What is the smallest number of times I can copy the data in order to return the contents of an io.Reader as a string pointer?

huangapple go评论107阅读模式

What is the smallest number of times I can copy the data in order to return the contents of an io.Reader as a string pointer?



func getStuff(id string) string {
    response, _ := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("/some/url/%s", id))
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
    return string(body)


  1. io.ReadAll 将数据从传入的 HTTP 连接复制到一个字节切片中。
  2. string(body) 将字节切片复制到一个字符串中。
  3. return 为调用函数中使用的字符串创建一个新的副本。



response, _ := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("/some/url/%s", id))
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
result := string(body)
return &result


我可以让他将返回类型改为 *[]byte,然后我们只需 return &body。但是,所有的调用者都需要自己将结果转换为字符串,这样我所做的只是将进行第二次复制的逻辑分散到多个其他地方,而不是将其集中在这里。

我可以使用 strings.Builderio.Copy

builder := new(strings.Builder)
_, _ := io.Copy(buf, response.Body)
result := buf.String()
return &result





A coworker implemented a function that makes an HTTP call and returns the response body as a string. Simplifying a bit for brevity (no, we're not really ignoring all the errors):

func getStuff(id string) string {
    response, _ := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("/some/url/%s", id))
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
    return string(body)

The response is typically fairly large, so I want to avoid unnecessary copying. As I understand it, as written, we are making three copies of the response data:

  1. io.ReadAll copies the data from the incoming HTTP connection to a byte slice.
  2. string(body) copies the byte slice into a string.
  3. return makes a new copy of the string for use in the calling function.

So, first of all, do I understand the current state correctly?

The easy first step is to return a pointer:

response, _ := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("/some/url/%s", id))
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
result := string(body)
return &result

That avoids the third copy. Cool. But I'm still making two copies of the data, and I'd like to make just one.

I could have him change the return type to *[]byte, and then we can just return &body. But then all of the callers would need to convert the result to string themselves, and then all I've accomplished is to spread the logic that makes the second copy around to multiple other places instead of keeping it consolidated here.

I could use strings.Builder and io.Copy:

builder := new(strings.Builder)
_, _ := io.Copy(buf, response.Body)
result buf.String()
return &result

And that might be a tiny bit more efficient (I don't really know; is it?), but I still end up with two copies of the data.

Is it possible to do this with just a single copy of the data?

I think it's not; just wondering if I'm wrong!


得分: 3




Copying a string only copies the string header, which contains two words: pointer to the array containing string data, and the length. It does not copy the string contents. Thus, returning a string from a function will not copy the string.

If you are passing that string to something like json unmarshaling, you can return the []byte, or even, the reader from the body, and process it. If you need it as a string, then two-copies is the best you can have: once to read it from the body, and second, to convert it into a string.

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