natsClient.Subscribe("some_subject", some_callback): Does the 'some_callback' callback run in its own subroutine in Golang?

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natsClient.Subscribe("some_subject", some_callback): Does the 'some_callback' callback run in its own subroutine in Golang?


基本上,主题说的是。我想知道每次调用回调方法时,nats-lib for golang 是否确保回调在自己的 goroutine 中运行(我有99%的把握,但我需要确认,因为我找不到 nats 中明确说明的文档片段 - 如果我漏掉了什么,请随意复制粘贴任何链接)。

如果回调确实在自己的 goroutine 中运行,我还想知道:

a. 每个特定订阅是否每次都使用相同的 goroutine

或者 b. 每次回调触发时是否创建一个临时的 goroutine:在这种情况下,回调完成后该 goroutine 将被销毁。


Essentially what the subject says. I'm interested to know whether each time the callback method is invoked the nats-lib for golang ensures that the callback will run on its very own goroutine (I'm 99% sure that it does but I need to make sure because I can't find any explicit piece of documentation in nats that conclusively states it so - feel free to copy paste any links if I've missed something).

If the callback does indeed run in it's own goroutine I'm also interested to know whether:

a. the same goroutine is used every time for a specific subscription

or b. an ephimeral goroutine is created for each firing of the callback: in this case the goroutine gets disposed of after the callback has done its work


得分: 2

当你调用conn.Subscribe("some_subject", someCallback)时,如果定义了回调函数,它会执行以下代码:

// 如果有异步回调函数,启动一个特定的Go协程来传递消息。
if cb != nil {
    sub.typ = AsyncSubscription
    sub.pCond = sync.NewCond(&
    go nc.waitForMsgs(sub)


简而言之,答案是a. 对于特定的订阅,它每次都使用相同的Go协程。


When you call conn.Subscribe("some_subject", someCallback), it executes this piece of code if the callback is defined:

// If we have an async callback, start up a sub specific
	// Go routine to deliver the messages.
	if cb != nil {
		sub.typ = AsyncSubscription
		sub.pCond = sync.NewCond(&
		go nc.waitForMsgs(sub)

It launches a goroutine for the created subscription. When a message arrives, it executes the defined callback inside the waitForMsgs goroutine.

In short, the answer is a., it uses the same goroutine every time for a specific subscription.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年11月30日 19:18:50
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