
huangapple go评论115阅读模式

Zero an object in Golang Template


{{ define "default.message" }}
{{- if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 -}}
{{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts.Firing -}}
{{- if eq $index 0 -}}
详细信息:{{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}

在这里我将 $alert 置为零

{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

你好,我想在迭代结束后将 .Alerts.Firing,也就是 $alert 置为零。
我对 golang 还不熟悉,请帮忙,谢谢。

实际上这是 Prometheus 告警的模板。原始数据由 alertmanager 创建并发送给 receiver(微信)。

  1. {{ define "wechat.default.message" }}
  2. {{- if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 -}}
  3. {{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts.Firing -}}
  4. {{- if eq $index 0 -}}
  5. 详细信息:{{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}
  6. {{- end }}
  7. ---- 问题开始 ------
  8. 消息:{{ $alert.Annotations.description }}
  9. 时间:{{ ($alert.StartsAt.Add 28800e9).Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  10. {{ if gt (len $alert.Labels.instance) 0 }}IP:{{ $alert.Labels.instance }};{{- end }}
  11. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.namespace) 0 }}命名空间:{{ $alert.Labels.namespace }};{{- end }}
  12. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.node) 0 }}节点:{{ $alert.Labels.node }};{{- end }}
  13. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.pod_name) 0 }}Pod:{{ $alert.Labels.pod_name }}{{- end }}
  14. -----------------
  15. {{ $alert := "" }}
  16. {{- end }}
  17. {{- end }}
  18. {{- if gt (len .Alerts.Resolved) 0 -}}
  19. {{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts.Resolved -}}
  20. {{- if eq $index 0 }}
  21. !!!! 问题已解决 !!!!!
  22. 详细信息:{{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}
  23. {{- end }}
  24. 开始时间:{{ ($alert.StartsAt.Add 28800e9).Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  25. 解决时间:{{ ($alert.StartsAt.Add 28800e9).Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  26. -------
  27. {{ if gt (len $alert.Labels.instance) 0 -}}IP:{{ $alert.Labels.instance }};{{- end }}
  28. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.namespace) 0 -}}命名空间:{{ $alert.Labels.namespace }};{{- end }}
  29. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.node) 0 -}}节点:{{ $alert.Labels.node }};{{- end }}
  30. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.pod_name) 0 -}}Pod:{{ $alert.Labels.pod_name }}{{- end }}
  31. {{ $alert := "" }}
  32. -----------------
  33. {{- end }}
  34. {{- end }}
  35. {{- end }}

所以很难看到 alertmanager 发送的原始数据。我只能看到这个模板渲染后的结果。请看下面的示例。

  1. ################# 第一个告警 #########
  2. ##### 我们可以看到 232.20 处于 'resolved' 状态 ###
  3. 详细信息:节点宕机
  4. ---- 问题开始 ------
  5. 消息:节点宕机
  6. VALUE = 0
  7. LABELS =
  8. 时间:2022-06-02 14:47:51
  9. IP172.16.232.18:9100;
  10. -----------------
  11. !!!! 问题已解决 !!!!!
  12. 详细信息:节点宕机
  13. 开始时间:2022-06-02 14:47:21
  14. 解决时间:2022-06-02 14:47:21
  15. -------
  16. IP172.16.232.20:9100;
  17. -----------------
  18. ##################### 第二个告警 #######
  19. ####### 232.20 仍然处于 resolved 状态,看起来是重复的,所以我要将其置为零 ####
  20. !!!! 问题已解决 !!!!!
  21. 详细信息:节点宕机
  22. 开始时间:2022-06-02 14:47:51
  23. 解决时间:2022-06-02 14:47:51
  24. -------
  25. IP172.16.232.18:9100;
  26. -----------------
  27. 开始时间:2022-06-02 14:47:21
  28. 解决时间:2022-06-02 14:47:21
  29. -------
  30. IP172.16.232.20:9100;
  31. -----------------


