How to diff entire struct with r3labs/diff

huangapple go评论69阅读模式

How to diff entire struct with r3labs/diff




type Date struct {
	Year  int
	Month int
	Day   int


type Student struct {
  DateOfBirth Date


  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}},
  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}},

我得到的结果是一个包含两个条目的更改日志,一个是DateOfBirth > Month,另一个是DateOfBirth > Day




I've come across the library for Go language to compare two structs of the same type.

Library is working quite well, except for one use-case which is the following: I am using the Date struct to represent a date:

type Date struct {
	Year  int
	Month int
	Day   int

Now, there are some other more complex structs that make use of the Date struct let's say for example:

type Student struct {
  DateOfBirth Date

If I am about the compare two students, like

  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}},
  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}},

what I would get as a result is a changelog with 2 items, one for the DateOfBirth > Month and the other for the DateOfBirth > Day.

My desired result would be a changelog with a single item (DateOfBirth) and the value of 2021-10-09.

Is that possible somehow with the library?


得分: 2


没有这样的选项。diff 只是递归处理结构字段,并为每个不同的字段生成更改日志。

要实现您想要的输出,您可以实现自己的 ValueDiffer。这样,您可以以您想要的格式对结构进行差异比较,并将其附加到更改日志中。


type DateDiffer struct {

// 是否应使用此 differ 匹配特定类型
func (d *DateDiffer) Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
	return diff.AreType(a, b, reflect.TypeOf(Date{}))

// 实际的差异函数,您还可以使用自定义格式将其附加到更改日志中
func (d *DateDiffer) Diff(cl *diff.Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error {
	if a.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.CREATE, path, nil, b.Interface())
		return nil
	if b.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.DELETE, path, a.Interface(), nil)
		return nil
	var d1, d2 Date
	d1, _ = a.Interface().(Date)
	d2, _ = b.Interface().(Date)
	if d1.Day != d2.Day || d1.Month != d2.Month || d1.Year != d2.Year {
		cl.Add(diff.UPDATE, path, fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", d1.Year, d1.Month, d1.Day), fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", d2.Year, d2.Month, d2.Day))
	return nil

// 不确定这实际上是用来做什么的,但无论如何您都必须实现它
func (d *DateDiffer) InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error) {


d2, _ := diff.NewDiffer(diff.CustomValueDiffers(&DateDiffer{}))

s1 := Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}}
s2 := Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}}

ch2, _ := d2.Diff(s1, s2)

输出结果(以 JSON 格式进行编组和缩进):

    "type": "update",
    "path": [
    "from": "2021-11-13",
    "to": "2021-10-9"

NOTE this solution is using

There isn't such an option. The diff just processes struct fields recursively and produces the changelog for each different field.

To achieve the output you want, you can implement your own ValueDiffer. That way you can diff structs "atomically" and append to the changelog in the format you want.

A contrived example, partially copied from the package internals:

type DateDiffer struct {

// Whether this differ should be used to match a specific type
func (d *DateDiffer) Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
	return diff.AreType(a, b, reflect.TypeOf(Date{}))

// The actual diff function, where you also append to the changelog
// using your custom format
func (d *DateDiffer) Diff(cl *diff.Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error {
	if a.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.CREATE, path, nil, b.Interface())
		return nil
	if b.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.DELETE, path, a.Interface(), nil)
		return nil
	var d1, d2 Date
	d1, _ = a.Interface().(Date)
	d2, _ = b.Interface().(Date)
	if d1.Day != d2.Day || d1.Month != d2.Month || d1.Year != d2.Year {
		cl.Add(diff.UPDATE, path, fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", d1.Year, d1.Month, d1.Day), fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", d2.Year, d2.Month, d2.Day))
	return nil

// unsure what this is actually for, but you must implement it either way
func (d *DateDiffer) InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error) {

And then you use it as such:

	d2, _ := diff.NewDiffer(diff.CustomValueDiffers(&DateDiffer{}))

	s1 := Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}}
	s2 := Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}}

	ch2, _ := d2.Diff(s1, s2)

Output (json marshalled and indented):

   "type": "update",
   "path": [
   "from": "2021-11-13",
   "to": "2021-10-9"


得分: 1




  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}},
  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}},


type ValueDiffer interface {
	Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool
	Diff(cl *Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error
	InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error)


type DateDiffer struct {
	DiffFunc (func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error)

func (differ DateDiffer) Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
	return diff.AreType(a, b, reflect.TypeOf(Date{}))

func (differ DateDiffer) Diff(cl *diff.Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error {
	if a.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.CREATE, path, nil, b.Interface())
		return nil

	if b.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.DELETE, path, a.Interface(), nil)
		return nil

	var source, target Date
	source, _ = a.Interface().(Date)
	target, _ = b.Interface().(Date)
	if !source.Equal(target) {
		cl.Add(diff.UPDATE, path, a.Interface(), b.Interface())

	return nil

func (differ DateDiffer) InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error) {
	differ.DiffFunc = dfunc



After some research I've found the solution.

I needed to create a custom differ for the Date and also use the DisableStructValues option from the package.

This option is useful as it disables populating a separate change for each item in a struct, and returns the whole object when comparing it to a nil value.

  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 11, 13}},
  Student{DateOfBirth: Date{2021, 10, 9}},

To implement a custom differ, one needs a new struct that implements the following interface:

type ValueDiffer interface {
	Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool
	Diff(cl *Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error
	InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error)

And here is the implementation for my custom differ.

type DateDiffer struct {
	DiffFunc (func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error)

func (differ DateDiffer) Match(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
	return diff.AreType(a, b, reflect.TypeOf(Date{}))

func (differ DateDiffer) Diff(cl *diff.Changelog, path []string, a, b reflect.Value) error {
	if a.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.CREATE, path, nil, b.Interface())
		return nil

	if b.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
		cl.Add(diff.DELETE, path, a.Interface(), nil)
		return nil

	var source, target Date
	source, _ = a.Interface().(Date)
	target, _ = b.Interface().(Date)
	if !source.Equal(target) {
		cl.Add(diff.UPDATE, path, a.Interface(), b.Interface())

	return nil

func (differ DateDiffer) InsertParentDiffer(dfunc func(path []string, a, b reflect.Value, p interface{}) error) {
	differ.DiffFunc = dfunc

Hope this will help someone with a similar use-case.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年11月20日 07:13:55
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