在使用 Golang 时,出现了 “在函数末尾缺少返回” 的错误。

huangapple go评论99阅读模式

Getting missing return at end of function while using return Golang




func uitchecken(product string, balance float64, voltarief float64, instaptarief float64) float64 {
    // 这部分代码将字符串转换为float64

    if s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(product, 64); err == nil {
        result1 := s

        result := balance - (result1 * voltarief) + instaptarief
        return result



When i'm running my code, the output tells me that i'm missing a return statement even when i'm using one.

This is my code:

func uitchecken(product string, balance float64, voltarief float64, instaptarief float64) float64 {
// This part of the code makes a string into a float64

	if s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(product, 64); err == nil {
		result1 := s

		result := balance - (result1 * voltarief) + instaptarief
		return result

The idea of this code is to get 1 string and 3 float64 in it then do a little bit af math and returns the value in the main function.


得分: 3

如果 err != nil,你的函数实际上什么都不返回。


val, err := doSomething()
if err != nil {
  // 处理错误

// 处理 `val` 的“正常”流程在主线上。

在你的特定情况下,我看不出为什么解析 product 可能会失败。

如果你确信它不会失败,可以使用代码中的 panic,就像这样:

func mustParseFloat(s string) float64 {
  s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(product, 64)
  if err != nil {
  return s

func uitchecken(product string, balance float64, voltarief float64, instaptarief float64) float64 {
  result1 := mustParseFloat(product)
  return balance - (result1 * voltarief) + instaptarief

然而,根据你的变量名,我感觉到了你原始示例中的“代码异味”:在变量 product 中包含一个需要解析的字符串,而参与同一计算的其他变量都是 float64 类型;感觉上,最好在接收到用户(或客户端)输入的地方尽早解析该字符串,并检查和报告可能的解析错误给用户/客户端。


If err != nil, your function literally returns nothing.

I would say, the code as presented in an ani-pattern in Go (though, it may indeed occasionally be useful) because a good style in Go is to have the main program flow to be "on the main line", like in

val, err := doSomething()
if err != nil {
  // Handle the error out of the way

// "Normal" flow dealing with `val` is on the main line.

In your particular case, I cannot see why parsing of product may not fail.

If you are sure it cannot, make the code panic, like with:

func mustParseFloat(s string) float64 {
  s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(product, 64)
  if err != nil {
  return s

func uitchecken(product string, balance float64, voltarief float64, instaptarief float64) float64 {
  result1 := mustParseFloat(product)
  return balance - (result1 * voltarief) + instaptarief

Still, given the names of your variables, I sense the "code smell" with your original example: it's strange to see the variable product contain a string which is needed to be parsed while the rest of the variables participating in the same calculation are float64s; it feels like you'd better try to parse that string somewhere way closer to the point it was received from the user (or the client)—with the possible parsing error checked and reported to that user/client right there.
In other words, it's a good engineering practice to first validate the user's input and then operate on the known-to-be-valid data.


得分: 0

返回 if 后的内容

func uitchecken(product string, balance float64, voltarief float64, instaptarief float64) float64 {

// 这部分代码将字符串转换为 float64

if s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(product, 64); err == nil {
    result1 := s

    result := balance - (result1 * voltarief) + instaptarief
    return result
return something <<<<<<<<<<



Return after if

func uitchecken(product string, balance float64, voltarief float64, instaptarief float64) float64 {

// This part of the code makes a string into a float64

if s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(product, 64); err == nil {
    result1 := s

    result := balance - (result1 * voltarief) + instaptarief
    return result
return something &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;



  • 本文由 发表于 2021年12月16日 03:19:49
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/70369217.html



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