  1. 第一个告警的原始数据。
  1. [FIRING:1] 节点宕机 (powerdns prod node_exporter critical)
  2. 实例宕机。
  3. 触发的告警:
  4. 标签:
  5. - alertname = 节点宕机
  6. - app = powerdns
  7. - env = prod
  8. - instance =
  9. - job = node_exporter
  10. - severity = critical
  11. 注释:
  12. - description = 节点宕机
  13. VALUE = 0
  14. LABELS =
  15. - summary = 实例宕机。
  16. 来源:http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  17. 已解决的告警:
  18. 标签:
  19. - alertname = 节点宕机
  20. - app = powerdns
  21. - env = prod
  22. - instance =
  23. - job = node_exporter
  24. - severity = critical
  25. 注释:
  26. - description = 节点宕机
  27. VALUE = 0
  28. LABELS =
  29. - summary = 实例宕机。
  30. 来源:http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  31. AlertmanagerUrl:
  32. http://alertmgr.pacific-textiles.com/#/alerts?receiver=wechat

2. 第二个告警的原始数据。

  1. [RESOLVED] 节点宕机 (powerdns prod node_exporter critical)
  2. 实例宕机。
  3. 已解决的告警:
  4. 标签:
  5. - alertname = 节点宕机
  6. - app = powerdns
  7. - env = prod
  8. - instance =
  9. - job = node_exporter
  10. - severity = critical
  11. 注释:
  12. - description = 节点宕机
  13. VALUE = 0
  14. LABELS =
  15. - summary = 实例宕机。
  16. 来源:http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  17. 标签:
  18. - alertname = 节点宕机
  19. - app = powerdns
  20. - env = prod
  21. - instance =
  22. - job = node_exporter
  23. - severity = critical
  24. 注释:
  25. - description = 节点宕机
  26. VALUE = 0
  27. LABELS =
  28. - summary = 实例宕机。
  29. 来源:http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  30. AlertmanagerUrl:
  31. http://alertmgr.pacific-textiles.com/#/alerts?receiver=wechat
  1. {{ define "default.message" }}
  2. {{- if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 -}}
  3. {{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts.Firing -}}
  4. {{- if eq $index 0 -}}
  5. Detail: {{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}
  6. # Here I'm going to zero $alert
  7. {{- end }}
  8. {{- end }}
  9. {{- end }}
  10. {{- end }}

hello, I want to zero .Alerts.Firing, which is also $alert after iteration over it.
I'm new to golang, Please help, thanks.

Actually it's a template of Prometheus alert. The orginal date is created by alertmanager and send to receiver( wechat).
Here is wechat template

  1. {{ define "wechat.default.message" }}
  2. {{- if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 -}}
  3. {{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts.Firing -}}
  4. {{- if eq $index 0 -}}
  5. Detail: {{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}
  6. {{- end }}
  7. ---- Problem started ------
  8. Message: {{ $alert.Annotations.description }}
  9. Time: {{ ($alert.StartsAt.Add 28800e9).Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  10. {{ if gt (len $alert.Labels.instance) 0 }}ip: {{ $alert.Labels.instance }};{{- end }}
  11. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.namespace) 0 }}namespace: {{ $alert.Labels.namespace }};{{- end }}
  12. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.node) 0 }}Node: {{ $alert.Labels.node }};{{- end }}
  13. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.pod_name) 0 }}Pod: {{ $alert.Labels.pod_name }}{{- end }}
  14. -----------------
  15. {{ $alert :="" }}
  16. {{- end }}
  17. {{- end }}
  18. {{- if gt (len .Alerts.Resolved) 0 -}}
  19. {{- range $index, $alert := .Alerts.Resolved -}}
  20. {{- if eq $index 0 }}
  21. !!!! Problem resolved !!!!!
  22. Detail: {{ $alert.Labels.alertname }}
  23. {{- end }}
  24. Started_at: {{ ($alert.StartsAt.Add 28800e9).Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  25. Resolved_at: {{ ($alert.StartsAt.Add 28800e9).Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
  26. -------
  27. {{ if gt (len $alert.Labels.instance) 0 -}}ip: {{ $alert.Labels.instance }};{{- end }}
  28. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.namespace) 0 -}}namespace: {{ $alert.Labels.namespace }};{{- end }}
  29. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.node) 0 -}}Node: {{ $alert.Labels.node }};{{- end }}
  30. {{- if gt (len $alert.Labels.pod_name) 0 -}}Pod: {{ $alert.Labels.pod_name }}{{- end }}
  31. {{ $alert :="" }}
  32. -----------------
  33. {{- end }}
  34. {{- end }}
  35. {{- end }}

So it's hard to see the raw data sent by alertmanager. What I can see only it the result rendered by this template. Please see below.

