what errors does net.Conn.Write return

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what errors does net.Conn.Write return



我如何知道在这种情况下返回的错误类型是什么?我只需要检查是否有错误,以及 n > 0 和 n < len(p) 吗?或者只检查 n < len(p) 就足够了吗?是否存在无法恢复的错误,其中 n < len(p)?

假设我想发送 X 千兆字节的数据。一个"正确"的Write()循环应该是什么样的?

如果输出缓冲区已满,Write()会简单地阻塞直到它从p中发送了所有内容吗?这样一来,检查 n < len(p) 是否多余?


According to the go documentation, the net.Conn.Write() function will return an error, if it could not send all bytes in the given slice.

How do I know which type of error is returned in this case? Should I just check if there is an error, and if n > 0 and n < len(p) ? Or is it enough to just check if n < len(p) alone? Are there unrecoverable errors for which n < len(p) ?

Say I want to send X gigabytes of data for example. What would a "correct" Write() loop look like?

If the output buffers are full, will Write() simply just block until it has sent everything from p? making a check for n < len(p) superfluous?


得分: 2


net.Conn 是一个接口。这意味着完全由实现决定要发送哪些错误。TCP 连接和 UNIX 套接字连接可能有非常不同的原因导致写操作无法完全完成。

net.Conn.Write 的签名与 io.Writer 的签名完全相同。这意味着每个 net.Conn 的实现也实现了 io.Writer。因此,您可以使用任何现有的方法,如 io.Copyio.CopyN,将数据写入连接。


Well, net.Conn is an interface. This means that it is completely up to the implementation to determine which errors to send back. A TCP connection and UNIX socket connection can have very different reasons why a write can't be fully completed.

The net.Conn.Write signature is exactly the same as the io.Writer signature. Which means that every implementation of net.Conn also implements io.Writer. So you can use any existing method like io.Copy or io.CopyN to write data to a connection.


得分: 1

如何确定在这种情况下返回的错误类型?我应该只检查是否有错误,以及 n > 0 和 n < len(p) 吗?

使用 n < len(p) 来检测写入提前停止的情况。在这种情况下,错误不为 nil。

是否存在不可恢复的错误,使得 n < len(p)?



假设我想发送 X 千兆字节的数据,一个“正确”的 Write() 循环应该是什么样子?

如果你想知道如何将 []byte 写入连接,大多数情况下不需要循环。Write 调用会阻塞,直到数据被写入或发生错误。使用以下代码:

_, err := c.Write(p)

如果你想知道如何将 io.Reader 复制到网络连接中,请使用 _, err := io.Copy(conn, r)

Write 和 Read 是不同的。Read 可能在填充缓冲区之前返回。

如果输出缓冲区已满,Write() 会一直阻塞直到将 p 中的所有数据发送完毕吗?

Write 会阻塞,直到所有数据被发送或写入失败并返回错误(截止时间超过、网络故障、网络连接在其他 goroutine 中关闭等)。


> How do I know which type of error is returned in this case? Should I just check if there is an error, and if n > 0 and n < len(p) ?

Use n &lt; len(p) to detect the case where the write stopped early. The error is not nil in this case.

> Are there unrecoverable errors for which n < len(p) ?

Yes. A network connection can fail after some data is written.

There are also recoverable errors. If write fails because the write deadline is exceeded, a later write with a new deadline can succeed.

> Say I want to send X gigabytes of data for example. What would a "correct" Write() loop look like?

If you are asking how to write a []byte to a connection, then a loop is not needed in most cases. The Write call blocks until the data is written or an error occurs. Use this code:

_, err := c.Write(p)

If you are asking how to copy an io.Reader to a network connection, the use _, err := io.Copy(conn, r).

Write is different from Read. Read can return before filling the buffer.

> If the output buffers are full, will Write() simply just block until it has sent everything from p?

Write blocks until all data is sent or the write fails with an error (deadline exceeded, network failure, network connection closed in other goroutine, ...).


得分: 1


// Write实现了io.Writer接口。
func (fd *FD) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
if err := fd.writeLock(); err != nil {
return 0, err
defer fd.writeUnlock()
if err := fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); err != nil {
return 0, err
var nn int
for {
max := len(p)
if fd.IsStream && max-nn > maxRW {
max = nn + maxRW
n, err := ignoringEINTRIO(syscall.Write, fd.Sysfd, p[nn:max])
if n > 0 {
nn += n
if nn == len(p) {
return nn, err
if err == syscall.EAGAIN && fd.pd.pollable() {
if err = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); err == nil {
if err != nil {
return nn, err
if n == 0 {
return nn, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF




So, I went digging into the Go source code itself. I tracked the Write() call to a file named src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go.

// Write implements io.Writer.
func (fd *FD) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	if err := fd.writeLock(); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	defer fd.writeUnlock()
	if err := fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	var nn int
	for {
		max := len(p)
		if fd.IsStream &amp;&amp; max-nn &gt; maxRW {
			max = nn + maxRW
		n, err := ignoringEINTRIO(syscall.Write, fd.Sysfd, p[nn:max])
		if n &gt; 0 {
			nn += n
		if nn == len(p) {
			return nn, err
		if err == syscall.EAGAIN &amp;&amp; fd.pd.pollable() {
			if err = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); err == nil {
		if err != nil {
			return nn, err
		if n == 0 {
			return nn, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF

This seems to handle the retransmits already. So, Write() does actually guarantee that either everything is sent, or a fatal error occurs, which is unrecoverable.

It seems to me, that there is no need at all, to care about the value of n, other than for logging purposes. If an error ever occurs, it is severe enough that there is no reason to try and retransmit the remaining len(p)-n bytes.


得分: 0


如果返回的n < len(p),则Write必须返回非nil的错误。


var err error
for data, done := getNextSegment(); !done && err == nil; data, done = getNextSegment() {
  _, err = conn.Write(data)


var err error
written := 0
for data, done := getNextSegment(); !done && err == nil; data, done = getNextSegment() {
  n, err = conn.Write(data)
  written += n

The net.Conn.Write() is to implement the io.Writer interface, which has the following contract regarding errors:

> Write must return a non-nil error if it returns n < len(p).

There is no single correct write loop. For certain cases, it might be important to know how much data was written. However, for network connections, based on this contract, the following should work:

var err error
for data, done := getNextSegment(); !done&amp;&amp;err==nil; data, done = getNextSegment() {

To keep the total number of bytes written:

var err error
for data, done := getNextSegment(); !done&amp;&amp;err==nil; data, done = getNextSegment() {

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年11月3日 23:49:21
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