How to create generic method in Go? (method must have no type parameters)

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How to create generic method in Go? (method must have no type parameters)


Golang 1.18beta支持泛型,我想在泛型切片上添加一个扩展方法。例如,一个map函数可以定义如下:

func Map[E, V any](slice *[]E, iteratee func(E) V) *[]V {
	result := []V{}
	for _, item := range *slice {
		result = append(result, iteratee(item))

	return &result


func (slice *[]E) Map[E, V any](iteratee func(E) V) *[]V {
	result := []V{}
	for _, item := range *slice {
		result = append(result, iteratee(item))

	return &result

使用Go 1.18进行go build会出现以下错误:

main.go: method must have no type parameters



slice := []string{"a", "b", "c"}
newSlice := slice.Map(func(s string) string {
		return s + "122"

Golang 1.18beta supports generic, I want to add an extension method on a generic slice. e.g. a map function is defined as this:

func Map[E, V any](slice *[]E, iteratee func(E) V) *[]V {
	result := []V{}
	for _, item := range *slice {
		result = append(result, iteratee(item))

	return &result

Then I want to make this method as an extension method of slice, something like this, but cannot compile successfully:

func (slice *[]E) Map[E, V any](iteratee func(E) V) *[]V {
	result := []V{}
	for _, item := range *slice {
		result = append(result, iteratee(item))

	return &result

go build with Go 1.18 gives the error:

main.go: method must have no type parameters

What is the correct way to implement the second code block?

I want to use like this:

slice := []string{"a", "b", "c"}
newSlice := slice.Map(func(s string) string {
		return s + "122"


得分: 28


type slice[E, V any] []E


func (s *slice[E, V]) Map(iteratee func(E) V) *[]V {
    result := []V{}
    for _, item := range *s {
        result = append(result, iteratee(item))

    return &result


s := slice[int, string]{1, 2, 3}
m := s.Map(func(i int) string { return fmt.Sprint("x", i) })

输出结果为(在Go Playground上尝试):

&[x1 x2 x3]

还要注意,切片(切片头部)已经包含指向底层数组的指针,所以很少需要使用切片的指针。相反,使用非指针接收器声明方法,并返回非指针(在Go Playground上尝试这个):

func (s slice[E, V]) Map(iteratee func(E) V) []V {
    result := []V{}
    for _, item := range s {
        result = append(result, iteratee(item))

    return result





You have to declare the slice type with type parameters you want to use for the Map() (or for any other) method:

type slice[E, V any] []E

And you have to add the type parameters to the receiver, without the constraints (those will be the same as defined at the type declaration), as if you'd instantiate the generic slice type:

func (s *slice[E, V]) Map(iteratee func(E) V) *[]V {
	result := []V{}
	for _, item := range *s {
		result = append(result, iteratee(item))

	return &result

Testing it:

s := slice[int, string]{1, 2, 3}
m := s.Map(func(i int) string { return fmt.Sprint("x", i) })

Which will output (try it on the Go Playground):

&[x1 x2 x3]

Also note that slices (slice headers) already contain a pointer to an underlying array, so it's rare that you need to use a pointer to slice. Instead declare the method with non-pointer receiver, and return a non-pointer (try this one on the Go Playground):

func (s slice[E, V]) Map(iteratee func(E) V) []V {
	result := []V{}
	for _, item := range s {
		result = append(result, iteratee(item))

	return result

Relevant section from the (tip) spec: Spec: Method declarations:

> If the receiver base type is a parameterized type, the receiver specification must declare corresponding type parameters for the method to use. This makes the receiver type parameters available to the method.
> Syntactically, this type parameter declaration looks like an instantiation of the receiver base type, except that the type arguments are the type parameters being declared, one for each type parameter of the receiver base type. The type parameter names do not need to match their corresponding parameter names in the receiver base type definition, and all non-blank parameter names must be unique in the receiver parameter section and the method signature. The receiver type parameter constraints are implied by the receiver base type definition: corresponding type parameters have corresponding constraints.


得分: 16




// 类型定义:必须在这里指定V
type Slice[T, V any] []T

func (s Slice[T,V]) Map(iteratee func(T) V) []V {
    result := make([]V, 0)
    for _, item := range s {
        result = append(result, iteratee(item))

    return result



func (s Slice[T,V]) Map(...)

如果某个方法根本不使用类型参数,你可以使用下划线 _ 来表示:

func (s Slice[T,_]) Foo( /* 在此处不使用 V */ )



你无论是否使用泛型都无法做到这一点。你只能在定义的类型上声明方法(即具有标识符的类型),而在你的第二个代码片段中,E 不是一个定义的类型,它是一个类型参数


SliceType = "[" "]" ElementType .




Methods are not permitted to have type params not specified on the type of the receiver.

The reason is that interfaces in Go are implemented implicitly, so it is yet unclear how a generic method would implement interfaces.

In order to use the second type param V, it must be defined on the type declaration. For example:

// type def: must specify V here
type Slice[T, V any] []T

func (s Slice[T,V]) Map(iteratee func(T) V) []V {
    result := make([]V, 0)
    for _, item := range s {
        result = append(result, iteratee(item))

    return result

However you might also consider using a generic top-level function, that has the advantage of permitting type inference, thus allowing you to have less verbose code and omit explicit type params during the instantiation.

Note that the receiver must repeat the type parameter declaration, so that type parameter names are in scope for the method:

func (s Slice[T,V]) Map(...)

If some method does not use a type parameter at all, you can signal that with the blank identifier _ (underscore):

func (s Slice[T,_]) Foo( /* not using V herein */ )


However what your question was actually about is defining a generic method on an unnamed type.

You can't do this with or without generics. You can only declare methods on defined types (i.e. types with identifiers), and in your second snippet, E is not a defined type, it's a type parameter.

Unlike Javascript where all arrays inherit the Array prototype, a slice type, in itself, in Go isn't defined either. It's formalized in the language specs as:

SliceType = &quot;[&quot; &quot;]&quot; ElementType .

As you can see there's no identifier. So you can't declare a method on any and all slices, because there isn't a catch-all type that can be the receiver for such method.

Playground showing method vs func:

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