
huangapple go评论116阅读模式

Golang Compare Two Strings contains same words



  • 例子:"3 of hearts" 和 "5 of hearts" 匹配,因为它们都是红心,应该返回 true。

  • 例子:"7 of hearts" 和 "7 of clubs" 匹配,因为它们都有值为 7,应该返回 true。

  • 例子:"Jack of spades" 只与另一个 "Jack of spades" 匹配,应该返回 true。

在 Golang 中,你可以这样实现:

import (

func compare(firstString, secondString string) bool {
	firstArray := strings.Split(firstString, " ")
	secondArray := strings.Split(secondString, " ")

	// 检查花色是否匹配
	if firstArray[len(firstArray)-1] != secondArray[len(secondArray)-1] {
		return false

	// 检查值是否匹配
	if firstArray[0] != secondArray[0] {
		return false

	return true

compare("3 of hearts", "5 of hearts")
// 这应该返回 true

这段代码将字符串按空格分割成数组,并逐个比较数组元素。首先检查花色是否匹配,然后检查值是否匹配。如果两个条件都满足,则返回 true,否则返回 false。


I am trying check if an array contains a particular word with another array like so:

  • Example: "3 of hearts" and "5 of hearts" match because they are both
    hearts and should return true.

  • Example: "7 of hearts" and "7 of
    clubs" match because they both have the value 7 and should return

  • Example: "Jack of spades" only matches another "Jack of spades"
    and should return true.

How would I go about doing this in golang. I tried a bunch of steps and I'm back in square one what I have so far is this:

func compare(firstString, secondString string) bool {
	return false

compare("3 of hearts", "5 of hearts")
## This should return true


得分: 1

func compare(f, s string) bool {
	arr1, arr2 := strings.Split(f, " "), strings.Split(s, " ")
	for _, v1 := range arr1 {
		for _, v2 := range arr2 {
			if v1 == v2 {
				return true
	return false

<kbd>go playground</kbd>

func compare(f, s string) bool {
	arr1, arr2 := strings.Split(f, &quot; &quot;), strings.Split(s, &quot; &quot;)
	for _, v1 := range arr1 {
		for _, v2 := range arr2 {
			if v1 == v2 {
				return true
	return false

<kbd>go playground</kbd>


得分: 1


func compare(firstString, secondString string) bool {
    f, s := strings.Split(firstString, " "), strings.Split(secondString, " ")
    if f[0] == s[0] || f[2] == f[2] {
        return true
    return false

compare("3 of hearts", "5 of hearts")
## 这应该返回true

compare("7 of hearts", "7 of clubs")
## 这应该返回true

compare("Jack of spades", "Jack of spades")
## 这应该返回true

compare("5 of hearts", "7 of clubs")
## 这应该返回false

I'm fairly new to golang but the best way to get this without needing to loop twice would be:

func compare(firstString, secondString string) bool {
    f, s := strings.Split(f, &quot; &quot;), strings.Split(secondString, &quot; &quot;)
    if f[0] == s[0] || f[2] == f[2] {
        return true
    return false

compare(&quot;3 of hearts&quot;, &quot;5 of hearts&quot;)
## This should return true

compare(&quot;7 of hearts&quot;, &quot;7 of clubs&quot;)
## This should return true

compare(&quot;Jack of spades&quot;, &quot;Jack of spades&quot;)
## This should return true

compare(&quot;5 of hearts&quot;, &quot;7 of clubs&quot;)
## This should return false


# 答案3
**得分**: 1

我不知道你真正想做什么(我的意思是,Hello World很无聊),但从问题中,我至少知道它可能与扑克有关。





1. `type Card struct{}`
2. `func GetCardFromStr(str string) (*Card, error)`
3. `func (card *Card) Equal(card2 *Card, criteria criteria) bool`

### 示例代码

package main

import (

type Suit uint8

const (
	Spades Suit = iota + 1

var suitMap map[string]Suit

func init() {
	suitMap = map[string]Suit{"spades": Spades, "hearts": Hearts, "diamonds": Diamonds, "clubs": Clubs}

func StrToSuit(str string) Suit {
	if suit, exists := suitMap[strings.ToLower(str)]; exists {
		return suit
	return 0

type Card struct {
	point int  // 1-13 // ace, 2 to 10, Jack J, Queen Q, King K
	suit  Suit // spades ♠️, hearts ♥️, diamonds ♦️, clubs ♣️ // emoji suit: https://emojipedia.org/search/?q=Suit

func NewCard(point int, suit Suit) (*Card, error) {
	if point < 0 || point > 13 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal point: '%d', it should in the range: 1~13", point)
	return &Card{point, suit}, nil // you can consider checking the suit.

