
huangapple go评论65阅读模式

Parsing structured data in golang



package main

import (

type Device struct {
	connectionID string
	uuid         string
	deviceType   string
	deviceName   string

func main() {
	byteArray := []byte(`NAME       UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
WAN        6a62d79f-fba2-45b3-a3dd-e847c4706d96  ethernet  ens18  
DMZ        46a55117-b545-407e-af6e-25d48dfe95f5  ethernet  ens21  
LAN        1691607b-9b73-46ff-95c4-9652d062706a  ethernet  ens19  
MGT        a4819491-243c-4e5b-8cef-a49de5a9cb07  ethernet  ens22  
Untrusted  0734a0ea-c242-4333-bece-2b5cb16e3337  ethernet  ens20`)

	rows := strings.Split(string(byteArray), "\n")

	// Iterate over each row (excluding the header)
	for i := 1; i < len(rows); i++ {
		columns := strings.Fields(rows[i])

		// Populate the Device struct fields
		device := Device{
			connectionID: columns[0],
			uuid:         columns[1],
			deviceType:   columns[2],
			deviceName:   columns[3],

		// Do something with the populated struct
		fmt.Printf("%+v\n", device)

这段代码将字节数组按行分割,并迭代每一行(不包括标题行)。然后,它使用空格分割每一行的列,并将列值填充到 Device 结构体的字段中。你可以根据需要修改代码来处理填充后的结构体。


I have a well-formatted byte array that has rows and columns as follows (note that the columns are separated by spaces). The column names and order are guaranteed:

NAME       UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
WAN        6a62d79f-fba2-45b3-a3dd-e847c4706d96  ethernet  ens18  
DMZ        46a55117-b545-407e-af6e-25d48dfe95f5  ethernet  ens21  
LAN        1691607b-9b73-46ff-95c4-9652d062706a  ethernet  ens19  
MGT        a4819491-243c-4e5b-8cef-a49de5a9cb07  ethernet  ens22  
Untrusted  0734a0ea-c242-4333-bece-2b5cb16e3337  ethernet  ens20 

I would like to iterate over each row and populate a structure as follows:

type Device struct {
	connectionID string
	uuid         string
	deviceType   string
	deviceName   string

What is the best way to approach this?


得分: 1


"NAME       UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
 WAN        6a62d79f-fba2-45b3-a3dd-e847c4706d96  ethernet  ens18  
 DMZ        46a55117-b545-407e-af6e-25d48dfe95f5  ethernet  ens21  
 LAN        1691607b-9b73-46ff-95c4-9652d062706a  ethernet  ens19  
 MGT        a4819491-243c-4e5b-8cef-a49de5a9cb07  ethernet  ens22  
 Untrusted  0734a0ea-c242-4333-bece-2b5cb16e3337  ethernet  ens20"

So, if it's a string, probably should use split to turn the string into an array, then since each row has the same columns, then you might very well create an array of struct by looping through that newly made array (create each row struct during every 4 times cycle during the loop), then you will have a well defined array of struct that you can query and manipulate. I haven't put the code up yet, because I just want to make sure it's actually a string like following?

&quot;NAME       UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
 WAN        6a62d79f-fba2-45b3-a3dd-e847c4706d96  ethernet  ens18  
 DMZ        46a55117-b545-407e-af6e-25d48dfe95f5  ethernet  ens21  
 LAN        1691607b-9b73-46ff-95c4-9652d062706a  ethernet  ens19  
 MGT        a4819491-243c-4e5b-8cef-a49de5a9cb07  ethernet  ens22  
 Untrusted  0734a0ea-c242-4333-bece-2b5cb16e3337  ethernet  ens20&quot;


得分: 0


type Device struct {
    connectionID string
    uuid         string
    deviceType   string
    deviceName   string

type Devices []Device

// getNetworkConnections检索网络连接及其相关详细信息的列表。
// 详细信息包括:连接名称、uuid、类型和设备ID(也称为NIC名称)。
func getNetworkConnections() Devices {
    nmcliCmd := exec.Command("nmcli", "con", "show")
    cmdOutput, err := nmcliCmd.Output()
    if err != nil {

    // 遍历设备并填充类型。
    var devices Devices

    rows := strings.Split(string(cmdOutput[:]), "\n") // 创建包含输出的行数组
    for _, row := range rows[1:] {                    // 跳过标题行并遍历剩余行
        cols := strings.Fields(row) // 从行中提取每列。
        if len(cols) == 4 {
            device := Device{
                connectionID: cols[0],
                uuid:         cols[1],
                deviceType:   cols[2],
                deviceName:   cols[3],
            devices = append(devices, device)

    return devices

I thought I would add the code for the comment I wrote above:

type Device struct {
	connectionID   string
	uuid           string
	deviceType     string
	deviceName     string

type Devices []Device

// getNetworkConnections retrieves a list of network connections and their associated details.
// Details include: connection name, uuid, type, and device id (aka NIC name).
func getNetworkConnections() Devices {
	nmcliCmd := exec.Command(&quot;nmcli&quot;, &quot;con&quot;, &quot;show&quot;)
	cmdOutput, err := nmcliCmd.Output()
	if err != nil {

	// Iterate through the devices and populate the type.
	var device Device

	rows := strings.Split(string(cmdOutput[:]), &quot;\n&quot;) // Create an array of rows containing the output
	for _, row := range rows[1:] {                    // Skip the heading row and iterate through the remaining rows
		cols := strings.Fields(row) // Extract each column from the row.
		if len(cols) == 4 {
			device.connectionID = cols[0]
			device.uuid = cols[1]
			device.deviceType = cols[2]
			device.deviceName = cols[3]
			devices = append(devices, device)

	return devices

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年1月9日 10:08:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/70637936.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
