node` to elsewhere in the list, then `previousNode1` should not change, because what used to be the node before `node`, will now have become the node before the *next* node you want to process. For the same reason the second argument you pass in the recursive call is most often wrong: `sortList1(temp, node)`.

     It is a bit overwhelming to have that many variants of `previousNodeXX` variables. I would suggest to at least eliminate this `previousNode1` and continue to work with `previousNode`, passing it also as argument to `traverseFromHead`.  So call it as `traverseFromHead(node, previousNode)` and make sure you pass the correct second argument to `sortList1`. There are two cases to distinguish:

    When `node` wasn&#39;t moved, then `sortList1(temp, node)` is correct, but when `node` was moved, it should be `sortList1(temp, previousNode)`. You can make the distinction with a conditional operator:

    sortList1(temp, previousNode.next != node ? previousNode : node)

* `traverseFromHead` only removes the node from its current position in the `if` case, but forgets to do the same in the more general case. In the general case, the node *is* inserted, but `previousNode.next` is not adapted, meaning you now have two nodes whose `next` property point to `node`. There are several ways to do it right. I would suggest to perform the node-removal action in *all* cases before doing anyting else. You could place the code for node extraction *before* the `if` statement so that it always happens:

    previousNode.next = node.next // &lt;-- should always happen
    if(start.val &gt; node.val){

* I can understand why you put `previousNode1.next = temp` in comments inside the loop. Most often this needs to happen, *but not* when `node` didn&#39;t move! To solve this dilemma, perform a quick exit when `node` is already at its correct position (in comparison with `previousNode`). So at the top of the function do:

    if (node.val &gt;= previousNode.val) return null;

    Now you can be sure that `node` *will* move.

* `traverseFromHead` has a strange `while` condition. With the above corrections in place, this `while` condition can just be the opposite of the `if` condition, so that you can deal with the insertion *after* the loop: 

    while (myPosition.val &lt; node.val)
        myprevious2 = myPosition;
        myPosition = myPosition.next

Here is your code with those corrections:

var sortList = function(head) {
let previousNode = head
return head
let node = head.next
return head
let start = head

function sortList1(node, previousNode){
if(node == null){ // Corrected base case
return start
let temp = node.next;
if(traverseFromHead(node, previousNode)){ // Pass the second argument
start = node
// Depending on whether node was moved, the node that precedes temp is different
return sortList1(temp, previousNode.next != node ? previousNode : node)
return sortList1(node, previousNode)
function traverseFromHead(node, previousNode){ // Second argument
if (node.val &gt;= previousNode.val) return null; // Quick exit for trivial case
previousNode.next = node.next // Always first extract the node
if(start.val &gt;= node.val){ // Equal is also good, so &gt;=
node.next = start
return node;
let myPosition = start.next // Can start iteration at second node
let myprevious2 = start
while (myPosition.val &lt; node.val) { // Look for the insertion spot
myprevious2 = myPosition;
myPosition = myPosition.next
// Now perform the re-insertion
myprevious2.next = node
node.next = myPosition
return null


## Other remarks
Insertion sort is not the most efficient among sorting algorithms, and for linked lists it is quite easy to implement better performing sorting algorithms. 
See for instance [Merge sort on linked list](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69649727/how-to-alphabetically-sort-a-linked-list-in-javascript/69651397#69651397)
I have here adapted that solution for the LeetCode challenge (spoiler):
&gt;! &lt;code&gt;var sortList = function(head) {
&gt;!     if (!head || !head.next) return head; // Nothing to sort
&gt;!     // Find last node of first half
&gt;!     let tail = head;
&gt;!     for (let fast = tail.next; fast?.next; fast = fast.next.next) {
&gt;!         tail = tail.next;
&gt;!     }
&gt;!     // Split list into two halves
&gt;!     let head2 = tail.next;
&gt;!     tail.next = null;
&gt;!     // Recursively sort the two shorter lists
&gt;!     head = sortList(head);
&gt;!     head2 = sortList(head2);
&gt;!     // Merge the two sorted lists
&gt;!     if (head.val &gt; head2.val) [head2, head] = [head, head2];
&gt;!     tail = head;
&gt;!     while (tail.next &amp;&amp; head2) {
&gt;!       if (tail.next.val &gt; head2.val) [head2, tail.next] = [tail.next, head2];
&gt;!       tail = tail.next;
&gt;!     }
&gt;!     tail.next ??= head2;
&gt;!     return head;
&gt;! };&lt;/code&gt;
# 答案2
**得分**: 0
1. 如果您的列表为空,则将列表作为结果返回。
2. 现在将第一个元素与排序(列表的其余部分)合并。
MergeSort naturally fits for linked lists.
In merge sort you consider that merging 2 size one lists is trivial (just put the higher head value after the lower one).
Extending that idea, if you have two already sorted lists, then it&#39;s easy to merge them as well. Just create a new list where you add the highest of both lists till both lists are empty.
So you can do a merge sort by creating first 2 lists of size 1. (ie. the first 2 elements of your list) Then merging them.
Then create a second list of size 2 (by merging 2 of size 1).
And continue until you have merged the entire original list into a sorted list.
To implement this recursively first write a merge function that given two sorted lists merges them by preserving the sort order.
Then do the following to implement sort:
1. If your list is empty, then return the list as your result
2. Now merge the first element with sort(rest of the list)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月6日 13:01:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75027096.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