func (card *Card) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", map[Suit]string{
		Spades:   "♠️",
		Hearts:   "♥️",
		Diamonds: "♦️",
		Clubs:    "♣️",
	}[card.suit], card.point)

type criteria uint8

const (
	Loose criteria = 1 << iota // one of them match
	// ... // others
	Strict // all match

func (card *Card) Equal(card2 *Card, criteria criteria) bool {
	if criteria == Strict {
		if card.point == card2.point && (card.suit == card2.suit && card.suit != 0) {
			return true
		return false
	if card.point == card2.point || (card.suit == card2.suit && card.suit != 0) {
		return true
	return false

func GetCardFromStr(str string) (*Card, error) {
	slice := strings.Split(str, " ")
	if slice == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't convert string to the card")
	alphaMap := map[string]int{
		"ace":  1,
		"jack": 11, "queen": 12, "king": 13,
	cardPoint := 0
	var cardSuit Suit
	for _, elem := range slice {
		elem = strings.ToLower(elem)
		if cardPoint == 0 {
			checkPoint := true
			if point, exists := alphaMap[elem]; exists {
				cardPoint = point
				checkPoint = false
			if checkPoint {
				if point, err := strconv.Atoi(elem); err == nil {
					cardPoint = point
		if cardSuit == 0 {
			if suit := StrToSuit(elem); suit != 0 {
				cardSuit = suit

	if cardPoint == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't convert string to the card (unknown point)")
	if cardSuit == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't convert string to the card (unknown suit)")

	return NewCard(cardPoint, cardSuit)

func main() {
	for caseNumber, data := range []struct {
		s1 string
		s2 string
		{"-5 hearts", "5 hearts", Loose},                                            // error illegal point: '-5', it should in the range: 1~13
		{"0", "", Loose},                                                            // error can't convert string to the card (unknown point)
		{"3 of hearts", "3 of hearts", Loose},                                       // true
		{"3 of hearts", "5 of hearts", Loose},                                       // true
		{"7 of hearts", "7 of clubs", Loose},                                        // true
		{"Jack of spades", "Jack of spades", Strict},                                // true
		{"Jack of spades", "Jack spades", Strict},                                   // true
		{"Jack of spades", "Jack hearts", Strict},                                   // false
		{"Jack of spades", "Jack", Strict},                                          // error can't convert string to the card (unknown suit)
		{"Jack of spades", "spades", Strict},                                        // error can't convert string to the card (unknown point)
		{"player Foo: 1 of clubs ", "player bar: I get an Ace of spades !!", Loose}, // true
	} {
		card1, err := GetCardFromStr(data.s1)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("case:%d errMsg:%s\n", caseNumber, err)
		card2, err := GetCardFromStr(data.s2)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("case:%d errMsg:%s\n", caseNumber, err)
		fmt.Printf("criteria %d, %s equal %s: %v\n",
			data.criteria, card1, card2, card1.Equal(card2, data.criteria),





I don't know what you really want to do. (I mean hello world is boring)
But from the question, at least I know that it might be related to poker.

So you should first design the structure related to the playing cards.

Then you need a method to get the object from the string

Finally, design an Equal function of the card, then done.

  1. type Card struct{}
  2. func GetCardFromStr(str string) (*Card, error)
  3. func (card *Card) Equal(card2 *Card, criteria criteria) bool

Example Code

package main

import (

type Suit uint8

const (
	Spades Suit = iota + 1

var suitMap map[string]Suit

func init() {
	suitMap = map[string]Suit{&quot;spades&quot;: Spades, &quot;hearts&quot;: Hearts, &quot;diamonds&quot;: Diamonds, &quot;clubs&quot;: Clubs}

func StrToSuit(str string) Suit {
	if suit, exists := suitMap[strings.ToLower(str)]; exists {
		return suit
	return 0

type Card struct {
	point int  // 1-13 // ace, 2 to 10, Jack J, Queen Q, King K
	suit  Suit // spades ♠️, hearts ♥️, diamonds ♦️, clubs ♣️ // emoji suit: https://emojipedia.org/search/?q=Suit

func NewCard(point int, suit Suit) (*Card, error) {
	if point &lt; 0 || point &gt; 13 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(&quot;illegal point: &#39;%d&#39;, it should in the range: 1~13&quot;, point)
	return &amp;Card{point, suit}, nil // you can consider checking the suit.

