ImageMagick可以在Windows PowerShell上运行,但无法与go一起运行。

huangapple go评论119阅读模式

ImageMagick can run on Windows PowerShell but can't run with go




  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "os"
  5. "os/exec"
  6. "path/filepath"
  7. "runtime"
  8. "strings"
  9. )
  10. func main() {
  11. currentDir, _ := os.Getwd()
  12. sourceImg := os.Args[1]
  13. sourceName := filepath.Base(sourceImg)
  14. sourceExt := filepath.Ext(sourceImg)
  15. imgNameWithoutExt := strings.Replace(sourceName, sourceExt, "", 1)
  16. targetImgName := imgNameWithoutExt + "_wm" + sourceExt
  17. targetImg := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(sourceImg), targetImgName)
  18. command := "bash"
  19. secondParam := "-c"
  20. // 在 macOS 或 Linux 中,使用反斜杠来转义括号
  21. cmdStr := `magick "` + sourceImg + `" -set option:watermarkWidth "%[fx:int(w*0.25)]" -alpha set -background none \( -fill "#FFFFFF80" -stroke "#FF000080" -strokeWidth 3 -undercolor "#FF000080" -font "arial.ttf" -size "%[watermarkWidth]x" label:"This is watermark" -gravity center -geometry +10+10 -rotate -30 \) -composite -quality 40 "` + targetImg + `"`
  22. if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
  23. sourceImg = strings.ReplaceAll(sourceImg, "\\", "\\\\")
  24. targetImg = strings.ReplaceAll(targetImg, "\\", "\\\\")
  25. // 在 PowerShell 中,使用反引号(`)来转义括号
  26. command = "cmd"
  27. secondParam = "/c"
  28. cmdStr = `magick "` + sourceImg + `" -set option:watermarkWidth "%[fx:int(w*0.25)]" -alpha set -background none ` + `(` + ` -fill "#FFFFFF80" -stroke "#FF000080" -strokeWidth 3 -undercolor "#FF000080" -font "arial.ttf" -size "%[watermarkWidth]x" label:"This is watermark" -gravity center -geometry +10+10 -rotate -30 ` + `)` + ` -composite -quality 40 "` + targetImg + `"`
  29. }
  30. fmt.Println(cmdStr)
  31. cmd := exec.Command(command, secondParam, cmdStr)
  32. cmd.Dir = currentDir
  33. ouput, err := cmd.Output()
  34. if err != nil {
  35. fmt.Println("Error:", ouput, err.Error())
  36. } else {
  37. fmt.Println("Watermark was successfully added!")
  38. }
  39. }

由于代码中使用了os.Getwd(),所以我们不能直接通过go run main.go来运行它,而是需要构建一个可执行文件:

  1. # 构建 Windows 可执行文件
  2. GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-w -s" -o "test-magick.exe" main.go
  3. # 构建 macOS 可执行文件
  4. GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-w -s" -o "test-magick" main.go
  5. # 构建 Linux 可执行文件(我没有测试)
  6. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-w -s" -o "test-magick" main.go

在 macOS 上,可执行文件可以正常工作,成功添加了水印。

在 Windows 上(PowerShell中),它返回一个错误,实际上没有指定的错误消息,只是失败了。



I need to add watermark with ImageMagick, for some reason, I need to run it with golang.

Here is my code snippet

  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "os"
  5. "os/exec"
  6. "path/filepath"
  7. "runtime"
  8. "strings"
  9. )
  10. func main() {
  11. currentDir, _ := os.Getwd()
  12. sourceImg := os.Args[1]
  13. sourceName := filepath.Base(sourceImg)
  14. sourceExt := filepath.Ext(sourceImg)
  15. imgNameWithoutExt := strings.Replace(sourceName, sourceExt, "", 1)
  16. targetImgName := imgNameWithoutExt + "_wm" + sourceExt
  17. targetImg := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(sourceImg), targetImgName)
  18. command := "bash"
  19. secondParam := "-c"
  20. // In macOS or Linux, use backslash to escape parenthesis
  21. cmdStr := `magick "` + sourceImg + `" -set option:watermarkWidth "%[fx:int(w*0.25)]" -alpha set -background none \\( -fill "#FFFFFF80" -stroke "#FF000080" -strokeWidth 3 -undercolor "#FF000080" -font "arial.ttf" -size "%[watermarkWidth]x" label:"This is watermark" -gravity center -geometry +10+10 -rotate -30 \\) -composite -quality 40 "` + targetImg + `"`
  22. if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
  23. sourceImg = strings.ReplaceAll(sourceImg, "\\", "\\\\")
  24. targetImg = strings.ReplaceAll(targetImg, "\\", "\\\\")
  25. // In PowerShell, use babckstick (`) to escape parenthesis
  26. command = "cmd"
  27. secondParam = "/c"
  28. cmdStr = `magick "` + sourceImg + `" -set option:watermarkWidth "%[fx:int(w*0.25)]" -alpha set -background none ` + "`(" + ` -fill "#FFFFFF80" -stroke "#FF000080" -strokeWidth 3 -undercolor "#FF000080" -font "arial.ttf" -size "%[watermarkWidth]x" label:"This is watermark" -gravity center -geometry +10+10 -rotate -30 ` + "`)" + ` -composite -quality 40 "` + targetImg + `"`
  29. }
  30. fmt.Println(cmdStr)
  31. cmd := exec.Command(command, secondParam, cmdStr)
  32. cmd.Dir = currentDir
  33. ouput, err := cmd.Output()
  34. if err != nil {
  35. fmt.Println("Error:", ouput, err.Error())
  36. } else {
  37. fmt.Println("Watermark was successfully added!")
  38. }
  39. }

Because I've use os.Getwd() in the code, so we cannot run it directly through go run main.go, instead, we should build an executable

  1. # build Windows executable
  2. GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-w -s" -o "test-magick.exe" main.go
  3. # build macOS executable
  4. GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-w -s" -o "test-magick" main.go
  5. # build Linux executable(I didn't test)
  6. GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-w -s" -o "test-magick" main.go

On macOS, the executable works fine, the watermark was successfully added
ImageMagick可以在Windows PowerShell上运行,但无法与go一起运行。

On Windows(in PowerShell), it returns an error, actually no specified error message, it just failed
ImageMagick可以在Windows PowerShell上运行,但无法与go一起运行。

Anyone who knows how to solve this error?


得分: 2


因此,因为你错误地将一个为powershell.exe(Windows PowerShell CLI)设计的命令行传递给了cmd.exe,这是一个语法不同的旧版Windows shell,所以会失败。


  1. command = "powershell.exe"
  2. secondParam = "-c"


  1. "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-NoProfile"





You're not using PowerShell to invoke your executable from inside your Go application, you're using cmd.exe, which has different syntax rules (it doesn't recognize ` (the backtick) as the escape character, % is a metacharacter, no support for escaping " as \", ...)

Therefore, because you're mistakenly passing a command line designed for powershell.exe (the Windows PowerShell CLI) to cmd.exe, the legacy Windows shell, which fails, due to the syntax differences.

Therefore, replace:

  1. command = "cmd"
  2. secondParam = "/c"


  1. command = "powershell.exe"
  2. secondParam = "-c"

Additionally, consider placing the following arguments before -c, for added robustness:

  1. "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-NoProfile"

See the documentation for powershell.exe.

Taking a step back:

Your executable call doesn't use any shell features (such as redirecting to a file, connecting multiple commands via a pipeline, ...), so you could simply invoke magick directly, with it and all its arguments passed individually to exec.Command(), which speeds up the operation and avoids the need for escaping.

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年4月4日 20:04:47
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
