
huangapple go评论73阅读模式

Runtime Exceeded for Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 3


这是我用于LeetCode问题的代码 - 买卖股票的最佳时机 III,我的Golang代码通过了203/214个测试用例。对于一个大小为10k的特定输入数组,我的时间限制超过了。有什么想法吗?


  1. 找到价格下降的索引,并忽略它之前的所有元素。例如,如果一个数组是[5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4],在第4个索引之前价格是下降的。
  2. 找到所有局部最小值和局部最大值。因为你只想在局部最小值时买入,局部最大值时卖出。
  3. 如果只有一次盈利交易,即只有一个局部最小值和一个局部最大值,返回该值。
  4. 通过检查在局部最小值时买入,在局部最大值时卖出的所有排列,找到所有盈利交易对。
  5. 返回最高的交易对。


func maxProfit(prices []int) int {
	//trim left
	temp, i := 0, 1
	for ; i < len(prices) && prices[i] <= prices[temp]; i += 1 {
		temp = i
	if i == len(prices) {
		return 0
	i -= 1

	//find all local lows and highs
	localLows := []int{i}
	localHighs := []int{}
	for j := i + 1; j < len(prices)-1; j += 1 {
		if prices[j] >= prices[j+1] {
			for prices[j] == prices[j+1] {
				j += 1
				if j == len(prices)-1 {
			localHighs = append(localHighs, j)
			for ; j < len(prices)-1 && prices[j] >= prices[j+1]; j++ {
				fmt.Print(j, " j")
			localLows = append(localLows, j)
	if prices[len(prices)-1] > prices[len(prices)-2] {
		localHighs = append(localHighs, len(prices)-1)
	fmt.Println(localLows, localHighs)

	//if only one transaction, return that
	if len(localHighs) == 1 {
		return prices[localHighs[0]] - prices[localLows[0]]
	//find all profitable transaction pairs
	maxProfit := 0
	for j := 0; j < len(localHighs); j += 1 {
		for k := j; k < len(localHighs); k += 1 {
            if prices[localHighs[k]]<prices[localLows[j]]{
			transaction1 := int(prices[localHighs[k]] - prices[localLows[j]])
			for l := k + 1; l < len(localHighs); l++ {
				for m := l; m < len(localHighs); m++ {
                    if prices[localHighs[m]]<prices[localLows[l]]{
					transaction2 := int(prices[localHighs[m]] - prices[localLows[l]])
					// fmt.Println(localLows[j], localHighs[k], localLows[l], localHighs[m])
					if (transaction1 + transaction2) > maxProfit {
						maxProfit = transaction1 + transaction2


	return maxProfit

This is my code for leetcode problem - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 3
and my Golang code passes 203/214 test cases. My time limit gets exceeded for a particular input array of size 10k. Any ideas?

By basic algorithm goes as follows :-

  1. Find indices till where the price is decreasing and ignore all elements before it. For eg if an array goes like [5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4], here the price is decreasing till the 4th index.
  2. Find all local minimas and local maximas. Because you wouldn't wanna buy unless it's a local minima likewise for selling
  3. If there's only one profitable transaction, i.e. only one local min and one local max, return that.
  4. Find all profitable transaction pairs by checking for all permutations for buying at a local min and selling at a local max.
  5. Return the highest transaction pair

My code :