func (card *Card) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(&quot;%s%d&quot;, map[Suit]string{
		Spades:   &quot;&quot;,
		Hearts:   &quot;&quot;,
		Diamonds: &quot;&quot;,
		Clubs:    &quot;&quot;,
	}[card.suit], card.point)

type criteria uint8

const (
	Loose criteria = 1 &lt;&lt; iota // one of them match
	// ... // others
	Strict // all match

func (card *Card) Equal(card2 *Card, criteria criteria) bool {
	if criteria == Strict {
		if card.point == card2.point &amp;&amp; (card.suit == card2.suit &amp;&amp; card.suit != 0) {
			return true
		return false
	if card.point == card2.point || (card.suit == card2.suit &amp;&amp; card.suit != 0) {
		return true
	return false

func GetCardFromStr(str string) (*Card, error) {
	slice := strings.Split(str, &quot; &quot;)
	if slice == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(&quot;can&#39;t convert string to the card&quot;)
	alphaMap := map[string]int{
		&quot;ace&quot;:  1,
		&quot;jack&quot;: 11, &quot;queen&quot;: 12, &quot;king&quot;: 13,
	cardPoint := 0
	var cardSuit Suit
	for _, elem := range slice {
		elem = strings.ToLower(elem)
		if cardPoint == 0 {
			checkPoint := true
			if point, exists := alphaMap[elem]; exists {
				cardPoint = point
				checkPoint = false
			if checkPoint {
				if point, err := strconv.Atoi(elem); err == nil {
					cardPoint = point
		if cardSuit == 0 {
			if suit := StrToSuit(elem); suit != 0 {
				cardSuit = suit

	if cardPoint == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(&quot;can&#39;t convert string to the card (unknown point)&quot;)
	if cardSuit == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(&quot;can&#39;t convert string to the card (unknown suit)&quot;)

	return NewCard(cardPoint, cardSuit)

func main() {
	for caseNumber, data := range []struct {
		s1 string
		s2 string
		{&quot;-5 hearts&quot;, &quot;5 hearts&quot;, Loose},                                            // error illegal point: &#39;-5&#39;, it should in the range: 1~13
		{&quot;0&quot;, &quot;&quot;, Loose},                                                            // error can&#39;t convert string to the card (unknown point)
		{&quot;3 of hearts&quot;, &quot;3 of hearts&quot;, Loose},                                       // true
		{&quot;3 of hearts&quot;, &quot;5 of hearts&quot;, Loose},                                       // true
		{&quot;7 of hearts&quot;, &quot;7 of clubs&quot;, Loose},                                        // true
		{&quot;Jack of spades&quot;, &quot;Jack of spades&quot;, Strict},                                // true
		{&quot;Jack of spades&quot;, &quot;Jack spades&quot;, Strict},                                   // true
		{&quot;Jack of spades&quot;, &quot;Jack hearts&quot;, Strict},                                   // false
		{&quot;Jack of spades&quot;, &quot;Jack&quot;, Strict},                                          // error can&#39;t convert string to the card (unknown suit)
		{&quot;Jack of spades&quot;, &quot;spades&quot;, Strict},                                        // error can&#39;t convert string to the card (unknown point)
		{&quot;player Foo: 1 of clubs &quot;, &quot;player bar: I get an Ace of spades !!&quot;, Loose}, // true
	} {
		card1, err := GetCardFromStr(data.s1)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf(&quot;case:%d errMsg:%s\n&quot;, caseNumber, err)
		card2, err := GetCardFromStr(data.s2)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf(&quot;case:%d errMsg:%s\n&quot;, caseNumber, err)
		fmt.Printf(&quot;criteria %d, %s equal %s: %v\n&quot;,
			data.criteria, card1, card2, card1.Equal(card2, data.criteria),

<kbd>go playground</kbd>

By using the above code, I believe no one will be confused about the comparison, and you will be able to avoid the downvote.

and then you can turn the question to how to optimize the function GetCardFromStr <sup>use loop one layer only、 regexp、detection of more edges...</sup>

Strictly speaking, I am not answering the question but only providing reference to the direction of your question. I hope you don't mind, and good luck.

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年5月18日 06:27:57
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/72281334.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
