What does envconfig.Process() do

huangapple go评论69阅读模式

What does envconfig.Process() do


我正在使用envconfig库查看一些源代码,并且对下面的代码理解有困难。我知道它加载环境变量,但我想了解每一行具体的作用。我希望有人能够解释给我听。特别是这一行代码envconfig.Process("", &Env)的作用是什么。

package config

import (


type envVars struct {
	Dbhost     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_HOST"`
	Dbport     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_PORT"`
	Dbuser     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_USER"`
	Dbpassword string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_PASS"`
	Dbname     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_NAME"`
	JwtKey     string `required:"true" envconfig:"JWT_KEY"`
	HashKey    string `required:"true" envconfig:"HASH_KEY"`

//Env holds application config variables
var Env envVars

// Tpl template
var Tpl *template.Template

func init() {

	wd, err := os.Getwd() //获取工作目录(当前目录)的路径-此项目的目录
	if err != nil {
		log.Println(err, "::Unable to get paths")

	Tpl = template.Must(template.ParseGlob(wd + "/internal/views/*.html")) //在Linux上使用path.join而不是Windows上的路径。

	err = godotenv.Load(wd + "/./.env") //加载环境变量文件,以便可以在代码中访问环境变量,例如使用os.GetEnv("DB_DIALECT"),否则无法工作。

	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Error loading .env file, falling back to cli passed env")

	err = envconfig.Process("", &Env)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Error loading environment variables", err)


I'm looking through some source code using the envconfig library and am having trouble understanding what the below code does. I know it loads the environment variables but would like to understand what each specific line does. I was hoping somebody might be able to explain it to me. In particular what the line envconfig.Process("", &Env) does

 package config  
    import (
    type envVars struct {
    	Dbhost     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_HOST"`
    	Dbport     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_PORT"`
    	Dbuser     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_USER"`
    	Dbpassword string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_PASS"`
    	Dbname     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_NAME"`
    	JwtKey     string `required:"true" envconfig:"JWT_KEY"`
    	HashKey    string `required:"true" envconfig:"HASH_KEY"`
    //Env holds application config variables
    var Env envVars
    // Tpl template
    var Tpl *template.Template
    func init() {
    	wd, err := os.Getwd() //get path of working directory(current directory) - directory of this project
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Println(err, "::Unable to get paths")
    	Tpl = template.Must(template.ParseGlob(wd + "/internal/views/*.html")) //could use path.join in case it's used on linux instead of windows.
    	//load .env file
    	err = godotenv.Load(wd + "/./.env") //loads environment variable file so that env variables can be accessed in code eg. by using os.GetEnv("DB_DIALECT"), won't work otherwise.
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Println("Error loading .env file, falling back to cli passed env")
    	err = envconfig.Process("", &Env)
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Fatalln("Error loading environment variables", err)


得分: 1

envconfig.Process() 函数会使用环境变量的值填充给定的结构体。可以使用 envconfig 结构标签来指定使用哪些环境变量。


Dbhost     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_HOST"`

上述代码会将 Dbhost 字段填充为 DB_HOST 环境变量的值。如果 required 标签设置为 true,如果没有匹配的环境变量,Process 函数会返回一个错误。

如果你想为没有匹配的环境变量定义默认值,可以使用 default 标签:

Dbhost     string `default:"host1" envconfig:"DB_HOST"`

Process 函数的第一个参数是一个前缀,用于只匹配具有特定前缀的环境变量。


envconfig.Process("DB", &env)

上述代码只会考虑以 DB_ 为前缀的环境变量,比如 DB_HOSTDB_PORTDB_USER 等。在你的特定情况下,这将导致 JwtKeyHashKey 字段未填充,因为相应的环境变量没有 DB_ 前缀。

我建议你查阅 Github 上的 README 文档,其中提供了更详细的解释和示例。


envconfig.Process() populates a given struct with values pulled from environment variables. Which environment variables are used can be specified with the envconfig struct tag.

For example:

Dbhost     string `required:"true" envconfig:"DB_HOST"`

The above will populate the Dbhost field with the value of the DB_HOST environment variable. If the required tag is set to true, Process will return an error if no matching environment variable exists.

You can use the default tag if you want to define defaults for the case where a matching environment variable does not exist:

Dbhost     string `default:"host1" envconfig:"DB_HOST"`

The first parameter to Process is a prefix in order to only match environment variables with a certain prefix.

For example:

envconfig.Process("DB", &env)

The above will only consider environment variables with a DB_ prefix, e.g. DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_USER, etc. In your particular case, this would leave the fields JwtKey and HashKey unpopulated as the corresponding environment variables don't have a DB_ prefix.

I would suggest reviewing the README documentation on Github which provides some more detailed explanation and examples.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年8月25日 05:59:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/68914552.html



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