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Go error: cannot use generic type without instantiation



type opStack[T any] []T

func main() {

    t := make(opStack)
    // t := new(opStack)
    t = append(t, 0)


无法使用未实例化的泛型类型opStack[T any]



Studying Go generics, I'm running into an error I can't seem to untangle. I've boiled it down to the simplest code:

type opStack[T any] []T

func main() {

	t := make(opStack)
	//	t := new(opStack)
	t = append(t, 0)

In playground, this bonks at the make() call (and similarly on the new call that's commented out) with the following error message:
> cannot use generic type opStack[T any] without instantiation

But make() is an instantiating function. So, I expect I'm missing some syntactical subtlety. What is Go complaining about and what's the needed correction?


得分: 28


t := make(opStack[int], 0)
t = append(t, 0)


type Data[T any] struct {
    data T

d := Data[opStack[int]]{ data: []int{0, 1, 2} }


type FooBar[T any] struct {
    ops opStack[T]

type OpsMap[T any] map[string]opStack[T]

func echo[T any](ops opStack[T]) opStack[T] { return ops }


> 如果类型定义指定了类型参数,类型名称表示一个泛型类型。泛型类型在使用时必须进行实例化


> 通过用类型参数替换类型参数来实例化泛型函数或类型。[...]

在其他编程语言中,“实例化”可能指的是创建对象的实例 - 在Go中,该术语特指用具体类型替换类型参数。在我看来,这个术语的用法仍然是一致的,尽管在Go中它不一定意味着分配内存。



func Print[T, U any](v T, w U) { /* ... */ }

Print("foo", 4.5) // T从"foo"中推断出来,U从4.5中推断出来


type Vector[T any] []T 
// v := Vector[int]{} -> 必须提供T

type Matrix[T any, U ~[]T] []U 
// m := Matrix[int, []int]{} -> 必须提供T和U

Whenever you use a parametrized type, including anywhere a type argument is required, like in the built-in make, you must replace the type parameters in its definition with actual types. This is called instantiation.

t := make(opStack[int], 0)
t = append(t, 0)

A generic type must be instantiated also if you use it as a type argument to another generic type:

type Data[T any] struct {
    data T

d := Data[opStack[int]]{ data: []int{0, 1, 2} }

You can instantiate with a type parameter, for example in function signatures, fields and type definitions:

type FooBar[T any] struct {
    ops opStack[T]

type OpsMap[T any] map[string]opStack[T]

func echo[T any](ops opStack[T]) opStack[T] { return ops }

The relevant quotes from the language specs are (currently) in two different places, Type definitions:

> If the type definition specifies type parameters, the type name denotes a generic type. Generic types must be instantiated when they are used.

and Instantiations

> A generic function or type is instantiated by substituting type arguments for the type parameters. [...]

In other programming languages, "instantiation" may refer to creating an instance of an object — in Go the term specifically refers to replacing type params with concrete types. In my view, the usage of the term is still consistent, although in Go it doesn't necessarily imply allocation.


Note that you may call generic functions without explicit type arguments. Instantiation happens there too, simply the type arguments might all be inferred from the function arguments:

func Print[T, U any](v T, w U) { /* ... */ }

Print(&quot;foo&quot;, 4.5) // T is inferred from &quot;foo&quot;, U from 4.5

Inference used to work also in generic types, with the restriction that the type parameter list had to be non-empty. However this feature has been disabled, so you must supply all type params explicitly.

type Vector[T any] []T 
// v := Vector[int]{} -&gt; must supply T

type Matrix[T any, U ~[]T] []U 
// m := Matrix[int, []int]{} -&gt; must supply T and U


得分: 3

因为你想要执行 t = append(t, 0) 这行代码,所以数据类型可以是 int 或 float 组。


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	type opStack[T any] []T

	t := make(opStack[int], 0) // 在这里你必须初始化数据类型
	t = append(t, 0)

because you want

> t = append(t, 0)

the data type can be int or float group.

this code should work

package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;

func main() {
	type opStack[T any] []T

	t := make(opStack[int], 0) // You must initialize data type here
	t = append(t, 0)


得分: 0

感谢您对此的详细解释。我正在尝试找到一个相关问题的答案,即如何在泛型中使用struct typing。我找到了一种方法,认为它可能对类似的情况有帮助。

package main

type Queue[T any] struct {

// Get implements Ops.
func (*Queue[T]) Get() T {

type Ops[T any] interface {
	Get() T

var _ Ops[any] = new(Queue[any])

Thanks for detailed explanation on it. I was trying to find the answer for a related question on how to do struct typing with generics https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76386802/go-structural-typing-with-generics. I found the way to do it thought it might be helpful in similar cases.

package main

type Queue[T any] struct {

// Get implements Ops.
func (*Queue[T]) Get() T {

type Ops[T any] interface {
	Get() T

var _ Ops[any] = new(Queue[any])

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年2月26日 13:42:57
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/71274361.html



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