
huangapple go评论76阅读模式

How can I make type assertions against an anonymous function?




func (s *Server) RegisterHandler(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc, methods ...string) {
	if len(methods) == 0 {
		s.Router.Handle(path, handler).Methods(http.MethodGet)
	} else {
		s.Router.Handle(path, handler).Methods(methods...)


func (s *Server) RegisterDefaultHandlers() {
	s.RegisterHandler("/ping", Ping)

func Ping(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {


s.RegisterHandler("/testPath", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // 测试所需的任何操作
}, http.MethodPost)



type UserAwareHandlerFunc func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, models.User)


func (s *Server) RegisterHandler(path string, handler interface{}, methods ...string) {
	wrappedHandler := wrappers.ApplyWrappers(handler)
	if len(methods) == 0 {
		s.Router.Handle(path, wrappedHandler).Methods(http.MethodGet)
	} else {
		s.Router.Handle(path, wrappedHandler).Methods(methods...)

func ApplyWrappers(handler interface{}) http.Handler {
	var result http.Handler
	if userAwareHandler, ok := handler.(UserAwareHandlerFunc); ok {
		result = UserAware(userAwareHandler)
	} else if handlerFunc, ok := handler.(http.HandlerFunc); ok {
		result = handlerFunc
	} else if handlerObj, ok := handler.(http.Handler); ok {
		result = handlerObj
	} else {
		log.Fatalf("handler %+v (type %s) is not a recognized handler type.", handler, reflect.TypeOf(handler))

	// 为了避免内存泄漏,确保在请求生命周期结束时清除所有请求数据
	// 适用于所有处理程序--参见https://stackoverflow.com/a/48203334
	result = context.ClearHandler(result)
	return result

func UserAware(handler UserAwareHandlerFunc) http.Handler {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        user := ... // 从会话中获取用户
        handler(w, r, user)    



var Ping http.HandlerFunc = func(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

func Ping2(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

func (s *Server) RegisterDefaultHandlers() {
	s.RegisterHandler("/ping", Ping)

    var pingHandler2 http.HandlerFunc = Ping2
	s.RegisterHandler("/ping2", pingHandler2)


var handler http.HandlerFunc = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
s.RegisterHandler("/testPath", handler, http.MethodPost)



func ApplyWrappers(handler interface{}) http.Handler {
	var result http.Handler
	if userAwareHandler, ok := handler.(UserAwareHandlerFunc); ok {
		result = UserAware(userAwareHandler)
	} else if anonymousFunc, ok := handler.(func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request)); ok {
		result = http.HandlerFunc(anonymousFunc)
	} else if handlerObj, ok := handler.(http.Handler); ok {
		result = handlerObj
	} else {
		log.Fatalf("handler %+v (type %s) is not a recognized handler type.", handler, reflect.TypeOf(handler))

	// 为了避免内存泄漏,确保在请求生命周期结束时清除所有请求数据
	// 适用于所有处理程序--参见https://stackoverflow.com/a/48203334
	result = context.ClearHandler(result)
	return result


  1. 如果我理解正确,我在这里寻找的“鸭子类型”行为如果我处理的是接口而不是函数,那么就没问题了。是什么驱使了这种区别?在未来的语言版本中,我能否合理地希望看到函数的鸭子类型?
  2. 我可以将匿名函数强制转换为HandlerFunc。对我来说,强制转换和类型断言的语义不同有点奇怪。有人能解释一下吗?


  1. 为什么接口和其他类型之间的语义不同?
  2. 为什么命名和未命名类型的语义不同?



I'm writing an HTTP service in Go using Gorilla. I'm newish to Go (<1yr experience), but ramping up fairly quickly.

I have a function I use to register my handlers:

func (s *Server) RegisterHandler(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc, methods ...string) {
	if len(methods) == 0 {
		s.Router.Handle(path, handler).Methods(http.MethodGet)
	} else {
		s.Router.Handle(path, handler).Methods(methods...)

I have some code that registers named functions as handlers:

func (s *Server) RegisterDefaultHandlers() {
	s.RegisterHandler(&quot;/ping&quot;, Ping)

func Ping(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

I also have unit test code that registers anonymous functions as handlers:

s.RegisterHandler(&quot;/testPath&quot;, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // whatever the test calls for
}, http.MethodPost)

This all works great -- just establishing my starting point.

