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Golang Interface to struct conversion giving error



{"add": [{"var": ["100"]}, "200"]}

该键的值是一个数组。在这种情况下是[{"var": ["100"]}, "200"]。这意味着应该将100添加到现有值200上。


type mathExpVar struct {
    valueVar []string `json:"var"`
var mathExpJson map[string][]interface{}
var input = "{\"add\": [{\"var\": [\"100\"]}, \"200\"]}"
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &mathExpJson)
for operator, values := range mathExpJson{
    vals, ok := values[0].(mathExpVar) // 这里的values[0]将是{"var": ["100"]}
    if !ok{
        return nil


链接到相同的Go Playground:https://go.dev/play/p/POfQmEoPbjD


I have an json as a string of following format:

{"add": [{"var": ["100"]}, "200"]}

Here the key 'add' is not a constant value for all the jsons. In some cases, it can be 'minus', 'multiply' etc.
The value of that key is an array. In this case [{"var": ["100"]}, "200"]. This means that the 100 should be added to existing value 200.

I am trying to parse this expression. Since the main key(in this case 'add') is not a constant, I cannot convert into a struct. So, I converted it to a json object by following way:

type mathExpVar struct {
    valueVar []string `json:"var"`
var mathExpJson map[string][]interface{}
var input = "{\"add\": [{\"var\": [\"100\"]}, \"200\"]}"
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &mathExpJson)
for operator, values := range mathExpJson{
    vals, ok := values[0].(mathExpVar) // here values[0] will be {"var": ["100"]}
    if !ok{
        return nil

Here 'ok' is always returning false. I am not sure why. There is no additional error message for me to check why this is failing. Could someone help me in resolving this?

Link to go playground for the same: https://go.dev/play/p/POfQmEoPbjD


得分: 1


我认为Burak Serdar的原始回答无效的主要原因是没有考虑到你还需要处理其他参数。如果你仔细观察,你会发现这个表达式不是一个字符串数组,而是不同类型的。这个实现处理了自定义的解组,并将所有额外的参数存储在Extra字段中。


package main

import (

const jsonPayload = `{"add": [{"var": ["100"]}, "200"]}`

func main() {

	data := MathExpressions{}
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonPayload), &data)

	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Failed to unmarshal json, error:", err)


	for operation, expression := range data {
		log.Print("Op:", operation, "Exp:", expression)


The sub definition for a specific expression in the object
type ExpressionDefinition struct {
	Vars  []string `json:"var"`
	Extra []string

func (e *ExpressionDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	tokens := make([]interface{}, 0)
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tokens)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, token := range tokens {
		log.Println("Processing token:", token, "type:", reflect.TypeOf(token))
		switch token.(type) {
		case map[string]interface{}:
			for _, v := range token.(map[string]interface{})["var"].([]interface{}) {
				e.Vars = append(e.Vars, v.(string))
		case string:
			e.Extra = append(e.Extra, token.(string))

	return nil

The main expressions object which contains all the sub-expressions.
type MathExpressions map[string]ExpressionDefinition



A Working example: https://go.dev/play/p/02YzI5cv8vV

The whole reason the original response from Burak Serdar was not valid in my opinion is that it does not take into account the fact that you would need to handle the rest of the params as well. If you look closely enough, then you see that the expression is not an array of strings, its of varying type. This implementation handles the custom Unmarshalling and stores all the extra parameters in the Extra field.

Also code:

package main
import (
const jsonPayload = "{\"add\": [{\"var\": [\"100\"]}, \"200\"]}"
func main() {
data := MathExpressions{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonPayload), &data)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to unmarshal json, error:", err)
for operation, expression := range data {
log.Print("Op:", operation, "Exp:", expression)
The sub definition for a specific expression in the object
type ExpressionDefinition struct {
Vars  []string `json:"var"`
Extra []string
func (e *ExpressionDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
tokens := make([]interface{}, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tokens)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, token := range tokens {
log.Println("Processing token:", token, "type:", reflect.TypeOf(token))
switch token.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
for _, v := range token.(map[string]interface{})["var"].([]interface{}) {
e.Vars = append(e.Vars, v.(string))
case string:
e.Extra = append(e.Extra, token.(string))
return nil
The main expressions object which contains all the sub-expressions.
type MathExpressions map[string]ExpressionDefinition


得分: 0


vals, ok := values[0].(mathExpVar)

values[0] 的类型是 map[string]interface{},无法断言为 mathExpVar,因为它是一个结构体,完全不同的数据类型。

你需要先将其断言为 map[string]interface{},然后在每个嵌套级别上都这样做:

package main

import (

func main() {
	type mathExpVar struct {
		valueVar []string `json:"var"`
	var mathExpJson map[string][]interface{}
	var input = `{"add": [{"var": ["100"]}, "200"]}`
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &mathExpJson)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error in unmarshalling")
	for _, values := range mathExpJson {
		var vals mathExpVar
		valMap, ok := values[0].(map[string]interface{})
		if ok {
			varSlice, ok := valMap["var"].([]interface{})
			if ok {
				for _, v := range varSlice {
					nv, ok := v.(string)
					if ok {
						vals.valueVar = append(vals.valueVar, nv)
					} else {
						fmt.Printf("%T\n", v)
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("%T\n", valMap["var"])
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%T\n", values[0])
		fmt.Printf("%+v\n", vals)




Here the entire structure of the parsed json value will be stored in nested map[string]interface{}(json object) or []interface{}(json array) types.

In the line:

vals, ok := values[0].(mathExpVar)

values[0] would be of type map[string]interface{}, which cannot be asserted to mathExpVar, which is a struct, an entirely different datatype.

You need to type assert to map[string]interface{} first, then do this in each nested level as you go forward:

package main
import (
func main() {
type mathExpVar struct {
valueVar []string `json:"var"`
var mathExpJson map[string][]interface{}
var input = "{\"add\": [{\"var\": [\"100\"]}, \"200\"]}"
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &mathExpJson)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error in unmarshalling")
for _, values := range mathExpJson {
var vals mathExpVar
valMap, ok := values[0].(map[string]interface{})
if ok {
varSlice, ok := valMap["var"].([]interface{})
if ok {
for _, v := range varSlice {
nv, ok := v.(string)
if ok {
vals.valueVar = append(vals.valueVar, nv)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%T\n", v)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%T\n", valMap["var"])
} else {
fmt.Printf("%T\n", values[0])
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", vals)

See: https://go.dev/play/p/Ot_9IZr4pwM

For more on interfaces and go reflection, check out: https://go.dev/blog/laws-of-reflection

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年1月21日 13:36:22
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/70796852.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
