How can I read files from a MapR cluster using Go?

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How can I read files from a MapR cluster using Go?



我能够使用com.mapr.hadoop maprfs jar编写一个Java应用程序,能够使用maprticket连接和读取文件,但我们需要将其集成到一个Go应用程序中,理想情况下,不应该需要一个Java sidecar进程。


I have a Go application running in a Kubernetes cluster which needs to read files from a large MapR cluster. The two clusters are separate and the Kubernetes cluster does not permit us to use the CSI driver. All I can do is run userspace apps in Docker containers inside Kubernetes pods and I am given maprtickets to connect to the MapR cluster.

I'm able to use the com.mapr.hadoop maprfs jar to write a Java app which is able to connect and read files using a maprticket, but we need to integrate this into a Go app, which, ideally, shouldn't require a Java sidecar process.


得分: 3


仅供参考,MapR已被HPE收购,所以MapR集群现在是HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric集群。我还在训练自己说这个名字。

无论如何,在语言X中,与Ezmeral Data Fabric(以前称为MapR FS的文件系统)通信的通用程序的接受方法是挂载文件系统,然后使用诸如open/read/write等文件API与其通信。这适用于Go、Python、C、Julia或其他语言。在Kubernetes中,执行此挂载的常规方法是使用具有某种后台运行的CSI驱动程序。该运算符并不特别神奇...它只是做必要的事情。在数据织物的情况下,运算符使用NFS或FUSE挂载数据织物,然后将其部分绑定到Pod的感知中。





3)有一个未发布的Go文件系统客户端,直接使用低级别的数据织物API。我们尚未单独发布它。有关更多信息,请直接与我联系(我的联系方式随处可见...发送电子邮件至ted.dunning <at> hpe.com或<at>。

4)数据织物允许您通过S3访问数据。在Ezmeral Data Fabric的7.0版本中,这个功能进行了大幅改进,特别是因为您可以无限制地扩展网关的数量(我听说每个无状态连接到网关的速度可以达到3-5GB/s,但可能因情况而异)。这将需要最少的调整,并且应该提供足够的性能。您甚至可以像访问S3对象一样访问文件。



This is a good question because it highlights the way that some environments impose limits that violate the assumptions external software may hold.

And just for reference, MapR was acquired by HPE so a MapR cluster is now an HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster. I am still training myself to say that.

Anyway, the accepted method for a generic program in language X to communicate with the Ezmeral Data Fabric (the filesystem formerly known as MapR FS) is to mount the file system and just talk to it using file APIs like open/read/write and such. This applies to Go, Python, C, Julia or whatever. Inside Kubernetes, the normal way to do this mount is to use a CSI driver that has some kind of operator working in the background. That operator isn't particularly magical ... it just does what is needful. In the case of data fabric, the operator mounts the data fabric using NFS or FUSE and then bind mounts[1] part of that into the pod's awareness.

But this question is cool because it precludes all of that. If you can't install an operator, then this other stuff is just a dead letter.

There are three alternative approaches that may work.

  1. NFS mounts were included in Kubernetes as a native capability before the CSI plugin approach was standardized. It might still be possible to use that on a very vanilla Kubernetes cluster and that could give access to the data cluster.

  2. It is possible to integrate a container into your pod that does the necessary FUSE mount in an unprivileged way. This will be kind of painful because you would have to tease apart the FUSE driver from the data fabric install and get it to work. That would let you see the data fabric inside the pod. Even then, there is no guarantee Kubernetes or the OS will allow this to work.

  3. There is an unpublished Go file system client that users the low level data fabric API directly. We don't yet release that separately. For more information on that, folks should ping me directly (my contact info is everywhere ... email to ted.dunning <at> or <at> works)

  4. The data fabric allows you to access data via S3. With the 7.0 release of Ezmeral Data Fabric, this capability is heavily revamped to give massive performance especially since you can scale up the number of gateways essentially without limit (I have heard numbers like 3-5GB/s per stateless connection to a gateway, but YMMV). This will require the least futzing and should give plenty of performance. You can even access files as if they were S3 objects.


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