Explaining deadlocks with a single lock from The Little Go Book

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Explaining deadlocks with a single lock from The Little Go Book


我正在阅读《The Little Go Book》(https://www.openmymind.net/assets/go/go.pdf)。


var (
    lock sync.Mutex

func main() {
    go func() { lock.Lock() }()
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)



var (
    lock sync.Mutex

func main() {
    go func() { lock.Lock() }()





  1. 第一个 goroutine 获取了锁
  2. 调用 time.Sleep() 确保锁被获取
  3. main 函数尝试获取锁,导致死锁
  4. 程序退出


  1. 第一个 goroutine 获取了锁,但这需要一些时间(??)
  2. 由于没有延迟,main 函数在 goroutine 之前获取了锁
  3. 程序退出

I'm reading The Little Go Book.

Page 76 demonstrates how you can deadlock with a single lock:

var (
    lock sync.Mutex

func main() {
    go func() { lock.Lock() }()
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)

Running this results in a deadlock as explained by the author. However, what I don't understand is why.

I changed the program to this:

var (
    lock sync.Mutex

func main() {
    go func() { lock.Lock() }()

My expectation was that a deadlock would still be thrown. But it wasn't.

Could someone explain to me what's happening here please?

The only scenario I can think of that explains this is the following (but this is guesswork):

First example

  1. The lock is acquired in the first goroutine
  2. The call to time.Sleep() ensures the lock is acquired
  3. The main function attempts to acquire the lock resulting in a deadlock
  4. Program exits

Second example

  1. The lock is acquired in the first goroutine but this takes some time to happen (??)
  2. Since there is no delay the main function acquires the lock before the goroutine can
  3. Program exits


得分: 2






In the first example, main sleeps long enough to give the child goroutine the opportunity to start and acquire the lock. That goroutine then will merrily exit without releasing the lock.

By the time main resumes its control flow, the shared mutex is locked so the next attempt to acquire it will block forever. Since at this point main is the only routine left alive, blocking forever results in a deadlock.


In the second example, without the call to time.Sleep, main proceeds straight away to acquire the lock. This succeeds, so main goes ahead and exits. The child goroutine would then block forever, but since main has exited, the program just terminates, without deadlock.

By the way, even if main didn't exit, as long as there is at least one goroutine which is not blocking, there's no deadlock. For this purpose, time.Sleep is not a blocking operation, it simply pauses execution for the specified time duration.


得分: 1

go 在所有 goroutine(包括主 goroutine)都处于休眠状态时会显示死锁错误。

在你的第一个示例中,内部的 goroutine 在调用 mutex.Lock() 后执行并终止。然后,主 goroutine 尝试再次锁定,但它进入休眠状态,等待机会来占用锁。现在,程序中的所有 goroutine(包括主 goroutine)都处于休眠模式,这将导致死锁错误!

理解这一点很重要,因为死锁可能会发生,但如果仍然有一个正在运行的 goroutine,它不会总是显示错误。这在生产环境中通常会发生。只有当整个程序陷入死锁时才会报告错误。


go shows the deadlock error when all goroutines (including the main) are asleep.

in your first example, the inside goroutine is executed and terminated after he call mutex.Lock(). then the main goroutine tries to lock again but it goes asleep waiting for the opportunity to occupy the lock. so now we have all the goroutines(the main one) in the program in asleep mode which will cause a deadlock error !

it is important to understand this because a deadlock may happen but it will not always show an error if there still a running goroutine. which mostly what will happen in production. error will be reported only when the whole program get in a deadlock.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年12月20日 04:09:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/70414945.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
