How can I access a struct field with generics (type T has no field or method)?

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How can I access a struct field with generics (type T has no field or method)?



package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	s := Struct{A: "Hello World!"}

func PrintA[T Type](v T) {
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", v.A)

type Type interface {
	struct{ A string }

type Struct struct {
	A string

func (s Struct) String() string {
	return s.A


./prog.go:7:8: Struct does not implement Type (possibly missing ~ for struct{A string} in constraint Type)
./prog.go:11:23: v.A undefined (type T has no field or method A)


以下是提案中的一个已实现并包含在最新的Go beta版本中的示例。

type structField interface {
	struct { a int; x int } |
		struct { b int; x float64 } |
		struct { c int; x uint64 }



I would like to make the following code compile. My understanding from reading the Type Parameters Proposal (Go Generics) is that this should work, but I must be missing something.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	s := Struct{A: "Hello World!"}

func PrintA[T Type](v T) {
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", v.A)

type Type interface {
	struct{ A string }

type Struct struct {
	A string

func (s Struct) String() string {
	return s.A

The error I get is:

> ./prog.go:7:8: Struct does not implement Type (possibly missing ~ for struct{A string} in constraint Type)<br>
> ./prog.go:11:23: v.A undefined (type T has no field or method A)

I would like T to represent all structs with a particular field of a particular type. Adding ~ did not help.

Here's an example from the proposal that was implemented and is part of the latest Go beta release.

type structField interface {
	struct { a int; x int } |
		struct { b int; x float64 } |
		struct { c int; x uint64 }


得分: 26

字段访问在Go 1.18中已被禁用(在Go 1.19中仍然禁用)。Go 1.18发布说明中提到了这一点:



  • 即使类型参数的类型集中的所有类型都有一个字段f,Go编译器也不支持访问结构字段x.f,其中x是类型参数类型。我们可能会在Go 1.19中取消此限制。


type Type interface {
    GetA() string

func (s Struct) GetA() string {
    return s.A


func PrintA(v Type) {
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", v.GetA())


type Type interface {
    StructFoo | StructBar
    GetA() string




type Type interface {
    ~struct{ A string }

但是它只适用于完全定义为struct{ A string }的结构体,没有其他内容。从一开始就不支持定义一个“表示具有特定类型特定字段的所有结构体”的约束。有关详细信息,请参阅此答案


type structField interface {
    ~struct { a int; x int } | ~struct { a int; x float64 } 

应该能够访问此类类型参数的字段a,但是正如答案开头提到的,这并没有实现。如果联合中的所有项具有相同的基础类型,它曾经可以工作(示例改编自issue #48522)。


package main

import "fmt"

type Point struct {
	X, Y int

type Rect struct {
	X, Y int

func GetX[P Point | Rect] (p P) int {
	return p.X

func main() {
	p := Point{1, 2}
	r := Rect{2, 3}
	fmt.Println("X: %d %d", GetX(p), GetX(r)) // 打印 X: 1 2

Field access has been disabled for Go 1.18 (still disabled in Go 1.19). The Go 1.18 release notes mention this:

> The current generics implementation has the following known limitations:
> [...]
> - The Go compiler does not support accessing a struct field x.f where x is of type parameter type even if all types in the type parameter's type set have a field f. We may remove this restriction in Go 1.19.

The workaround for any struct type boils down to old boring interface-based polymorphism:

type Type interface {
    GetA() string

func (s Struct) GetA() string {
    return s.A

And at this point you don't even have to use the Type interface as a constraint. It can just be a plain interface type:

func PrintA(v Type) {
    fmt.Printf(&quot;%s\n&quot;, v.GetA())

If you are ok with using this interface only as a constraint, you may add type elements to restrict which structs can implement it:

type Type interface {
    StructFoo | StructBar
    GetA() string

Use pointer types if you declared the methods with pointer receiver.


Old answer (not relevant anymore, only informative)

At some point in early 2022 while this feature was still in development, your example did work if you added ~:

type Type interface {
    ~struct{ A string }

but it only worked for structs exactly defined as struct{ A string } and nothing else. Defining a constraint that "represent

all structs with a particular field of a particular type" was never supported all along. See this answer for details.

Instead the example you quote from the proposal is about accessing a common field in a type set. By defining a union of structs:

type structField interface {
    ~struct { a int; x int } | ~struct { a int; x float64 } 

you should be able to access the field a of such a type parameter, but again this wasn't implemented, as mentioned at the beginning of the answer. It used to work if all terms in the union had the same underlying type (example adapted from issue #48522).

This code doesn't compile anymore as of March 2022:

package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;

type Point struct {
	X, Y int

type Rect struct {
	X, Y int

func GetX[P Point | Rect] (p P) int {
	return p.X

func main() {
	p := Point{1, 2}
	r := Rect{2, 3}
	fmt.Println(&quot;X: %d %d&quot;, GetX(p), GetX(r)) // prints X: 1 2

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