How to convert interface{} that's really a slice of types whose kind is reflect.Int32 into slice of int32?

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How to convert interface{} that's really a slice of types whose kind is reflect.Int32 into slice of int32?



type Int32A int32
type Int32B int32


func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(es interface{}) []int32 {
  result := make([]int32, len(es))
  for i := 0; i < len(result); i++ {
    result[i] = es[i].(int32)

  return result

func caller() {
  Int32as := Int32A{1, 2}
  Int32bs := Int32B{3, 5}

  int32as := ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(Int32as)
  int32bs := ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(Int32bs)




func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(is interface{}) []int32 {
	es := is.([]interface{})
	result := make([]int32, len(es))
	for i := 0; i < len(result); i++ {
		result[i] = es[i].(int32)

	return result

I have the following:

type Int32A int32
type Int32B int32

and would like to implement a function that can accept any slice of types whose kind is reflect.Int32 and convert it into []int32. For example:

func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(es &#171;es-type&#187;) []int32 {
  result := make([]int32, len(es))
  for i := 0; i &lt; len(result); i++ {
    result[i] = es[i].(int32)

  return result

func caller() {
  Int32as := Int32A{1, 2}
  Int32bs := Int32B{3, 5}

  int32as := ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(Int32as)
  int32bs := ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(Int32bs)

How can this be done far any arbitrary type definition whose kind is reflect.Int32? (Context: this function will be used to convert slices of proto enums; ie the full set of types is unknown and unbounded so performing a switch on each type isn't feasible).

Also, I'm using 1.17 so I can't use parameterized types (aka templates).

One attempt that doesn't work (it panics at is.([]interface{})):

func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(is interface{}) []int32 {
	es := is.([]interface{})
	result := make([]int32, len(es))
	for i := 0; i &lt; len(result); i++ {
		result[i] = es[i].(int32)

	return result


得分: 3

在这种情况下,int32是一个"底层类型",而在type parameter declaration中,~是用来指定底层类型的约束条件的方式。


func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice[T ~int32](es []T) []int32 {
	result := make([]int32, len(es))
	for i := 0; i < len(result); i++ {
		result[i] = int32(es[i])

	return result


func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(es interface{}) []int32 {
	v := reflect.ValueOf(es)
	int32ty := reflect.TypeOf(int32(0))

	result := make([]int32, v.Len())
	for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
		result[i] = v.Index(i).Convert(int32ty).Interface().(int32)
	return result

如果你需要确保其他可转换的数值类型不被转换,你可以比较元素类型并根据需要引发 panic 或错误:

if v.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Int32 {

int32 in this case is an "underlying type", and ~ in a type parameter declaration is how you specify a constraint to an underlying type.

For example:

func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice[T ~int32](es []T) []int32 {
	result := make([]int32, len(es))
	for i := 0; i &lt; len(result); i++ {
		result[i] = int32(es[i])

	return result

If you need to use reflection, you can convert the type of each element before appending to the final slice:

func ConvertTypeSliceToInt32Slice(es interface{}) []int32 {
	v := reflect.ValueOf(es)
	int32ty := reflect.TypeOf(int32(0))

	result := make([]int32, v.Len())
	for i := 0; i &lt; v.Len(); i++ {
		result[i] = v.Index(i).Convert(int32ty).Interface().(int32)
	return result

And if you need to ensure other convertible numeric types are not converted, you can compare the element type and panic or error as necessary:

if v.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Int32 {

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