Extends a Error struct, but encounter Type '*MyError' has both field and method named 'Error'

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Extends a Error struct, but encounter Type '*MyError' has both field and method named 'Error'




// 继承errs.Error的Error类型
type MyError struct {
	ErrDetail string    //我的错误的更多信息
	st        []uintptr 

// 重写Error()方法以便消息可以更具体
func (e *MyError) Error() string {
	if e == nil {
		return ErrorCodeSuccess.ErrDetail
	return fmt.Sprintf("Code:%d, ErrDetail:%s, Msg:%s", e.GetCode(), e.GetErrDetail(), e.GetMsg())


 类型 '*MyError' 同时具有字段和方法名 'Error'。



I come from java.

And I am using a framework that already define an Error in errs package, I want to extend it so that I can add more fields to it. So I try using inheritance of go.

// Error to inherit from errs.Error
type MyError struct {
	ErrDetail string    //more message to my error
	st        []uintptr 

// override Error() so that the message can be more specific
func (e *MyError) Error() string {
	if e == nil {
		return ErrorCodeSuccess.ErrDetail
	return fmt.Sprintf("Code:%d, ErrDetail:%s, Msg:%s", e.GetCode(), e.GetErrDetail(), e.GetMsg())

This is very straightforward for a java programmer. But I get

 Type '*MyError' has both field and method named 'Error'.

This is very frustrating since the method Error is define in built-in package, and the name Error is define in my framework, is there any workaround to solve this problem?


得分: 2

你可以使用类型别名(type alias)来实现:

type SDKErr = errs.Error

// Error 继承自 errs.Error
type MyError struct {
    ErrDetail string    // 更多错误信息
    st        []uintptr 

func (e *MyError) Error() string {
    // ...

现在嵌入字段的名称是 SDKErr,但它不会与方法名冲突,并且可以在任何需要 errs.Error 的地方使用,无需进行转换。

Playground: https://go.dev/play/p/XSWi5hzHGPh


type MyError struct {
    SDKErr errs.Error
    ErrDetail string    // 更多错误信息
    st        []uintptr 

然后可以简单地像 e.SDKErr.GetCode() 这样调用 errs.Error 的方法。然而,如果 MyError 用于序列化为 JSON,errs.Error 的字段将出现为嵌套对象,而使用类型别名时它们将被“展平”。

基本上,如果 errs.Error 定义为:

type Error struct {
    Code int

使用类型别名和嵌入字段,JSON 将如下所示:




You can use a type alias:

type SDKErr = errs.Error

// Error to inherit from errs.Error
type MyError struct {
    ErrDetail string    //more message to my error
    st        []uintptr 

func (e *MyError) Error() string {
    // ...

Now the name of the embedded field is SDKErr, but it won't conflict with the method name, and it can be used wherever errs.Error is expected without the need to convert.

Playground: https://go.dev/play/p/XSWi5hzHGPh

Of course you could also use a named field, instead of an alias:

type MyError struct {
    SDKErr errs.Error
    ErrDetail string    //more message to my error
    st        []uintptr 

And then call the methods of errs.Error simply like e.SDKErr.GetCode(). However if MyError is meant, for example, to be serialized to JSON, the fields of errs.Error would appear as a nested object, whereas with the type alias they would be "flattened".

Basically if errs.Error were defined as:

type Error struct {
	Code int

With the type alias and embedded field, JSON would look like:


vs named field:


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年3月21日 17:30:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/71555368.html



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