
huangapple go评论76阅读模式

How do I work out what type of error my error is in go?




在我的测试代码中,我正在进行一个基本的HTTP GET请求到一个不存在的域名,以触发一个DNS警告。我发现err.Error()返回一个字符串,所以为了断言它是否是一个DNS错误,我使用了字符串比较:

resp, err := http.Get(link)
if err != nil {
    if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such host") == true {
        return "no such host"

这显然是一种笨拙的方法,所以我搜索了一下,看看是否有更好的方法来判断引发了什么类型的错误,我找到了以下的Stack Overflow答案:


> "errors"包有As、Is函数来解包特定的错误类型,而"net"包有一个*DNSError类型。所以:

var dnsErr *net.DNSError
if errors.As(err, &dnsErr) {




urlErr := err.(*url.Error)


&url.Error{Op:"Get", URL:"http://doesnotexistkjdfhgsdfsdf.com", Err:(*net.OpError)(0xc00021a2d0)}


netOpError := urlErr.Err.(*net.OpError)
fmt.Printf("Net Op Error contains: %#v\n", netOpError)
Net Op Error contains: &net.OpError{Op:"dial", Net:"tcp", Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:net.Addr(nil), Err:(*net.DNSError)(0xc0001a0040)}


dnsError := netOpError.Err.(*net.DNSError)
fmt.Printf("DNSError contains: %#v\n", dnsError)
DNSError contains: &net.DNSError{Err:"dial udp connect: no route to host", Name:"doesnotexistkjdfhgsdfsdf.com", Server:"", IsTimeout:false, IsTemporary:true, IsNotFound:false}


问题是,这不是一个可行的方法,我不明白我们应该如何处理这个问题。在我找到初始的Stack Overflow文章之前,我不知道net.DNSError是一个存在的东西,也不知道我的错误可能是那种“类型”。




I'm not sure exactly how to phrase this question, and I've seen others ask similar but not really come up with answers (which tells me I'm asking the wrong question, but I'm not sure how else to approach this).

I'm trying to learn some basic Go, and I've come unstuck at the first hurdle.

In my test code, I'm doing a basic http GET to a domain that doesn't exist to trigger a DNS warning. I worked out that err.error() returns a string, so to assert whether it was a DNS error, I used string comparison:

resp, err := http.Get(link)
if err != nil {
    if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such host") == true {
        return "no such host"

This is obviously hacky, so I did some googling to see if there is a better way to work out what kind of error was raised, and I found the following SO answer:


>Package "errors" has functions As, Is to unwrap specific error types, and package "net" has a *DNSError type. So:

var dnsErr *net.DNSError
if errors.As(err, &dnsErr) {

This code works, but I have absolutely zero idea how this conclusion was reached. Below is how I'm approaching trying to understand this, and I'd like to know where I'm going wrong. I understand (vaguely) what .Is() and .As() are doing, but what I don't understand is how to work out what error "type" to provide those functions without guessing or prior knowledge.

I looked at the client.get() documentation here which says:
>Any returned error will be of type *url.Error.

some more googling and I found that I need to cast(?) the error to that type to work with it:

urlErr := err.(*url.Error)

the *url.Error contains:

&url.Error{Op:"Get", URL:"http://doesnotexistkjdfhgsdfsdf.com", Err:(*net.OpError)(0xc00021a2d0)}

so I then look at the net.OpError contained in the url.Error:

netOpError := urlErr.Err.(*net.OpError)
fmt.Printf("Net Op Error contains: %#v\n", netOpError)
Net Op Error contains: &net.OpError{Op:"dial", Net:"tcp", Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:net.Addr(nil), Err:(*net.DNSError)(0xc0001a0040)}

I then do the same thing and "unpack" the net.DNSError contained within net.OpError:

dnsError := netOpError.Err.(*net.DNSError)
fmt.Printf("DNSError contains: %#v\n", dnsError)
DNSError contains: &net.DNSError{Err:"dial udp connect: no route to host", Name:"doesnotexistkjdfhgsdfsdf.com", Server:"", IsTimeout:false, IsTemporary:true, IsNotFound:false}

The net.DNSError doesn't "contain" any other errors so to me, this suggests it's the bottom of the chain and the "real" error (or, at least, one I wanted to work with).