func maxProfit(prices []int) int {
//trim left
temp, i := 0, 1
for ; i &lt; len(prices) &amp;&amp; prices[i] &lt;= prices[temp]; i += 1 {
temp = i
if i == len(prices) {
return 0
i -= 1
//find all local lows and highs
localLows := []int{i}
localHighs := []int{}
for j := i + 1; j &lt; len(prices)-1; j += 1 {
if prices[j] &gt;= prices[j+1] {
for prices[j] == prices[j+1] {
j += 1
if j == len(prices)-1 {
localHighs = append(localHighs, j)
for ; j &lt; len(prices)-1 &amp;&amp; prices[j] &gt;= prices[j+1]; j++ {
fmt.Print(j, &quot; j&quot;)
localLows = append(localLows, j)
if prices[len(prices)-1] &gt; prices[len(prices)-2] {
localHighs = append(localHighs, len(prices)-1)
fmt.Println(localLows, localHighs)
//if only one transaction, return that
if len(localHighs) == 1 {
return prices[localHighs[0]] - prices[localLows[0]]
//find all profitable transaction pairs
maxProfit := 0
for j := 0; j &lt; len(localHighs); j += 1 {
for k := j; k &lt; len(localHighs); k += 1 {
if prices[localHighs[k]]&lt;prices[localLows[j]]{
transaction1 := int(prices[localHighs[k]] - prices[localLows[j]])
for l := k + 1; l &lt; len(localHighs); l++ {
for m := l; m &lt; len(localHighs); m++ {
if prices[localHighs[m]]&lt;prices[localLows[l]]{
transaction2 := int(prices[localHighs[m]] - prices[localLows[l]])
// fmt.Println(localLows[j], localHighs[k], localLows[l], localHighs[m])
if (transaction1 + transaction2) &gt; maxProfit {
maxProfit = transaction1 + transaction2
return maxProfit


得分: 0



func getMin(v1 int, v2 int) int {
    if v1 < v2 {
        return v1
    return v2

func getMax(v1 int, v2 int) int {
    if v1 > v2 {
        return v1
    return v2

func maxProfit(prices []int) int {    

    var cp1, cp2, mp1, mp2 int

    cp1 = math.MaxInt
    cp2 = math.MaxInt
    mp1 = 0 
    mp2 = 0

    for i:= 0; i < len(prices); i++ {
        cp1 = getMin(cp1, prices[i])
        mp1 = getMax(mp1, prices[i]-cp1)
        cp2 = getMin(cp2, prices[i]-mp1)
        mp2 = getMax(mp2, prices[i]-cp2)

    return mp2






cp2 = getMin(cp2, prices[i]-mp1)



Did you consider the fact that your approach is good BUT crucially however not good enough for Leetcode ? I had a hard time understanding how the state machine equations work but after spending a lot of time thinking about it, I finally understood it.

This is the working code for that approach.

func getMin(v1 int, v2 int) int {
if v1 &lt; v2 {
return v1
return v2
func getMax(v1 int, v2 int) int {
if v1 &gt; v2 {
return v1
return v2
func maxProfit(prices []int) int {    
var cp1, cp2, mp1, mp2 int
cp1 = math.MaxInt
cp2 = math.MaxInt
mp1 = 0 
mp2 = 0
for i:= 0; i &lt; len(prices); i++ {
cp1 = getMin(cp1, prices[i])
mp1 = getMax(mp1, prices[i]-cp1)
cp2 = getMin(cp2, prices[i]-mp1)
mp2 = getMax(mp2, prices[i]-cp2)
return mp2

cp1 is the cost price for the 1st transaction.
mp1 is the maximum profit for the 1st transaction.

If this problem only asked for the maximum profit from a single transaction, the solution ends right here and in fact that's the easy version of this problem.

Since we have the option to execute another transaction albeit one which doesn't overlap with the previous transaction, we go ahead and define cp2, mp2.

cp2 and mp2 are basically the same as cp1 and mp1 except for the fact that cp2 i.e. cost price 2 or cost price for the 2nd transaction can be potentially less than the price[i] for that given day.

Why exactly is it less ?
This is because if we made some profit from the 1st transaction then we could use that profit to offset or reduce the the 2nd cost price, which is why I'm subtracting the profit mp1 from cp2.

cp2 = getMin(cp2, prices[i]-mp1)

Think about it, if you made a profit of USD 100 from some transaction today in the stock market around 9 AM and did nothing afterwards, when you go in for your 2nd transaction to buy something for say USD 250 later in the day around 11AM, you could say that you bought it for USD 150 (because you made a profit of USD 100 earlier in the day). It's the same thing here. If you wind up selling this for USD 350, that means you've made a total profit of USD 200 ( either you could say USD350-USD150 OR USD250-USD150 + (USD 100 of 1st transaction, both mean the same)

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年6月4日 17:13:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/72498515.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
