How to collect values from a channel into a slice in Go?

huangapple go评论78阅读模式

How to collect values from a channel into a slice in Go?


假设我有一个辅助函数 helper(n int),它返回一个长度可变的整数切片。我想要并行运行 helper(n),并收集输出结果到一个大的切片中。我首次尝试的代码如下:

package main

import (


func main() {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	ch := make(chan int)

	go func() {
		for i := range ch {
			out = append(out, i)

	g := new(errgroup.Group)
	for n := 2; n <= 3; n++ {
		n := n
		g.Go(func() error {
			for _, i := range helper(n) {
				ch <- i
			return nil
	if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {

	// time.Sleep(time.Second)
	fmt.Println(out) // 应该包含与 [0 1 0 1 2] 相同的元素

func helper(n int) []int {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		out = append(out, i)
	return out


[0 1 0 1]

(如果我取消注释 time.Sleep,我会得到所有五个值 [0 1 2 0 1],但这不是一个可接受的解决方案)。

看起来问题在于 out 在一个 goroutine 中被更新,但是 main 函数在更新完成之前就返回了。


func main() {
	ch := make(chan int, 5)

	g := new(errgroup.Group)
	for n := 2; n <= 3; n++ {
		n := n
		g.Go(func() error {
			for _, i := range helper(n) {
				ch <- i
			return nil
	if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {

	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := range ch {
		out = append(out, i)

	fmt.Println(out) // 应该包含与 [0 1 0 1 2] 相同的元素



Suppose I have a helper function helper(n int) which returns a slice of integers of variable length. I would like to run helper(n) in parallel for various values of n and collect the output in one big slice. My first attempt at this is the following:

package main

import (


func main() {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	ch := make(chan int)

	go func() {
		for i := range ch {
			out = append(out, i)

	g := new(errgroup.Group)
	for n := 2; n &lt;= 3; n++ {
		n := n
		g.Go(func() error {
			for _, i := range helper(n) {
				ch &lt;- i
			return nil
	if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {

	// time.Sleep(time.Second)
	fmt.Println(out) // should have the same elements as [0 1 0 1 2]

func helper(n int) []int {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := 0; i &lt; n; i++ {
		out = append(out, i)
	return out

However, if I run this example I do not get all 5 expected values, instead I get

[0 1 0 1]

(If I uncomment the time.Sleep I do get all five values, [0 1 2 0 1], but this is not an acceptable solution).

It seems that the problem with this is that out is being updated in a goroutine, but the main function returns before it is done updating.

One thing that would work is using a buffered channel of size 5:

func main() {
	ch := make(chan int, 5)

	g := new(errgroup.Group)
	for n := 2; n &lt;= 3; n++ {
		n := n
		g.Go(func() error {
			for _, i := range helper(n) {
				ch &lt;- i
			return nil
	if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {

	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := range ch {
		out = append(out, i)

	fmt.Println(out) // should have the same elements as [0 1 0 1 2]

However, although in this simplified example I know what the size of the output should be, in my actual application this is not known a priori. Essentially what I would like is an 'infinite' buffer such that sending to the channel never blocks, or a more idiomatic way to achieve the same thing; I've read but wasn't able to find a close match to my use case. Any ideas?


得分: 2




package main

import (


func main() {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	ch := make(chan int)

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		for i := range ch {
			out = append(out, i)

	g := new(errgroup.Group)
	for n := 2; n <= 3; n++ {
		n := n
		g.Go(func() error {
			for _, i := range helper(n) {
				ch <- i
			return nil
	if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {

	// time.Sleep(time.Second)
	fmt.Println(out) // 应该与 [0 1 0 1 2] 有相同的元素

func helper(n int) []int {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		out = append(out, i)
	return out



In this version of the code, the execution is blocked until ch is closed.

ch is always closed at the end of a routine that is responsible to push into ch. Because the program pushes to ch in a routine, it is not needed to use a buffered channel.

package main

import (


func main() {
	ch := make(chan int)

	go func() {
		g := new(errgroup.Group)
		for n := 2; n &lt;= 3; n++ {
			n := n
			g.Go(func() error {
				for _, i := range helper(n) {
					ch &lt;- i
				return nil
		if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {

	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := range ch {
		out = append(out, i)

	fmt.Println(out) // should have the same elements as [0 1 0 1 2]

func helper(n int) []int {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := 0; i &lt; n; i++ {
		out = append(out, i)
	return out

Here is the fixed version of the first code, it is convoluted but demonstrates the usage of sync.WaitGroup.

package main

import (


func main() {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	ch := make(chan int)

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		for i := range ch {
			out = append(out, i)

	g := new(errgroup.Group)
	for n := 2; n &lt;= 3; n++ {
		n := n
		g.Go(func() error {
			for _, i := range helper(n) {
				ch &lt;- i
			return nil
	if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {

	// time.Sleep(time.Second)
	fmt.Println(out) // should have the same elements as [0 1 0 1 2]

func helper(n int) []int {
	out := make([]int, 0)
	for i := 0; i &lt; n; i++ {
		out = append(out, i)
	return out

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年6月30日 21:08:54
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