React fetch from Go/Golang server parsing data in unexpected JSON format to number

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React fetch from Go/Golang server parsing data in unexpected JSON format to number





然而,当我使用React的fetch API时,返回的结果形式与预期不符。

.then((response)=> {
  if (response.ok) {
    return response.json();
  throw response;
.then((jsonArr) => {
.catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error fetching data: ", error);


Array(3) [ {...},{...},{...} ]
---> 0: Object { id: 0, date: "2021-11-21T12:00:00Z", rentedTo: "Bob", ... } 
---> 1: Object { id: 1, date: "2021-11-22T12:00:00Z", rentedTo: "Bob", ... }
---> 2: Object { id: 2, date: "2021-11-23T12:00:00Z", rentedTo: "Bob", ... }



for (const json in jsonArr){
  console.log(typeof json);            //string
  const rentalObj = JSON.parse(json);
  console.log(typeof rentalObj);       //number
  console.log(rentalObj);              //分别为0、1和2
  console.log(;         //因为rentalObj现在是一个数字,所以为undefined。


for (const json in jsonArr){
  console.log(typeof json);            //string
  const rentalObj = JSON.parse(json, (key, value) => {
    console.log(key);                  //空字符串
    console.log(value);                //0、1和2
  console.log(typeof rentalObj);       //number
  console.log(rentalObj);              //分别为0、1和2
  console.log(;         //undefined



I am constructing a web application which uses a Go server to serve data to a React app.

In the construction of my server, I followed the tutorial provided by Go docs ( My code is very similar to that code, and I get the expected results when I use curl.


When I use React's fetch API, however, my results come back in an unexpected form.

.then((response)=> {
  if (response.ok) {
    return response.json();
  throw response;
.then((jsonArr) => {
.catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error fetching data: ", error);

When I console.log(jsonArr), the browser reports the following:

Array(3) [ {...},{...},{...} ]
//Expanding this object via the console shows the following information:
---> 0: Object { id: 0, date: "2021-11-21T12:00:00Z", rentedTo: "Bob", ... } 
---> 1: Object { id: 1, date: "2021-11-22T12:00:00Z", rentedTo: "Bob", ... }
---> 2: Object { id: 2, date: "2021-11-23T12:00:00Z", rentedTo: "Bob", ... }

These indices (and the browser's label) indicated that the data was now in the form of an Array, so I treated it as such.

I attempted to loop through this array to parse the json strings inside of it, but JSON.parse(data) produces only numbers (0, 1, and 2 respectively) rather than producing objects, as I expected it to.

for (const json in jsonArr){
  console.log(typeof json);            //string
  const rentalObj = JSON.parse(json);
  console.log(typeof rentalObj);       //number
  console.log(rentalObj);              //0, 1, and 2 respectively
  console.log(;         //undefined, because rentalObj is now a number.

I have done some searching, and have heard that the indices of the array the data came in may be causing an issue, so I tried to parse with a reviver function, as well.

for (const json in jsonArr){
  console.log(typeof json);            //string
  const rentalObj = JSON.parse(json, (key, value) => {
    console.log(key);                  //<empty string>
    console.log(value);                //0, 1, and 2
  console.log(typeof rentalObj);       //number
  console.log(rentalObj);              //0, 1, and 2 respectively
  console.log(;         //undefined

Attempting to JSON.parse(jsonArr) throws an error, as expected. I'm stumped. Why does it parse into a(n index) number? How can I extract the Objects inside of the Array, when parsing (or printing) the strings inside of the array produces only numbers?


得分: 1

for (const json in jsonArr) {中,json的值将被设置为jsonArr数组的“可枚举属性”,在这种情况下,即为索引。

for (const x in ['foo','bar','baz']) { console.log(x) };
// 输出:
// 0
// 1
// 2

因此,你可能不想使用for ... in。相反,你可以使用for ... of来迭代数组的元素:

for (const x of ['foo','bar','baz']) { console.log(x) };
// 输出:
// foo
// bar
// baz

数组迭代和for ... in

> **注意:**不应该使用for...in来迭代顺序很重要的数组。
> 数组索引只是具有整数名称的可枚举属性,与一般对象属性完全相同。不能保证for...in会按照特定顺序返回索引。for...in循环语句将返回所有可枚举属性,包括那些具有非整数名称和继承的属性。
> 由于迭代顺序是依赖于实现的,因此在迭代数组时可能无法以一致的顺序访问元素。因此,最好使用带有数值索引的for循环(或Array.prototype.forEach()for...of循环),以确保访问顺序的一致性。


The json value in for (const json in jsonArr) { will be set to the "enumerable properties" of the jsonArr Array, which, in this case, are the indexes.

for (const x in ['foo','bar','baz']) { console.log(x) };
// output:
// 0
// 1
// 2

So you probably don't want to use for ... in. Instead you can use for ... of to iterate over the elements of the array:

for (const x of ['foo','bar','baz']) { console.log(x) };
// output:
// foo
// bar
// baz

Array iteration and for ... in:

> Note: should not be used to iterate over an Array where the index order is important.
> Array indexes are just enumerable properties with integer names and
> are otherwise identical to general object properties. There is no
> guarantee that will return the indexes in any particular
> order. The loop statement will return all enumerable
> properties, including those with non–integer names and those that are
> inherited.
> Because the order of iteration is implementation-dependent, iterating
> over an array may not visit elements in a consistent order. Therefore,
> it is better to use a for loop with a numeric index (or
> Array.prototype.forEach() or the for...of loop) when iterating over
> arrays where the order of access is important.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年11月23日 12:47:53
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