
huangapple go评论76阅读模式

Return custom error message from struct tag validation


我正在使用Go 1.17和Gin,我想在将数据发送到数据库之前实现结构体验证。我参考了Gin文档中的示例。


type User struct {
    FirstName      string `json:"first_name" binding:"required"`
    LastName       string `json:"last_name" binding:"required"`
    Age            uint8  `json:"age" binding:"gte=0,lte=130"`
    Email          string `json:"email" binding:"required,email"`
    FavouriteColor string `json:"favourite_color" binding:"iscolor"`


var u User
if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&u, binding.Query); err == nil {
    c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"message": "Good Job"})
} else {
    c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})


    "error": "Key: 'User.FirstName' Error:Field validation for 'FirstName' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'User.LastName' Error:Field validation for 'LastName' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'User.Email' Error:Field validation for 'Email' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'User.FavouriteColor' Error:Field validation for 'FavouriteColor' failed on the 'iscolor' tag"


    "errors": [
        "first_name": "This field is required",
        "last_name": "This field is required",
        "age": "This field is required",
        "email": "Invalid email"

I'm using Go 1.17 with Gin and I want to implement a struct validation before sending the data to my database. I took the example from Gin documentation.

In the struct we can declare different tags to validate a field like this:

type User struct {
	FirstName      string `json:"first_name" binding:"required"`
	LastName       string `json:"last_name" binding:"required"`
	Age            uint8  `json:"age" binding:"gte=0,lte=130"`
	Email          string `json:"email" binding:"required,email"`
	FavouriteColor string `json:"favourite_color" binding:"iscolor"`

And in the handler I can grab the error like this:

var u User
if err := c.ShouldBindWith(&u, binding.Query); err == nil {
	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"message": "Good Job"})
} else {
	c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})

The error message will be:

    "error": "Key: 'User.FirstName' Error:Field validation for 'FirstName' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'User.LastName' Error:Field validation for 'LastName' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'User.Email' Error:Field validation for 'Email' failed on the 'required' tag\nKey: 'User.FavouriteColor' Error:Field validation for 'FavouriteColor' failed on the 'iscolor' tag"

The error messages are too verbose how it's possible to returns a better error to the user? I'd like to model the json response like:

	"errors": [
		"first_name": "This field is required",
		"last_name": "This field is required",
		"age": "This field is required",
		"email": "Invalid email"


得分: 13

Gin gonic使用github.com/go-playground/validator/v10包来进行绑定验证。如果验证失败,返回的错误是validator.ValidationErrors


> Gin使用go-playground/validator/v10进行验证。在此处查看有关标签用法的完整文档。

该链接指向go-playground/validator/v10的文档,在那里你可以找到Validation Functions Return Type error这一段。



type ApiError struct {
	Field string
	Msg   string


	var u User
	err := c.BindQuery(&u);
	if err != nil {
		var ve validator.ValidationErrors
		if errors.As(err, &ve) {
			out := make([]ApiError, len(ve))
			for i, fe := range ve {
				out[i] = ApiError{fe.Field(), msgForTag(fe.Tag())}
			c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errors": out})


func msgForTag(tag string) string {
	switch tag {
	case "required":
		return "This field is required"
	case "email":
		return "Invalid email"
	return ""


    "errors": [
            "Field": "Number",
            "Msg": "This field is required"



Gin gonic uses the package github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 to perform binding validation. If the validation fails, the error returned is a validator.ValidationErrors.

This is not mentioned explicitly but here in Model binding and validation it states:

> Gin uses go-playground/validator/v10 for validation. Check the full docs on tags usage here.

That links to the go-playground/validator/v10 documentation, where you find the paragraph Validation Functions Return Type error.

You can use the standard errors package to check if the error is that, unwrap it, and access the single fields, which are validator.FieldError. From that, you can construct whatever error message you want.

Given an error model like this:

type ApiError struct {
	Field string
	Msg   string

You can do this:

	var u User
	err := c.BindQuery(&u);
	if err != nil {
		var ve validator.ValidationErrors
		if errors.As(err, &ve) {
			out := make([]ApiError, len(ve))
			for i, fe := range ve {
				out[i] = ApiError{fe.Field(), msgForTag(fe.Tag())}
			c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"errors": out})

with a helper function to output a custom error message for your validation rules:

func msgForTag(tag string) string {
	switch tag {
	case "required":
		return "This field is required"
	case "email":
		return "Invalid email"
	return ""

In my test, this outputs:

    "errors": [
            "Field": "Number",
            "Msg": "This field is required"

PS: To have a json output with dynamic keys, you can use map[string]string instead of a fixed struct model.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年11月23日 01:15:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/70069834.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
