
huangapple go评论75阅读模式

Parsing complex JSON, again


我有一些通过 API 调用获取的 JSON 数据,现在我想使用 JSON 解析它。我按照一个在线教程来解析 JSON 使用结构体的方法,但是我的实际 JSON 比他们使用的复杂得多。这是我拥有的 JSON 的示例:

    "metadata": {},
    "items": [
            "metadata": {
                "name": "run7",
                "namespace": "default",
                "uid": "e218fcc4",
                "creationTimestamp": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "spec": {
                "arguments": {}
            "status": {
                "phase": "Succeeded",
                "startedAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "finishedAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"


type wfSpec struct {
    Arguments string

type wfStatus struct {
    Phase         string
    StartedAt     string
    FinishedAt    string

type wfMetadata struct {
    Name              string
    Namespace         string
    Uid               string
    CreationTimestamp string

type Metadata []struct {
    Data string

type Items []struct {

type Workflow struct {
    Metadata Metadata
    Items    Items

当我尝试使用 fmt.Printf(workflows.Items.wfMetadata.Name) 打印一个值时,我得到了错误 workflows.Items.Metadata undefined (type Items has no field or method Metadata),所以我尝试使用 fmt.Printf(workflows) 打印整个结构体,然后我得到了这个错误 cannot use workflows (type Workflow) as type string in argument to fmt.Printf

我只需要从 JSON 中解析出以下数据:

"name": "run7",
"namespace": "default",
"uid": "e218fcc4",
"creationTimestamp": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"



I have some JSON that get via an API call and I want to now parse this using JSON, I followed an online tutorial in how to parse JSON using structs, but my actual JSON is a lot more complex than the one they used. Here is an example of the JSON I have:

    "metadata": {},
    "items": [
        "metadata": {
          "name": "run7",
          "namespace": "default",
          "uid": "e218fcc4",
          "creationTimestamp": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        "spec": {
          "arguments": {}
        "status": {
          "phase": "Succeeded",
          "startedAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "finishedAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"

and here is the strucs that I created for it:

type wfSpec struct{
    Arguments string

type wfStatus struct {
    Phase  string
    StartedAt   string
    FinishedAt    string

type wfMetadata struct {
    Name string
    Namespace string
    Uid string
    CreationTimestamp string

type Metadata []struct {
    Data string

type Items []struct {

type Workflow struct {
    Metadata  Metadata
    Items     Items

When I first tried to print a value using fmt.Printf(workflows.Items.wfMetadata.Name) I got the error workflows.Items.Metadata undefined (type Items has no field or method Metadata)so then I tried to just print the whole thing using fmt.Printf(workflows) and I got this error cannot use workflows (type Workflow) as type string in argument to fmt.Printf

The only data I need to parse from the JSON is the

"name": "run7",
"namespace": "default",
"uid": "e218fcc4",
"creationTimestamp": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"


得分: 1


  1. 我猜你遇到的问题是没有使用标签。要解析 JSON,结构体的名称必须与 JSON 字段中的名称匹配。在这里阅读Golang Marshal

  2. 其次,wfMetadata 的首字母是小写,这意味着它不会被导入。

  3. 第三,workflow.metadataworkflow.items[i].spec.arguments 被设置为 {} 而不是空字符串 ""。我猜它们不应该是 string 类型。如果你不知道或不关心类型,可以使用开放的 interface{},或者根据你连接的 API 的官方文档来实现它们。

  4. 注意,我认为使用 []struct 是错误的。相反,应该在用法中定义它们。

注意,使用像 JetBrains 的 GoLand 这样的 IDE,它们首先支持通过将 JSON 粘贴到 .go 文件中将其转换为结构体。它们可能一开始会让人望而却步,但确实非常有帮助,并且可以在几秒钟内为你完成大部分工作。


type Status struct {
	Phase      string `json:"phase"`
	StartedAt  string `json:"startedAt"`
	FinishedAt string `json:"finishedAt"`

type ItemMetadata struct {
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	Namespace         string `json:"namespace"`
	UID               string `json:"uid"`
	CreationTimestamp string `json:"creationTimestamp"`

type Items struct {
	Metadata ItemMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	Status   Status       `json:"status"`
	Spec     interface{}  `json:"spec"`

type Workflow struct {
	Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata"`
	Items    []Items     `json:"items"`

在 playground 中的工作示例:https://go.dev/play/p/d9rT4FZJsGv


First off

  1. The problem I expect you're having is not using the tags. To parse a JSON the names of the structs must match the names in the JSON fields. Read here Golang Marshal
  2. Secondly wfMetadata has a lowecase first letter, meaning it will not be imported.
  3. Thirdly, workflow.metadata and workflow.items[i].spec.arguments is set as a {} and not the emptystring "". I assume they're not supposed to be string. This can be avoided using the open interface{} if you don't know or care, or actually implementing them using the official documentations from the API you're connecting to.
  4. As a note, using []struct seems wrong to me. Instead define it in the usage

> Note, by using an IDE like GoLand from jetbrains they first off support converting JSON to a struct by simply pasting the JSON into a .go file. They might be daunting at first but do help a lot, and would do much of this for you in seconds.

Now try this instead, and understand why and how this is better and working.

type Status struct {
	Phase      string `json:"phase"`
	StartedAt  string `json:"startedAt"`
	FinishedAt string `json:"finishedAt"`

type ItemMetadata struct {
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	Namespace         string `json:"namespace"`
	UID               string `json:"uid"`
	CreationTimestamp string `json:"creationTimestamp"`

type Items struct {
	Metadata ItemMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	Status   Status       `json:"status"`
	Spec     interface{}  `json:"spec"`

type Workflow struct {
	Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata"`
	Items    []Items     `json:"items"`

> Working example in playground https://go.dev/play/p/d9rT4FZJsGv

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年1月13日 23:12:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/70698868.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
