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How to set depth for recursive iteration of directories in filepath.walk() func in Golang?





I want to search for a specific type of file inside a directory which has various sub-directories in it. I'm using filepath.walk() in Golang for this. However, I don't want to iterate recursively beyond a max depth where I know that file can't exist.

Is there any such pre-built function/library in Golang?


得分: 4

首先,你应该使用Go 1.16中引入的filepath.WalkDir,它比filepath.Walk更高效。

> WalkDir比Walk更高效,它在访问每个文件或目录时避免了调用os.Lstat。



maxDepth := 2
rootDir := "root"
err := filepath.WalkDir(rootDir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
    if err != nil {
        // 处理可能的路径错误,以防万一...
        return err
    if d.IsDir() && strings.Count(path, string(os.PathSeparator)) > maxDepth {
        fmt.Println("跳过", path)
        return fs.SkipDir
    // ... 处理条目
    return nil


跳过 root/root1/root2/root3
跳过 root/root1/root2/root4



First, you should use filepath.WalkDir introduced in Go 1.16, which is more efficient than filepath.Walk.

> Walk is less efficient than WalkDir, introduced in Go 1.16, which avoids calling os.Lstat on every visited file or directory.

Then, there is no way to specify the max depth as a direct argument. You have to compute the recursion depth in the WalkDirFunc.

Apparently counting separators in the filepath is an acceptable strategy (and arguably simpler than other possible tricks), so the solution might look like:

	maxDepth := 2
    rootDir := "root"
	err := filepath.WalkDir(rootDir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
        if err != nil {
            // handle possible path err, just in case...
            return err
		if d.IsDir() && strings.Count(path, string(os.PathSeparator)) > maxDepth {
			fmt.Println("skip", path)
			return fs.SkipDir
		// ... process entry
        return nil

So with dir structure as the following:

└── root
    ├── a.txt
    ├── b.txt
    └── root1
        ├── a.txt
        └── root2
            ├── a.txt
            ├── b.txt
            ├── root3
            │   └── a.txt
            └── root4

and assuming root is at depth 0, the above code the above code prints:

skip root/root1/root2/root3
skip root/root1/root2/root4


得分: -1

func ControlDeepWalk(basepath string, count int, hard, debug bool) error {
    var (
        stock       = make(map[string][]string)
        countBase   = 0
        correctdirs []string
    base := filepath.Base(basepath)
    dirbase := filepath.Dir(basepath)
    countBase = len(strings.Split(filepath.Dir(basepath), "/"))
    if debug {
        log.Printf("countbase: %v  %v\n", strings.Split(filepath.Dir(basepath), "/"), countBase)
        log.Printf("base :%v : %v : %v\n", base, dirbase, strings.Split(basepath, "/"))

    err := filepath.WalkDir(basepath, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
        if err != nil {
            if debug {
                log.Printf("--error inf walkdir function, exit")
            return err
        if d.IsDir() {
            if filepath.Dir(path) == filepath.Dir(basepath) {
                if debug {
                    log.Printf("found root directory, skipping  %v :  %v\n", filepath.Dir(path), filepath.Dir(basepath))
            } else {
                compare := false
                if hard {
                    compare = len(strings.Split(filepath.Dir(path), "/")) == countBase+count
                } else {
                    compare = len(strings.Split(filepath.Dir(path), "/")) <= countBase+count
                if compare {
                    if debug {
                        log.Printf("-found dir: [%v] %v\n", path, d.Name())
                    stock[filepath.Dir(filepath.Join(path, d.Name()))] = []string{}
                    correctdirs = append(correctdirs, filepath.Dir(filepath.Join(path, d.Name())))
        } else {
            fdir, ffile := filepath.Split(path)
            for _, x := range correctdirs {
                if x == filepath.Dir(fdir) {
                    if debug {
                        log.Printf("-found file:%v  : %v   %v  %v \n", d.Name(), path, fdir, ffile)
                    stock[x] = append(stock[x], d.Name())
        return nil
    if debug {
        for k, v := range stock {
            log.Printf("%v : %v \n", k, v)
        log.Printf("%v\n", stock)
    return err

func main() {
    p := "/backup/backuper/test"
    count := 2
    _ = ControlDeepWalk(p, count, false, true)

enjoy, dude! :)
func ControlDeepWalk(basepath string, count int, hard, debug bool) error {
var (
stock       = make(map[string][]string)
countBase   = 0
correctdirs []string
base := filepath.Base(basepath)
dirbase := filepath.Dir(basepath)
countBase = len(strings.Split(filepath.Dir(basepath), &quot;/&quot;))
if debug {
log.Printf(&quot;countbase: %v  %v\n&quot;, strings.Split(filepath.Dir(basepath), &quot;/&quot;), countBase)
log.Printf(&quot;base :%v : %v : %v\n&quot;, base, dirbase, strings.Split(basepath, &quot;/&quot;))
err := filepath.WalkDir(basepath, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Printf(&quot;--error inf walkdir function, exit&quot;)
return err
if d.IsDir() {
if filepath.Dir(path) == filepath.Dir(basepath) {
if debug {
log.Printf(&quot;found root directory, skipping  %v :  %v\n&quot;, filepath.Dir(path), filepath.Dir(basepath))
} else {
compare := false
if hard {
compare = len(strings.Split(filepath.Dir(path), &quot;/&quot;)) == countBase+count
} else {
compare = len(strings.Split(filepath.Dir(path), &quot;/&quot;)) &lt;= countBase+count
if compare {
if debug {
log.Printf(&quot;-found dir: [%v] %v\n&quot;, path, d.Name())
stock[filepath.Dir(filepath.Join(path, d.Name()))] = []string{}
correctdirs = append(correctdirs, filepath.Dir(filepath.Join(path, d.Name())))
} else {
fdir, ffile := filepath.Split(path)
for _, x := range correctdirs {
if x == filepath.Dir(fdir) {
if debug {
log.Printf(&quot;-found file:%v  : %v   %v  %v \n&quot;, d.Name(), path, fdir, ffile)
stock[x] = append(stock[x], d.Name())
return nil
if debug {
for k, v := range stock {
log.Printf(&quot;%v : %v \n&quot;, k, v)
log.Printf(&quot;%v\n&quot;, stock)
return err
func main() {
p := &quot;/backup/backuper/test&quot;
count := 2
_ = ControlDeepWalk(p, count, false, true)

enjoy, dude! 如何在Golang的filepath.walk()函数中设置递归迭代目录的深度?

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年2月17日 14:16:14
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/71153302.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
