使用 Electron 14 与 gRPC

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Using gRPC with Electron 14


我继承了一个使用Go语言编写的Web应用程序,它使用gRPC和协议缓冲区与Angular 8前端进行通信。旧的开发者使用Wails将Go方法绑定到前端,并构建一个exe文件。




I've inherited a web application, whose backend is written in Go Lang and uses gRPC and protocol buffers to communicate with the Angular 8 frontend. The old developer was using Wails to bind Go method to the frontend and to build an exe, as required.

Based on the client needs, we decided to stop using Wails and to switch to Electron (14.0.0).

I was wondering if there is a method to use gRPC with Electron. All the tutorials I've found
concerns older versions of Electron.


得分: 4

我之前使用过Wails V2,它的表现非常好,但有一些限制。我转而使用Electron。




  1. const spawn = require('child_process').execFile;
  2. let binaryPath = process.resourcesPath + "/app.asar.unpacked/bin/macos/myapp";
  3. // 启动服务器
  4. function startBackend() {
  5. child = spawn(binaryPath, ['serve', "-p", port, "-s", userDataPath]);
  6. }





binaries: ["bin/windows/app.exe"]

asarUnpack: ["bin/windows/app.exe"]


  1. productName: MyApp
  2. appId: com.electron.${name}
  3. remoteBuild: false
  4. compression: normal
  5. npmRebuild: true
  6. asar:
  7. smartUnpack: true
  8. directories:
  9. output: out
  10. buildResources: build
  11. mac:
  12. category: public.app-category.developer-tools
  13. icon: ./icons/512x512.png
  14. darkModeSupport: false
  15. target:
  16. - target: dmg
  17. # - target: zip
  18. fileAssociations:
  19. - ext: svg
  20. role: Viewer
  21. # extraResources:
  22. # - from: "bin/macos/myapp"
  23. # to: "bin/macos/myapp"
  24. # filter:
  25. # - "**/*"
  26. binaries: ["bin/macos/myapp"]
  27. asarUnpack: ["bin/macos/myapp"]
  28. hardenedRuntime: false
  29. gatekeeperAssess: false
  30. entitlements: "build/macos/entitlements.mac.plist"
  31. entitlementsInherit: "build/macos/entitlements.mac.plist"
  32. publish: null
  33. dmg:
  34. sign: true

electron builder配置示例:https://github.com/twiny/svelte-electron-tailwind/blob/main/electron-builder.yml


I previously used Wails V2, while its does very good job. but its kinda limited. I switched to Electron.

I had a similar setup. a Backend server in Go and frontend in Svelte. I used HTTP server instead of gRPC. bud the process is the same.

So, when bundling your app in electron. you will need to add the binary of the backend to additional resources.

And then, from the frontend you start and connect to the grpc backend server. using https://github.com/grpc/grpc-node. like this

  1. const spawn = require('child_process').execFile;
  2. let binaryPath = process.resourcesPath + "/app.asar.unpacked/bin/macos/myapp"
  3. // run server
  4. function startBackend() {
  5. child = spawn(binaryPath, ['serve', "-p", port, "-s", userDataPath]);
  6. }

In my case i used electron builder (https://www.electron.build/) to build my app.

you can use extraResources directive to add your backend binary to electron app.



binaries: ["bin/windows/app.exe"]

asarUnpack: ["bin/windows/app.exe"]

my app was for MacOS and electron-builder.yaml looks like this.

  1. productName: MyApp
  2. appId: com.electron.${name}
  3. remoteBuild: false
  4. compression: normal
  5. npmRebuild: true
  6. asar:
  7. smartUnpack: true
  8. directories:
  9. output: out
  10. buildResources: build
  11. mac:
  12. category: public.app-category.developer-tools
  13. icon: ./icons/512x512.png
  14. darkModeSupport: false
  15. target:
  16. - target: dmg
  17. # - target: zip
  18. fileAssociations:
  19. - ext: svg
  20. role: Viewer
  21. # extraResources:
  22. # - from: "bin/macos/myapp"
  23. # to: "bin/macos/myapp"
  24. # filter:
  25. # - "**/*"
  26. binaries: ["bin/macos/myapp"]
  27. asarUnpack: ["bin/macos/myapp"]
  28. hardenedRuntime: false
  29. gatekeeperAssess: false
  30. entitlements: "build/macos/entitlements.mac.plist"
  31. entitlementsInherit: "build/macos/entitlements.mac.plist"
  32. publish: null
  33. dmg:
  34. sign: true

Example of electron builder config:https://github.com/twiny/svelte-electron-tailwind/blob/main/electron-builder.yml

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年9月20日 16:24:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/69251237.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