Thing is, this is not a viable approach, and I don't understand how we're supposed to approach this. Before the initial SO article I found, I had no idea that net.DNSError is a thing, or that my error could be of that "type".

If you didn't know a particular error type exists, and that a function call could possibly be of that type, how would you know?

I have a very limited understanding of interfaces and types in general in Go, which I'm sure isn't helping here, but to me there seems to be a huge leap between having an error and knowing what kind of error to check it could be. I hope this question makes sense!


得分: 3



rsp, err := http.Get(link)
dnsErr := new(net.DNSError)
if errors.As(err, &dnsErr) {
  // 在这里使用dnsErr




type myError struct {
    code int


var fooErr = &myError{1}

func foo() (int, error) {...}

func main() {
	_, err := foo()
	fmt.Printf("is fooErr? %v\n", errors.Is(err, fooErr))


func (e *myError) Is(err error) bool {
	as := new(myError)
    // 我稍后会展示As方法
	if !errors.As(err, &as) {
		return false
	return e.code == as.code


type errWrap struct {
	origin error

func (e *errWrap) Unwrap() error {
	return e.origin

func (e *errWrap) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("wraps error '%s'", e.origin.Error())

var fooErr = &myError{1}

func foo() (int, error) {
	return 0, &errWrap{origin: fooErr}

func main() {
	_, err := foo()
	fmt.Printf("err == myError? %v\n", err == fooErr) // false
	fmt.Printf("err is fooErr? %v\n", errors.Is(err, &myError{1})) // true


	err := fmt.Errorf("wraps: %w", fooErr)
	fmt.Printf("err == myError? %v\n", err == fooErr) // false
	fmt.Printf("err is fooErr? %v\n", errors.Is(err, &myError{1})) // true


	err := &myError{1}
	as := new(myError)
	errors.As(err, &as)
	fmt.Printf("code: %v\n", as.code) // code: 1


type anotherError struct {
	anotherCode int

func (e *anotherError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("code: %d", e.anotherCode)

func (e *myError) As(target interface{}) bool {
	if out, ok := target.(**anotherError); ok {
		(*out).anotherCode = e.code
		return true
	return false

func main() {
	err := &myError{1}
	as := new(anotherError)
	errors.As(err, &as)
	fmt.Printf("code: %v\n", as.anotherCode) // code: 1


err := fmt.Errorf("wraps: %w", &myError{1})
as := new(myError)
errors.As(err, &as)
fmt.Printf("code: %v\n", as.code) // code: 1

First, I'd suggest reading this blog post: https://go.dev/blog/go1.13-errors

Short answer to your question: you're correct, to check that a function returns net.DNSError and access its internals you can use errors.As function:

rsp, err := http.Get(link)
dnsErr := new(net.DNSError)
if errors.As(err, &dnsErr) {
  // use dnsErr here

Update: conceptually, it's supposed that you know the type of error you can handle: so you either handle some particular error if you can handle it or wrap and return it to upper level. It's a common practice when working with errors/exceptions in other languages too. So my advice: handle only such exceptions that you know how to process. In case of HTTP requests, it's usually http errors with status codes, DNS errors are usually returned to the caller func.

This is some details with examples for functions from errors package.

