my-appname| /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found | air

huangapple go评论105阅读模式

my-appname| /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found | air


我遇到了一个问题,我试图在Docker中使用air运行我的Go Fiber项目,但是出现了以下错误:
uni-blog | /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found


  • Windows 11
  • Docker Desktop
  • 最新的Golang版本
  • air 1.27.10
  • 最新的Fiber版本



  1. # docker-compose up -d --build
  2. version: "3.8"
  3. services:
  4. app:
  5. container_name: uni-blog
  6. image: app-dev
  7. build:
  8. context: .
  9. target: development
  10. volumes:
  11. - ./:/app
  12. ports:
  13. - 3000:3000


  1. FROM golang:1.17 as development
  2. RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && \
  3. apt install -y git \
  4. make openssh-client
  5. RUN curl -fLo \
  6. && chmod +x && sh && cp ./bin/air /bin/air
  7. RUN air -v
  8. WORKDIR /app
  9. COPY go.mod go.sum ./
  10. RUN go mod download
  11. COPY . .
  12. EXPOSE 3000
  13. CMD air



my-appname| /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found | air

my-appname| /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found | air


I'm facing an issue, am trying to run my go fiber project inside docker with air but am getting this error
uni-blog | /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found

am using
Windows 11
Docker desktop
golang latest
air 1.27.10
fiber latest

Here is my docker compose and dockerfile

  1. # docker-compose up -d --build
  2. version: "3.8"
  3. services:
  4. app:
  5. container_name: uni-blog
  6. image: app-dev
  7. build:
  8. context: .
  9. target: development
  10. volumes:
  11. - ./:/app
  12. ports:
  13. - 3000:3000
  1. FROM golang:1.17 as development
  2. RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && \
  3. apt install -y git \
  4. make openssh-client
  5. RUN curl -fLo \
  6. && chmod +x && sh && cp ./bin/air /bin/air
  7. RUN air -v
  8. WORKDIR /app
  9. COPY go.mod go.sum ./
  10. RUN go mod download
  11. COPY . .
  12. EXPOSE 3000
  13. CMD air

I also tried installing air following the readME instructions still it gives me this error
Please help

Thanks in advance

my-appname| /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found | air

my-appname| /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found | air


得分: 1

你的 volumes: 挂载替换了镜像中的 /app 目录,使用主机上的内容。如果二进制文件是在 Dockerfile 中构建的,那么这个 volumes: 挂载会隐藏它;如果你在主机上的相同位置没有匹配的兼容二进制文件,你会得到一个类似你所看到的错误。

我建议移除这个 volumes: 块,这样你就可以运行镜像中内置的二进制文件了。docker-compose.yml 文件可以简化为以下内容:

  1. version: '3.8'
  2. services:
  3. app:
  4. build: .
  5. ports:
  6. - '3000:3000'

The volumes: mount you have replaces the /app directory in the image with content from the host. If the binary is built in the Dockerfile, that volumes: mount hides it; if you don't have a matching compatible binary on the host in the same place, you'll get an error like what you see.

I'd remove that volumes: block so you're actually running the binary that's built into the image. The docker-compose.yml file can be reduced to as little as:

  1. version: '3.8'
  2. services:
  3. app:
  4. build: .
  5. ports:
  6. - '3000:3000'


得分: 1

如果你看一下错误信息,你会注意到在 tmp/main.exe 之间有一个拼写错误:

  1. /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found

这个错误来自于 .air.toml 配置文件:

  1. bin = "tmp\\main.exe"

在项目根目录下创建 .air.toml 文件,内容如下:

  1. root = "."
  2. tmp_dir = "tmp"
  3. [build]
  4. # 构建可执行文件
  5. cmd = "go build -o ./tmp/main.exe ."
  6. # 读取可执行文件
  7. bin = "tmp/main.exe"
  8. # 监听这些文件的变化
  9. include_ext = ["go", "yml"]
  10. # 忽略这些文件的变化
  11. exclude_dir = ["tmp"]
  12. # 防止构建触发得太快
  13. delay = 1000 # 毫秒
  14. [misc]
  15. clean_on_exit = true

If you look the error, you ca notice there is a typo between tmp/main.exe:

  1. /bin/sh: 1: /app/tmpmain.exe: not found

This is coming from .air.toml config file:

  1. bin = "tmp\\main.exe"

Create .air.toml file in project root like so:

  1. root = "."
  2. tmp_dir = "tmp"
  3. [build]
  4. # Build binary.
  5. cmd = "go build -o ./tmp/main.exe ."
  6. # Read binary.
  7. bin = "tmp/main.exe"
  8. # Watch changes in those files
  9. include_ext = [ "go", "yml"]
  10. # Ignore changes in these files
  11. exclude_dir = ["tmp"]
  12. # Stop builds from triggering too fast
  13. delay = 1000 # ms
  14. [misc]
  15. clean_on_exit = true

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年2月10日 17:29:06
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
