
huangapple go评论72阅读模式

Why are slices of directional channels failing to compile?




./prog.go:28:6: 无法将 ch (类型为 []chan int) 作为 read 函数的参数类型 []<-chan int 使用
./prog.go:29:7: 无法将 ch (类型为 []chan int) 作为 write 函数的参数类型 []chan<- int 使用

如何在 readwrite 函数中使用通道方向使其正常工作?



package main

import (

func read(ch ...&lt;-chan int) {
	for i := 0; i &lt; len(ch); i++ {
		i := i
		go func() { fmt.Println(&lt;-ch[i]) }()

func write(ch ...chan&lt;- int) {
	for i := 0; i &lt; len(ch); i++ {
		i := i
		go func() { ch[i] &lt;- i }()

func main() {
	var maxLen = 10
	var ch []chan int
	for i := 0; i &lt; maxLen; i++ {
		ch = append(ch, make(chan int))
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

The above snippet is failing with below error

./prog.go:28:6: cannot use ch (type []chan int) as type []&lt;-chan int in argument to read
./prog.go:29:7: cannot use ch (type []chan int) as type []chan&lt;- int in argument to write

How can I make it work with channel directions in read and write functions?


得分: 4

你正在尝试将[]chan int转换为[]<-chan int。看起来像是一个简单的转换,但实际上这是一个深度转换,因为你正在改变容器的元素类型。在Go语言中,这种转换是不允许的,尽管有一个已存在的(已关闭的)提案,允许进行这种类型的通道切片转换:https://github.com/golang/go/issues/41695


func readOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []<-chan int {
	return *(*[]<-chan int)(unsafe.Pointer(&slice))

func writeOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []chan<- int {
	return *(*[]chan<- int)(unsafe.Pointer(&slice))






func readOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []<-chan int {
	out := make([]<-chan int, len(slice))
	for i := range slice {
		out[i] = slice[i]
	return out

func writeOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []chan<- int {
	out := make([]chan<- int, len(slice))
	for i := range slice {
		out[i] = slice[i]
	return out



You're trying to pass a []chan int as a []&lt;-chan int. Seems like a simple conversion, but it's actually a deep conversion as you're changing the element type of the container. These conversions aren't allowed in Go, though there is an existing (closed) proposal to make this kind of channel slice conversion allowed: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/41695

Here's a solution I've used in a similar situation in the past:

func readOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []&lt;-chan int {
	return *(*[]&lt;-chan int)(unsafe.Pointer(&amp;slice))

func writeOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []chan&lt;- int {
	return *(*[]chan&lt;- int)(unsafe.Pointer(&amp;slice))

And then usage:


Since the read-only or write-only quality of a channel is only carried in the type information at compile time, and not in the actual data representation of the type [citation needed], you can use unsafe to just force a conversion.

Note: I'm not aware of any explicit or implicit guarantee that the unsafe conversion is valid, so you should create tests to verify that this works on your target platforms. However, in practice, it seems to work. It relies on differently-directioned channel values having identical (or at least compatible) data representations. Practically speaking, there's no reason why the design of channel directionality would require or even benefit from maintaining the channel direction at run-time.

If you want to avoid unsafe completely, then you'll have to do the "long" conversion like this:

func readOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []&lt;-chan int {
	out := make([]&lt;-chan int, len(slice))
	for i := range slice {
		out[i] = slice[i]
	return out

func writeOnlyChannels(slice []chan int) []chan&lt;- int {
	out := make([]chan&lt;- int, len(slice))
	for i := range slice {
		out[i] = slice[i]
	return out

The only real downside here is that it's going to cause more allocations by copying everything into a new slice when you do the conversion. Use whichever approach poses the least issue in your application.


得分: 3

尽管类型为chan int的表达式可以分配给类型为chan<- int(只发送通道)或<-chan int(只接收通道)的变量,但对于这些类型的切片却不适用:

var (
    ch chan int
    _  <-chan int   = ch // 可行
    _  chan<- int   = ch // 可行
    _  []<-chan int = []chan int(nil) // 编译错误
    _  []chan<- int = []chan int(nil) // 编译错误


./prog.go:7:2: cannot use ([]chan int)(nil) (type []chan int) as type []<-chan int in assignment
./prog.go:8:2: cannot use ([]chan int)(nil) (type []chan int) as type []chan<- int in assignment

正如Hymns for Disco在他/她的回答中指出的,不幸的是没有简单的解决方法。我不建议使用unsafe包,因为unsafe的风险有点抵消了使用通道方向的好处。我只会在函数writeread的参数中省略通道方向。具体情况可能有所不同。


Although an expression of type chan int is assignable to a variable of type either chan&lt;- int (send-only channel) or &lt;-chan int (receive-only channel), the same doesn't apply to slices of such types:

var (
	ch chan int
	_  &lt;-chan int   = ch // ok
	_  chan&lt;- int   = ch // ok
	_  []&lt;-chan int = []chan int(nil) // compilation error
	_  []chan&lt;- int = []chan int(nil) // compilation error


./prog.go:7:2: cannot use ([]chan int)(nil) (type []chan int) as type []&lt;-chan int in assignment
./prog.go:8:2: cannot use ([]chan int)(nil) (type []chan int) as type []chan&lt;- int in assignment

As pointed out by Hymns for Disco in his/her answer, there is unfortunately no easy way out. I wouldn't recommend resorting to the unsafe package myself, because the risks associated with unsafe kind of offset the benefits of using channel directions. I would simply drop the channel directions in the parameters to functions write and read. YMMV.


得分: 0


package main

import (

func read(inputs chan (<-chan int)) {
	for input := range inputs {
		go func(input <-chan int) { fmt.Println(<-input) }(input)

func write(outputs chan chan<- int) {
	i := 0
	for output := range outputs {
		go func(output chan<- int, i int) { output <- i }(output, i)
		i += 1

func main() {
	var maxLen = 10
	readers := make(chan (<-chan int), 10)
	writers := make(chan chan<- int, 10)
	for i := 0; i < maxLen; i++ {
		ch := make(chan int)
		readers <- ch
		writers <- ch
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

Alternative approach with channel of channels with support for directional channels.

package main

import (

func read(inputs chan (&lt;-chan int)) {
	for input := range inputs {
		go func(input &lt;-chan int) { fmt.Println(&lt;-input) }(input)

func write(outputs chan chan&lt;- int) {
	i := 0
	for output := range outputs {
		go func(output chan&lt;- int, i int) { output &lt;- i }(output, i)
		i += 1

func main() {
	var maxLen = 10
	readers := make(chan (&lt;-chan int), 10)
	writers := make(chan chan&lt;- int, 10)
	for i := 0; i &lt; maxLen; i++ {
		ch := make(chan int)
		readers &lt;- ch
		writers &lt;- ch
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年7月19日 02:58:31
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/68432218.html



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