在GO中存储基本的HTTP AUth用户/密码凭据,无需使用外部包。

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Store Basic HTTP AUth user/password credentials in GO without external packages




func IsAllowed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
    u, p, ok := r.BasicAuth()
    if !ok {
        w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM!"`)
        w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
        return false

    if u != "devnull" || p != "veryfancypw" {
        w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM!"`)
        w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
        return false

    return true


最佳的存储这些凭据的方式是什么?例如,将其存储在配置文件中,但不使用外部包?在运行go run main.go时将其作为参数传递是否可行?



func IsAllowed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
    u, p, ok := r.BasicAuth()
    boss := os.Getenv("BOSS")
    bosspw := os.Getenv("BOSSPW")

    // printf("Debug: %s, debugging: %s\n", boss, bosspw)

    if !ok {
        w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM!"`)
        w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
        return false

    if u != boss || p != bosspw {
        w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM!"`)
        w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
        return false

    return true


export BOSS=myusername
export BOSSPW="my long and difficult to get password"




I am developing a simple blog engine in go using only the standard libraries (and the mysql driver 😁)

For the admin I am using Basic HTTP Auth

func IsAllowed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
	u, p, ok := r.BasicAuth()
	if !ok {
		w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM! "`)
		w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
		return false

	if u != "devnull" || p != "veryfancypw" {
		w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM! "`)
		w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
		return false

	return true

This is obviously not ideal as the user pw should not be hardcoded this way.

What is the best way to store these credentials e.g. in a config file but without external packages ? Is it desirable to pass it as a parameter when I launch go run main.go or ?


I accepted @stdtom reply as it is very comprehensive. I opted for storing in the environmental variables so we have:

func IsAllowed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
	u, p, ok := r.BasicAuth()
	boss := os.Getenv("BOSS")
	bosspw := os.Getenv("BOSSPW")

	// printf("Debug: %s, debugging: %s\n", boss, bosspw)

	if !ok {
		w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM! "`)
		w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
		return false

	if u != boss || p != bosspw {
		w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Beware! Protected REALM! "`)
		w.Write([]byte("401 Unauthorized\n"))
		return false

	return true

For this to work you need to add these variables in .zshrc (on a mac) or if you use bash .bashrc

export BOSS=myusername
export BOSSPW="my long and difficult to get password"

As the accepted reply suggests "Privileged users can access the environment variables..." but my scenario is based on your running your own machine so if someone gets access to it the user/pw to the admin interface of your blog is probably the least of your problems.

I think this was very useful as most example you find online about using Basic HTTP Auth in GO just show hardcoded username and passwords which is of course a very bad idea.


得分: 1



  • A: 凭据被持久化存储在版本控制中,与他人共享,甚至更糟的是在GitHub等地方公开。
  • B: 凭据暴露给运行环境的非特权共享用户。
  • C: 凭据暴露给运行环境的特权用户(包括入侵系统并能够获得特权用户权限的攻击者)。


可以减轻威胁A,但无法减轻威胁B和C。命令行参数甚至可以被非特权用户通过ps -eo args等方式获取。








  • 将凭据存储在数据库中,如brianmac建议的,会将问题转移到“在哪里存储我的数据库凭据?”

  • 将密钥加密与上述任何解决方案结合使用将要求在运行环境中向服务提供解密密钥。因此,你需要一个基于TPM的解决方案,或者你面临一个问题,即在哪里存储这个密钥。

  • “作为服务的凭据”解决方案,如Hashicorp Vault、Azure Key Vault、AWS Secrets Manager等,在你的场景中可能过于庞大。它们提供了集中存储和管理凭据的功能。应用程序/服务可以通过定义的API从该解决方案中检索凭据。






When it comes down to storing credentials on a server or other runtime environment, you are somehow between the devil and the deep blue sea. There is no real good solution which is likewise usable.

Start asking yourself, what your threat model is.

  • A: Secrets being persisted in version control, shared with others, or even worse, made public on GitHub etc.
  • B: Secrets being exposed to unprivileged co-users of the runtime environment
  • C: Secrets being exposed to privileged users of the runtime environment (including an attacker who compromised the system and was able to get privileged user rights).

Based on the threats defined, you can start assessing potential solutions to store and inject secrets. This will of course depend on your environment (e.g. OS, cloud provider, Kubernetes/Docker, etc.). In the following I will assume Linux as OS.

Pass in as parameter:
Would mitigate threat A, but not B and C. Command line arguments can be revealed even by unprivileged users e.g. by ps -eo args

Store in config file:
Would mitigate threat B, given that file permissions are set correctly. With regard to A, there is still a risk that the config file is unintendedly added to the version control. Does not mitigate threat C.

If you would use e.g. json format for the config file, this could be implemented easily with the Golang standard lib.

Store in environment variables:
Would mitigate threats A and B, but not C. Privileged users can access the environment variables via /proc/&lt;pid&gt;/environ. Also the question remains how you will set the environment variables in the runtime environment. If you are using a CI/CD pipeline to deploy your service, this pipeline could be used to inject the environment variables during deployment. Usually, the CI/CD engine come with some kind of variable store for secrets.

Drawback of this approach is that the environment variables will be ephemeral, so after a reboot of the runtime environment you would need to redeploy via the CI/CD pipeline or you need to ensure persistence of the secrets in the runtime environment, e.g. in a startup script.

Environment variables can be read easily with os.Getenv() or os.LookupEnv() from the standard lib.

Enter manually on start time:
Would mitigate A and B, but privileged users would still be able to read the secrets from memory. Upon reboot of the runtime environment, the service will not be available until an operator enters the secrets manually. So this approach would probably be considered as impractical in many use cases.

Further considerations:

  • Storing secrets in a database as suggested by brianmac shifts the question to "Where to store my db credentials?"

  • Combining secret encryption with any of the solutions described above will require that the decryption key is made available to the service in the runtime environment. So you either need a TPM-based solution or you are faced with the question, where to store this key.

  • "Secrets as a Service" solutions like Hashicorp Vault, Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager etc. will probably be oversized in your scenarion. They provide centralized storage and management of secrets. Applications/services can retrieve secrets from this solution via a defined API.

    This, however, requires authentication and authorization of the service requesting a secret. So we are back at the question how to store another secret for the service in there runtime environment.

    Cloud providers try to overcome this by assigning the runtime environment an identity and authorizing this identity to access other cloud resources including the "Secret as a Service" solution. Usually only the designated runtime environment will be able to retrieve the credentials of the identity. However, nothing can prevent an privileged user who has access the runtime environment from using the identity to access the secrets.

Bottom line is that it is hard to impossible to store secrets in a way that a privileged user or someone who compromised the system will not be able to get access.

If you accept this as the residual risk, storing the secrets in environment variables is a good approach as it can avoid persisting secrets. It is also platform agnostic and thus can be used with any runtime environment, cloud provider etc. It can also be supported by a variety of automation and deployment tools.

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年4月14日 17:41:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/71869546.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