  1. ################# The first alert #########
  2. ##### As we can see 232.20 is in the state of 'resolved' ###
  3. Detail: Node is down
  4. ---- Problem started ------
  5. Message: Node is down
  6. VALUE = 0
  7. LABELS =
  8. Time: 2022-06-02 14:47:51
  9. ip:;
  10. -----------------
  11. !!!! Problem resolved !!!!!
  12. Detail: Node is down
  13. Started_at: 2022-06-02 14:47:21
  14. Resolved_at: 2022-06-02 14:47:21
  15. -------
  16. ip:;
  17. -----------------
  18. ##################### The second alert #######
  19. ####### 232.20 is still in the state of resolved, it seems it's duplicated, that's why I'm going to zero it ####
  20. !!!! Problem resolved !!!!!
  21. Detail: Node is down
  22. Started_at: 2022-06-02 14:47:51
  23. Resolved_at: 2022-06-02 14:47:51
  24. -------
  25. ip:;
  26. -----------------
  27. Started_at: 2022-06-02 14:47:21
  28. Resolved_at: 2022-06-02 14:47:21
  29. -------
  30. ip:;
  31. -----------------


  1. raw data of first alert.
  1. [FIRING:1] Node is down (powerdns prod node_exporter critical)
  2. instance is down.
  3. Alerts Firing:
  4. Labels:
  5. - alertname = Node is down
  6. - app = powerdns
  7. - env = prod
  8. - instance =
  9. - job = node_exporter
  10. - severity = critical
  11. Annotations:
  12. - description = Node is down
  13. VALUE = 0
  14. LABELS =
  15. - summary = instance is down.
  16. Source: http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  17. Alerts Resolved:
  18. Labels:
  19. - alertname = Node is down
  20. - app = powerdns
  21. - env = prod
  22. - instance =
  23. - job = node_exporter
  24. - severity = critical
  25. Annotations:
  26. - description = Node is down
  27. VALUE = 0
  28. LABELS =
  29. - summary = instance is down.
  30. Source: http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  31. AlertmanagerUrl:
  32. http://alertmgr.pacific-textiles.com/#/alerts?receiver=wechat

2. raw data of second alert.

  1. [RESOLVED] Node is down (powerdns prod node_exporter critical)
  2. instance is down.
  3. Alerts Resolved:
  4. Labels:
  5. - alertname = Node is down
  6. - app = powerdns
  7. - env = prod
  8. - instance =
  9. - job = node_exporter
  10. - severity = critical
  11. Annotations:
  12. - description = Node is down
  13. VALUE = 0
  14. LABELS =
  15. - summary = instance is down.
  16. Source: http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  17. Labels:
  18. - alertname = Node is down
  19. - app = powerdns
  20. - env = prod
  21. - instance =
  22. - job = node_exporter
  23. - severity = critical
  24. Annotations:
  25. - description = Node is down
  26. VALUE = 0
  27. LABELS =
  28. - summary = instance is down.
  29. Source: http://pt-prometheus-server-85944ccff6-qvtc4:9090/graph?g0.expr=up%7Bjob%3D%22node_exporter%22%7D+%3D%3D+0&g0.tab=1
  30. AlertmanagerUrl:
  31. http://alertmgr.pacific-textiles.com/#/alerts?receiver=wechat


得分: 0


  1. 在微信中没有办法保留上次“已解决”的主机232.20。
  2. 下次原始数据仍然包含“已解决”的主机232.20,所以无论如何都无法删除它。
  3. 因此,输出也无法改变。



Just relealize it cannot be resolved by zero an object. Because:

  1. There is no way to keep last 'resolved' host 232.20 in wechat.
  2. Next time the raw data still contains 'resolved' host 232.20, so it cannot be removed by any means.
  3. so the output cannot be changed, either.


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年6月2日 15:01:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/72471955.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
