Golang:environmentasmap.go 中的奇怪语法

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Golang: weird syntax in environmentasmap.go



  1. getenvironment := func(data []string, getkeyval func(item string) (key, val string)) map[string]string {...}
  1. environment := getenvironment(os.Environ(), func(item string) (key, val string) {

我大致理解代码的功能,但是这两行让我感到困惑。这样写真的可以吗?这些无名的(func(item string))和空的(getkeyval)函数是如何工作的?


I've stumbled upon this piece of code and two variables & function declarations from it look weird as hell:

  1. getenvironment := func(data []string, getkeyval func(item string) (key, val string)) map[string]string {...}
  1. environment := getenvironment(os.Environ(), func(item string) (key, val string) {

I understand what the code does in general, but these two lines just freak me out. Is it even okay to write like this? How do these unnamed (func(item string)) and empty (getkeyval) functions work?


得分: 1




getenvironment is a function variable that is a function that takes a []string, and another function getkeyval. The getkeyval function is expected to get a string item, and return key,val string values. The getenvironment function returns a map.

The second snippet calls that function, passing an anonymous function for getkeyval.


得分: 1

第一行将一个函数字面量赋值给名为getenvironment的变量。调用该函数的第一个参数需要是[]string类型。第二个参数需要是func(string) (string, string)类型。


  1. func(item string) (key, val string) {
  2. splits := strings.Split(item, "=")
  3. key = splits[0]
  4. val = splits[1]
  5. return
  6. }

func(string) (string, string)类型。



  1. func getenvironment(data []string) map[string]string {
  2. items := make(map[string]string)
  3. for _, item := range data {
  4. splits := strings.Split(item, "=")
  5. key := splits[0]
  6. val := splits[1]
  7. items[key] = val
  8. }
  9. return items
  10. }

The first line assigns a function literal to a variable called getenvironment. The first parameter of a call to that function needs to be of type []string. The second parameter needs to be of type func(string) (string, string).

The second line calls the function literal assigned to getenvironment, where the value returned by os.Environ() is of type []string and

  1. func(item string) (key, val string) {
  2. splits := strings.Split(item, "=")
  3. key = splits[0]
  4. val = splits[1]
  5. return
  6. }

is of type func(string) (string, string).

A thing to not get thrown off by here is the names of the parameters and return values. These don't affect a function's signature, and purely serve the purpose of documentation/code readability.

The whole logic could be collapsed into a single function declaration like so:

  1. func getenvironment(data []string) map[string]string {
  2. items := make(map[string]string)
  3. for _, item := range data {
  4. splits := strings.Split(item, "=")
  5. key := splits[0]
  6. val := splits[1]
  7. items[key] = val
  8. }
  9. return items
  10. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年9月8日 04:55:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/73641367.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
