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Can Go work with memory at the page level?















I am a Go developer reading a book called Database Internals. The author talks extensively about working with memory at a very low level (specifically, at the page level).

As I am trying to build my own database, I have looked through Go documentation and other articles for discussions about work with memory at this level, however nothings seems to talk about working with data in a specific page of memory.

My questions are:

Can Go do this?

If Go can't do this, is this something that C or C++ can do?

If none of Go, C, or C++ can do that, perhaps I'm not understanding what the author means by working with memory at the page level, how should I be thinking about it?

If necessary, please let me know of any further detail that needs to added to the question.

Excerpt from the book

Context is that we're talking about implementing B-Trees and grouping nodes in pages. This is found in chapter 2, section titled "On-Disk Structures"

> PAGED BINARY TREES Laying out a binary tree by grouping nodes into
> pages, as Figure 2-6 shows, improves the situation with locality. To
> find the next node, it’s only necessary to follow a pointer in an
> already fetched page. However, there’s still some overhead incurred by
> the nodes and pointers between them. Laying the structure out on disk
> and its further maintenance are nontrivial endeavors, especially if
> keys and values are not presorted and added in random order. Balancing
> requires page reorganization, which in turn causes pointer updates.

It also provides this image:


得分: 3

这本书讨论的是“On-Disk Structures”(磁盘上的结构)。在这个上下文中,Page(页)简单地指的是一块数据块。磁盘访问以扇区或簇为单位进行,因此数据应该被优化为尽可能适应这些块的局部性。数据库文件设计的挑战在于将数据的时间局部性转化为空间局部性。


在x86上,用户空间虚拟内存以4 KB的页面组织。

这意味着当处理大量数据时,值得使用大小为4 KB的内存区域,并对齐到4 KB的倍数。


但Go语言更进一步 - 它已经将大数组至少对齐到页面大小(在Mac、BSD、Linux和Windows上)。

func main() {
    buf := make([]byte, 1024*1024)
    fmt.Printf("%p\n", unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))




> offset = (alignment - base) & (alignment - 1)

func main() {
    buf := make([]byte, 1024*1024 + 4096 - 1)
    base := unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
    offset := (4096 - uintptr(base)) & (4096 - 1)
    aligned := buf[offset:]
    fmt.Printf("base   : %p\n", unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
    fmt.Printf("aligned: %p\n", unsafe.Pointer(&aligned[0]))


* 一些平台支持2MB和1GB的大页面。Go会在可用时自动使用它们。


The book is talking about "On-Disk Structures". Page in this context simply means a block of data. Disk access works in sectors or clusters, so the data should be optimized for locality in order to fit in those blocks as best as possible. The challenge in database file design is to translate data's temporal locality into spatial locality.

But the concept can apply to RAM, too. Working at page level in user-space virtual memory simply means being aware of the underlying memory architecture, and optimizing for it.

On x86, user-space virtual memory is organized in pages of 4 KB*.

That means that when working with large amounts of data, it can be worthwhile to work with memory regions which are a multiple of 4 KB, aligned to 4 KB.

In C there are many ways to achieve that, e.g. aligned_alloc.

But Go goes further - it already aligns large arrays at least on page size (on Mac, BSD, Linux and Windows).

func main() {
	buf := make([]byte, 1024*1024)
	fmt.Printf("%p\n", unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))

Will print something like:


And in case you encounter an implementation that doesn't, you can always align a byte slice "manually" by allocating PageSize-1 extra bytes and then skipping the bytes at the beginning which do not start at a multiple of PageSize, using the alignment formula:

> offset = (alignment - base) & (alignment - 1)

func main() {
	buf := make([]byte, 1024*1024 + 4096 - 1)
	base := unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
	offset := (4096 - uintptr(base)) & (4096 - 1)
	aligned := buf[offset:]
	fmt.Printf("base   : %p\n", unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
	fmt.Printf("aligned: %p\n", unsafe.Pointer(&aligned[0]))

(can't think of a platform where the above would print different values)

* Some platforms have large page support for 2MB and 1GB pages. Go uses those automatically when available.


得分: 1






I might be missing something,
but working with Physical memory (in contrary to Virtual memory) is not a Language feature, but of the OS.
So the answer to your question is: Yes, Go can do this too.

Each operating system provides methods to work with the actual address space,
These services require elevated permissions and come as Driver/Kernel-Module
and using this access for Memory Mapped IO or pre-allocating block of physical memory to work with (before the MMI uses it as paged memory).

I guess pre-allocating memory block on system load (by driver) and working with that is what you wish to do.

If you intend to access "Virtual Memory" on the "Physical Memory" I'd discourage you and say that it is an extremely delicate and fragile mechanics and unless you find a HUGE advantage for doing so, I cant see any justification of going down this road.

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年7月3日 04:11:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/68230802.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