Today, I find myself banging my head against Go's type system. I am defining some custom handler types, for example:

type UserAwareHandlerFunc func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, models.User)

And I'm also introducing a function to allow me to register such handlers, and to wrap all handlers in context.ClearHandler. If this works, I'll also wrap everything with another function that sets a few things on my logging context. What I have so far:

func (s *Server) RegisterHandler(path string, handler interface{}, methods ...string) {
	wrappedHandler := wrappers.ApplyWrappers(handler)
	if len(methods) == 0 {
		s.Router.Handle(path, wrappedHandler).Methods(http.MethodGet)
	} else {
		s.Router.Handle(path, wrappedHandler).Methods(methods...)

func ApplyWrappers(handler interface{}) http.Handler {
	var result http.Handler
	if userAwareHandler, ok := handler.(UserAwareHandlerFunc); ok {
		result = UserAware(userAwareHandler)
	} else if handlerFunc, ok := handler.(http.HandlerFunc); ok {
		result = handlerFunc
	} else if handlerObj, ok := handler.(http.Handler); ok {
		result = handlerObj
	} else {
		log.Fatalf(&quot;handler %+v (type %s) is not a recognized handler type.&quot;, handler, reflect.TypeOf(handler))

	// to avoid memory leaks, ensure that all request data is cleared by the end of the request lifetime
	// for all handlers -- see https://stackoverflow.com/a/48203334
	result = context.ClearHandler(result)
	return result

func UserAware(handler UserAwareHandlerFunc) http.Handler {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        user := ... // get user from session
        handler(w, r, user)    

With these changes, I can no longer register named or anonymous functions; the type assertions in ApplyWrappers all fail. I have to declare and define a typed variable, then pass that in.

Named functions have two feasible approaches:

var Ping http.HandlerFunc = func(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

func Ping2(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

func (s *Server) RegisterDefaultHandlers() {
	s.RegisterHandler(&quot;/ping&quot;, Ping)

    var pingHandler2 http.HandlerFunc = Ping2
	s.RegisterHandler(&quot;/ping2&quot;, pingHandler2)

For anonymous functions, I can do:

var handler http.HandlerFunc = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
s.RegisterHandler(&quot;/testPath&quot;, handler, http.MethodPost)

The whole point of what I've built here is to consolidate boilerplate into one place, keeping my many tests and handlers as streamlined as possible. The need to declare a typed variable is working against that goal. So my question is this: is there some special type magic I could use (preferably in RegisterHandler and/or ApplyWrappers) that would restore the ability to pass named and/or anonymous functions to RegisterHandler?

EDIT: thanks so much for the quick answers. Problem solved:

func ApplyWrappers(handler interface{}) http.Handler {
	var result http.Handler
	if userAwareHandler, ok := handler.(UserAwareHandlerFunc); ok {
		result = UserAware(userAwareHandler)
	} else if anonymousFunc, ok := handler.(func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request)); ok {
		result = http.HandlerFunc(anonymousFunc)
	} else if handlerObj, ok := handler.(http.Handler); ok {
		result = handlerObj
	} else {
		log.Fatalf(&quot;handler %+v (type %s) is not a recognized handler type.&quot;, handler, reflect.TypeOf(handler))

	// to avoid memory leaks, ensure that all request data is cleared by the end of the request lifetime
	// for all handlers -- see https://stackoverflow.com/a/48203334
	result = context.ClearHandler(result)
	return result

It's working now, but I still have questions:

  1. If I understand correctly, the "duck typing" behavior that I was looking for here would have been fine if I were dealing with interfaces rather than functions. What drives the distinction? Is duck-typing of functions something I could reasonably hope to see in a future version of the language?
  2. I can cast the anonymous function to a HandlerFunc. It's weird to me that casting and type assertions don't share semantics. Can someone explain?

EDIT 2: I've now seen the bit of the language spec that says that defined types (i.e. ones with names) are never identical to any other type, even if the underlying type is the same, and as such will never work in a type assertion (unless it's an interface). So now I'm left wondering:

  1. Why are the semantics different between interfaces and other types?
  2. Why are the semantics different for named and un-named types?

I find both to be unintuitive and inconvenient. Am I alone here? I'm wondering if anyone knows why these decisions were made when the language was designed (perhaps it's particularly difficult to implement without bloating the compiler or its output, etc.), and if anyone is aware of plans to address either situation.


得分: 2



f, ok := handler.(func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request))


> - 如果T不是一个接口类型,x.(T)断言x的动态类型与类型T完全相同
> - 如果T是一个接口类型,x.(T)断言x的动态类型实现了接口T


http.HandlerFunc is a specific type. The Ping function is NOT of that type, although it can be converted to that type since they both have the same underlying type.

If handler is an anonymous function then you need to use an anonymous function in the type assertion:

f, ok := handler.(func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request))


> - if T is not an interface type, x.(T) asserts that the dynamic type of x is identical to the type T
> - If T is an interface type, x.(T) asserts that the dynamic type of x implements the interface T.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年10月17日 22:45:12
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/69605448.html



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