
huangapple go评论73阅读模式

Using "void" type as a parameterized type in Go generics (version 1.18) or above




package main

import "fmt"

func Demo1(n int) int {
	return n

func Demo2(n int) {

func Call[T1, T2 any](fn func(T1) T2, param T1) {

func main() {
	// 正常
	Call(Demo1, 1)
	// Demo2的类型func(n int)与推断的类型func(int) T2不匹配
	Call(Demo2, 2)



wrapped := func(n int) int {
	return -1
Call(wrapped, 2)




编辑 1(背景):


例如,如果用户想要对其具有签名func(int) int的函数Sum进行基准测试,参数值在010之间,他可以这样编写:

func BenchmarkSum(b *testing.B) {
	butils.BenchmarkFnIntRetInt(b, Sum, butils.UniformDistribution(0, 10))

BenchmarkFnIntRetInt可以用于对其他func(int) int函数进行基准测试。与编写单独的例程(例如BenchmarkProduct)进行基准测试相比,基准测试结果将更一致。由于基准测试的基础相同,因此在比较不同作者的实现时,基准测试结果将更一致。


func UniformDistribution(min, max int) func() int {
	// ...

func BenchmarkFnIntRetInt(
	b *testing.B,
	target func(int) int,
	paramGen func() int,
) {
	// ...

由于Go现在支持泛型,我可以摆脱大部分冗余的组合(即重载,例如func(int) int的一个版本,func(int) string的另一个版本,以及func(int) bool的另一个版本),并用泛型替代它们。我希望用户可以摆脱这些重载,只需编写:

func BenchmarkSum(b *testing.B) {
	butils.BenchmarkGeneric(b, Sum, butils.UniformDistribution(0, 10))




Go introduced generics in version 1.18. I just downloaded the latest beta version to test this major new feature.

Consider the code below:

package main

import "fmt"

func Demo1(n int) int {
	return n

func Demo2(n int) {

func Call[T1, T2 any](fn func(T1) T2, param T1) {

func main() {
	// Okay
	Call(Demo1, 1)
	// type func(n int) of Demo2 does not match
	// inferred type func(int) T2 for func(T1) T2
	Call(Demo2, 2)

The function Call accepts a function fn as a parameter, and calls it with the parameter param. The first call to Call is fine, the inferred type is int for both T1 and T2. However, the second call failed to compile.

I know I can always write an adapter to wrap Demo2:

wrapped := func(n int) int {
	return -1
Call(wrapped, 2)

But that hurts performance and defeat the purpose of my current project.

Do you have any ideas to solve the problem? Or shall I fire a bug report?


Edit 1 (Background):

I am updating a benchmarking library I wrote 6 years ago to use generics. It targets to provide carefully written benchmark functions so that the benchmark results are more consistent than writing custom benchmarks independently.

For example, if a user wants to benchmark his function Sum of signature func(int) int, with the parameter values between 0 and 10, he can write this:

func BenchmarkSum(b *testing.B) {
	butils.BenchmarkFnIntRetInt(b, Sum, butils.UniformDistribution(0, 10))

BenchmarkFnIntRetInt could be used to benchmark other func(int) int functions. The benchmark results would be more consistent than writing a separate routine, say BenchmarkProduct to benchmark the Product function. Since the grounds are the same, the benchmark results would be more consistent when comparing implementations by different authors.

In my library, the function signatures look like this:

func UniformDistribution(min, max int) func() int {
	// ...

func BenchmarkFnIntRetInt(
	b *testing.B,
	target func(int) int,
	paramGen func() int,
) {
	// ...

Since Go has generics now, I could get rid of most of the redundant combinations (a.k.a. overloads, like one for func(int) int, and another for func(int) string, and yet another for func(int) bool), and replace them by generics instead. I hope the users can get rid of the overloads and just write:

func BenchmarkSum(b *testing.B) {
	butils.BenchmarkGeneric(b, Sum, butils.UniformDistribution(0, 10))

The problem of icza's solution of writing one version for "non-void", and another for "void" is that there are a lot of higher order functions in my library. The number of versions I need to write grows exponentially as the number of function parameters grows.

For example, if I have fn1 and fn2, then 4 versions are needed; If I have fn1, fn2 and fn3, then 8 versions are needed; and so on.


得分: 4

这不是一个 bug。Go 语言中没有 void 类型。

你的 Call() 函数需要一个函数类型的参数,该函数类型必须有一个结果参数。Demo2() 没有这样的参数。无论使用什么类型来实例化参数化的 Call() 函数,它都不符合作为 Call() 的第一个参数的要求。


你必须使用两个 Call() 函数,例如:

func Call[T1, T2 any](fn func(T1) T2, param T1) {

func CallNoResult[T any](fn func(T), param T) {

并在使用它们时(在 Go Playground 上尝试):

Call(Demo1, 1)
CallNoResult(Demo2, 2)


func Call(f interface{}, params ...interface{}) {
    v := reflect.ValueOf(f)

    vparams := make([]reflect.Value, len(params))
    for i, p := range params {
        vparams[i] = reflect.ValueOf(p)


func Demo1(n int) int {
    fmt.Println("Demo1", n)
    return n

func Demo2(n int) {
    fmt.Println("Demo2", n)

func main() {
    Call(Demo1, 1)
    Call(Demo2, 2)

这将输出(在 Go Playground 上尝试):

Demo1 1
Demo2 2

This is not a bug. There is no void type in Go.

Your Call() function requires an argument of function type that must have a result parameter. Demo2() does not have any. It does not qualify for the first argument to Call() no matter what types are used to instantiate the parameterized Call() function.

You can't describe functions with and without result types with a single type, not even with type parameters.

You must use 2 Call() functions, e.g.:

func Call[T1, T2 any](fn func(T1) T2, param T1) {

func CallNoResult[T any](fn func(T), param T) {

And using them (try it on the Go Playground):

Call(Demo1, 1)
CallNoResult(Demo2, 2)

If you need to handle all function types, you should use reflection. Here's the essence of it (type and parameter checks omitted):

func Call(f interface{}, params ...interface{}) {
	v := reflect.ValueOf(f)

	vparams := make([]reflect.Value, len(params))
	for i, p := range params {
		vparams[i] = reflect.ValueOf(p)

Testing it:

func Demo1(n int) int {
	fmt.Println("Demo1", n)
	return n

func Demo2(n int) {
	fmt.Println("Demo2", n)

func main() {
	Call(Demo1, 1)
	Call(Demo2, 2)

This will output (try it on the Go Playground):

Demo1 1
Demo2 2

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年2月9日 01:36:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/71038312.html



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