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What is the memory allocation when you return a function in Golang?



func MyHandler(a int) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {



Here is a simplified code

func MyHandler(a int) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

Whenever a http request comes MyHandler will be called, and it will return a function which will be used to handle the request. So whenever a http request comes a new function object will be created. Function is taken as the first class in Go. I'm trying to understand what actually happened when you return a function from memory's perspective. When you return a value, for example an integer, it will occupy 4 bytes in stack. So how about return a function and lots of things inside the function body? Is it an efficient way to do so? What's shortcomings?


得分: 3


  • 编译器会找出所有必须被闭包“捕获”的变量。它将它们放入一个工作区,该工作区将在闭包存在期间被分配和保留。

  • 然后,编译器会生成内部函数,并添加一个秘密的额外参数,或者使用其他运行时技巧,以便在调用函数时激活闭包。





If you're not used to closures, they may seem a bit magic. They are, however, easy to implement in compilers:

  • The compiler finds any variables that must be captured by the closure. It puts them into a working area that will be allocated and remain allocated as long as the closure itself exists.

  • The compiler then generates the inner function with a secret extra parameter, or some other runtime trickery,<sup>1</sup> such that calling the function activates the closure.

Because the returned function accesses its closure variables through the compile-time arrangement, there's nothing special needed. And since Go is a garbage-collected language, there's nothing else needed either: the pointer to the closure keeps the closure data alive until the pointer is gone because the function cannot be called any more, at which point the closure data evaporates (well, at the next GC).

<sup>1</sup>GCC sometimes uses trampolines to do this for C, where trampolines are executable code generated at runtime. The executable code may set a register or pass an extra parameter or some such. This can be expensive since something treated as data at runtime (generated code) must be turned into executable code at runtime (possibly requiring a system call and potentially requiring that some supervisory code "vet" the resulting runtime code).

Go does not need any of this because the language was defined with closures in mind, so implementors don't, er, "close off" any easy ways to make this all work. Some runtime ABIs are defined with closures in mind as well, e.g., register r1 is reserved as the closure-variables pointer in all pointer-to-function types, or some such.


得分: 1

实际函数大小是无关紧要的。当你返回这样一个函数时,内存将被分配给闭包,也就是函数使用的作用域中的任何变量。在这种情况下,将返回一个指针,其中包含函数的地址和指向闭包的指针,闭包中将包含对变量 a 的引用。


Actual function size is irrelevant. When you return a function like this, memory will be allocated for the closure, that is, any variables in the scope that the function uses. In this case, a pointer will be returned containing the address of the function and a pointer to the closure, which will contain a reference to the variable a.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年9月8日 10:20:33
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/69096255.html



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