You can use errors.As and errrors.Is from errors package. For instance, if you have a custom type of error:

type myError struct {
    code int

You can check unknown error by reference with errors.Is():

var fooErr = &myError{1}

func foo() (int, error) {...}

func main() {
	_, err := foo()
	fmt.Printf("is fooErr? %v\n", errors.Is(err, fooErr))

or if you want to implement custom logic for comparing your errors (e.g. by code in this example), you can add Is method to your error type:

func (e *myError) Is(err error) bool {
	as := new(myError)
    // I'll show As method later
	if !errors.As(err, &as) {
		return false
	return e.code == as.code

Also, Is method can "unwrap" your error from wrapper type, e.g. if you want to create a composition of errors, you may add a new struct with Unwrap method for that or use fmt.Errorf method with %w parameter:

type errWrap struct {
	origin error

func (e *errWrap) Unwrap() error {
	return e.origin

func (e *errWrap) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("wraps error '%s'", e.origin.Error())

var fooErr = &myError{1}

func foo() (int, error) {
	return 0, &errWrap{origin: fooErr}

func main() {
	_, err := foo()
	fmt.Printf("err == myError? %v\n", err == fooErr) // false
	fmt.Printf("err is fooErr? %v\n", errors.Is(err, &myError{1})) // true

Or using fmt.Errorf:

	err := fmt.Errorf("wraps: %w", fooErr)
	fmt.Printf("err == myError? %v\n", err == fooErr) // false
	fmt.Printf("err is fooErr? %v\n", errors.Is(err, &myError{1})) // true

Another important method is errors.As, it works similar: you either have the exact type of your error to check or you implement As method on your error or error is wrapped by another error:

	err := &myError{1}
	as := new(myError)
	errors.As(err, &as)
	fmt.Printf("code: %v\n", as.code) // code: 1

Or with As method:

type anotherError struct {
	anotherCode int

func (e *anotherError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("code: %d", e.anotherCode)

func (e *myError) As(target interface{}) bool {
	if out, ok := target.(**anotherError); ok {
		(*out).anotherCode = e.code
		return true
	return false

func main() {
	err := &myError{1}
	as := new(anotherError)
	errors.As(err, &as)
	fmt.Printf("code: %v\n", as.anotherCode) // code: 1

And same for wrapping:

err := fmt.Errorf("wraps: %w", &myError{1})
as := new(myError)
errors.As(err, &as)
fmt.Printf("code: %v\n", as.code) // code: 1


得分: 1


  • DNS错误(客户端)
  • 504网关错误(服务器)
  • 400(用户:错误请求)
  • 404(用户:未找到)
  • 401(用户未经授权)



例如,在REST API服务器实现中,身份验证中间件将返回登录问题的错误。在这里,错误类型很重要,以及如何对其做出反应:

  • 身份验证数据库宕机
    • 服务器:记录完整错误;发送电子邮件给管理员等。
    • 客户端:接收简洁的501(服务不可用)
  • 无效的凭据
    • 服务器:记录完整错误
    • 客户端:接收简洁的401(未经授权)



What does a user do when loading a web-page and the page fails to load? They hit reload. If it keeps failing, the user eventually studies the error message, as it could be one of many reasons:

  • DNS error (client)
  • 504 gateway error (server)
  • 400 (user: bad request)
  • 404 (user: not found)
  • 401 (user unauthorized)

How the user reacts to these errors determines whether to: give-up; try again; or try again in a different manner. Your question began with the http.Get errors (not http status codes) - but the same principle applies.

So, what should you do if the request fails? If the http.Get is a critical part of a larger task, then the whole task must fail. If the larger task is expensive to run, you may want to retry the http.Get (exponential backup retry etc.) before failing. Network errors are typically logged as there's very little policy decisions one can make to determine if a retry will work or not (client DNS vs. server 504).

In a REST-API server implementation, for example, the authentication middleware will return errors for login issues. Here is where the type of error is important and how one can react to it:

  • authentication-DB is down
    • server: log full error; email admin etc.
    • client: receives terse 501 (service unavailable)
  • invalid credentials
    • server: log full error
    • client: receives terse 401 (unauthorized)

the client is only given a very brief summary that the operation failed, but the server logs the full details of the error and will react to it (alert admin, email user of locked out account or even a successful login, but from an unrecognized device).

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年10月14日 17:24:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/69568234.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
