
huangapple go评论68阅读模式

Using a GoLang Routine to Return to Multiple Threads







我还考虑使用缓冲区来跟踪当前由工作线程处理的URL,但我不确定如何在等待URL从缓冲区中删除时进行阻塞。我看到一个示例使用了一个无限循环和一个当URL不再存在于缓冲区中时跳出循环的break语句,但这似乎是不必要的CPU滥用(无限期地对缓冲区进行for range循环,寻找URL不再存在并跳出循环)。


编辑:我正在寻找的解决方案是信号通道。感谢Burak Serdar指引我找到它。如果其他人需要此功能,请搜索“信号通道”即可找到大量信息。


I am building an API that can queue up requests to GET an external website and subsequently perform some work by interacting with that API. I am trying to figure out how to avoid duplicate
simultaneous go routines.

That is, assume a request comes in for http://www.example.com The routine is launched to handle that URL which could last minutes or even hours. Any number of other requests can come in while this is happening. If the new requests are not already being worked on, they should proceed with their own routine to fulfill.

However, if another request for example.com comes in, I want the thread that request comes in on to block until the previous example.com request is complete and then it may proceed (duplication is fine, if the first task succeeded it will be a quick GET to confirm, if it failed, trying again is fine).

All of the code examples I've found use channels or waitgroups but these concepts all appear to only block one thread. That is, the first example.com thread is waiting on say a channel to return a value, but I can't have example.com request #2 wait on that same channel since the result can only be read from the channel once.

If it makes any difference, I am building a worker pool with 5 workers, and a worker won't be allocated if another worker is already working the example.com request.

I've also considered using a buffer to keep track of the URLs that are currently being worked by the workers, but I wasn't sure how to block on waiting for the URL to be deleted from the buffer. I saw an example using an infinite for loop and a break for when the URL is no longer in the buffer, but that seems like unnecessary CPU abuse (indefinitely doing a for range on the buffer looking for the URL to no longer be present and to then break).

How do I queue these requests up?

Edit: Solution I was looking for is signal channels. Thanks to Burak Serdar for pointing me to it. If anyone else needs this, Google "signal channels" and you'll find plenty of info.


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var urls = make(map[string]chan struct{})
var urllock = sync.Mutex{}


func addURL(u string) (bool, chan struct{}) {
   defer urllock.Unlock()
   ret, exists := urls[u]
   if exists {
     return true, ret
   ret = make(chan struct{})
   urls[u] = ret
   return false, ret


workOnURL, ch := addURL(newURL)
if workOnURL {
    go func() {
        defer removeURL(newURL)
        // 处理URL
} else {
  <-ch // 等待goroutine完成
  // 然后,你可以尝试重新安排相同的URL,或者做其他事情


func removeURL(u string) {
   defer urllock.Unlock()
   ret := urls[u]
   delete(urls, u)

If you want to block a goroutine based on the URL, you can implement a scheme that looks like this:

First, keep a map of all URLs being worked on:

var urls = make(map[string]chan struct{})
var urllock = sync.Mutex{}

The following addURL will add a URL being worked on to the urls map if it is not there, and will return a channel to notify completion of that task. If the URL is already in the map, it will return false with a wait channel.

func addURL(u string) (bool,chan struct{}) {
   defer urllock.Unlock()
   ret, exists:=urls[u]
   if exists {
     return true,ret
   ret=make(chan struct{})
   return false,ret

When you get a new URL to work on, try to put it on the map. If you can, then work on it:

workOnURL, ch:=addURL(newURL)
if workOnURL {
    go func() {
        defer removeURL(newURL)
        // Work on URL
} else {
  &lt;-ch // Wait for the goroutine to finish
  // Then, you can try rescheduling the same URL, or do something else

With removeURL, remove the URL from the map, and close the channel, so any goroutine waiting for this to finish can continue:

func removeURL(u string) {
   defer urllock.Unlock()


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年8月2日 03:46:05
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/73198843.html



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